2 research outputs found

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Municipios de Pasto, Ipiales y Taminango.

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    El presente trabajo es el resultado del an谩lisis que se hace a profundidad de algunos de los escenarios de violencia que actualmente se vive en el pa铆s. En primera instancia se realiza un acercamiento al enfoque narrativo y an谩lisis de relatos mediante la lectura de los diferentes referentes te贸ricos y el documento VOCES: Relatos de violencia y esperanza en Colombia, en donde se plasman 5 historias en las cuales se proyectan varios acontecimientos de como la violencia se ha ido apoderando de las comunidades m谩s vulnerables del pa铆s. El relato No.2 Camilo, expone situaciones impactantes que atentan con libre desarrollo de los individuos, violando sus derechos, maltratando su integridad f铆sica y psicol贸gica, atentando contra quienes se proyectan como el futuro y la esperanza del pa铆s, los ni帽os y adolescentes. A partir del relato de Camilo, fue necesario el reconocimiento y formulaci贸n de preguntas pertinentes orientadas hacia un acercamiento psicosocial 茅tico y proactivo. Dentro de la intervenci贸n psicosocial con comunidades que fueron expuestas a situaciones traum谩ticas como las del caso de Cacarica, se hace necesario generar espacios de acompa帽amiento en donde las victimas puedan expresar lo vivido, ya que, el relato de sus historias y an茅cdotas permiten la apertura de emociones y sentimientos que generan una acci贸n liberadora y emancipadora del sufrimiento y dolor y que trae como consecuencia el bloqueo y estancamiento del progreso. Dentro de esta misma l铆nea, se anexa al presente documento el Informe anal铆tico y reflexivo de la experiencia vivida en cuanto al desarrollo del ejercicio foto voz, que se realiz贸, con el fin de obtener informaci贸n importante que nos acerquen a la creaci贸n e implementaci贸n de estrategias en pro de mejorar la calidad de vida de las comunidadesThis work is the result of an in-depth analysis of some of the violence scenarios that are currently being lived in the country. In the first instance, an approach to the narrative approach and analysis of stories is made by reading the different theoretical references and the document VOCES: Stories of violence and hope in Colombia, where 5 stories are captured in which several events are projected as Violence has been taking over the most vulnerable communities in the country. The story No.2 Camilo, exposes shocking situations that threaten the free development of individuals, violating their rights, mistreating their physical and psychological integrity, undermining those who project themselves as the future and hope of the country, children and adolescents. Based on Camilos account, it was necessary to recognize and formulate pertinent questions oriented towards an ethical and proactive psychosocial approach. Within the psychosocial intervention with communities that were exposed to traumatic situations such as those in the case of Cacarica, it is necessary to generate accompaniment spaces where victims can express what they have lived, since, the story of their stories and anecdotes allow the opening of emotions and feelings that generate a liberating and emancipatory action of suffering and pain and that results in the blocking and stagnation of progress. Within this same line, the analytical and reflective report of the experience lived in the development of the photo voice exercise, which was carried out, is attached to this document, in order to obtain important information that will bring us closer to the creation and implementation of strategies in favor of improving the quality of life of the communitie

    Association between education about organ transplantation aimed at medical students and the acquisition of the organ donor card. A cross-sectional study

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    Background. The transplantation group of the National University of Colombia considers that education about transplants is important to raise the donation rate in this country. Objective. To find a statistical association between education about transplantation aimed at medical students and the number of students and their families bearing the organ donor card. Materials and methods. Cross-sectional analytical study. Two surveys were designed and sent to two different student populations. The first group had taken the course "Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation", and the second group was composed of students from the fifth semester of medical education. The statistical test used was difference of proportions, sample size of 50 people, statistical power of 80%, difference in proportions 20%, alpha 0.05, p <0.05. Results. The surveys were answered by 29 students from first group and 74 students from second group. First question: "Do you carry the organ donor card?", p-value of 0.03 found. Second question: "Do your family members carry the organ donor card?", p-value of 0.732 found. Affirmative answer to the first question, p=0.10 and answer to second question, p=0.0005. Conclusion. An association was found between education about transplantation focused on medical students and bearing the organ donor card and communicating their wishes to their families. Likewise, an association between education and a positive attitude toward donation was found in the families of students that participated on the course "Human Organ and Tissue Transplantation"