11 research outputs found

    Detecting axion dark matter beyond the magnetoquasistatic approximation

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    A number of proposals have been put forward for detecting axion dark matter (DM) with grand unification scale decay constants that rely on the conversion of coherent DM axions to oscillating magnetic fields in the presence of static, laboratory magnetic fields. Crucially, such experiments \unicode{x2013} including ABRACADABRA \unicode{x2013} have to-date worked in the limit that the axion Compton wavelength is larger than the size of the experiment, which allows one to take a magnetoquasistatic (MQS) approach to modeling the axion signal. We use finite element methods to solve the coupled axion-electromagnetism equations of motion without assuming the MQS approximation. We show that the MQS approximation becomes a poor approximation at frequencies two orders of magnitude lower than the naive MQS limit. Radiation losses diminish the quality factor of an otherwise high-QQ resonant readout circuit, though this may be mitigated through shielding and minimizing lossy materials. Additionally, self-resonances associated with the detector geometry change the reactive properties of the pickup system, leading to two generic features beyond MQS: there are frequencies that require an inductive rather than capacitive tuning to maintain resonance, and the detector itself becomes a multi-pole resonator at high frequencies. Accounting for these features, competitive sensitivity to the axion-photon coupling may be extended well beyond the naive MQS limit.Comment: 6+5 pages, 3+9 figure

    Signatures of Primordial Energy Injection from Axion Strings

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    Axion strings are horizon-size topological defects that may be produced in the early Universe. Ultra-light axion-like particles may form strings that persist to temperatures below that of big bang nucleosynthesis. Such strings have been considered previously as sources of gravitational waves and cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization rotation. In this work we show, through analytic arguments and dedicated adaptive mesh refinement cosmological simulations, that axion strings deposit a sub-dominant fraction of their energy into high-energy Standard Model (SM) final states, for example, by the direct production of heavy radial modes that subsequently decay to SM particles. This high-energy SM radiation is absorbed by the primordial plasma, leading to novel signatures in precision big bang nucleosynthesis, the CMB power spectrum, and gamma-ray surveys. In particular, we show that CMB power spectrum data constrains axion strings with decay constants fa≲1012f_a \lesssim 10^{12} GeV, up to model dependence on the ultraviolet completion, for axion masses ma≲10−29m_a \lesssim 10^{-29} eV; future CMB surveys could find striking evidence of axion strings with lower decay constants.Comment: 30 pages, 20 figures, Supplementary Animations at https://goo.by/qHk9d, Video Abstract at https://youtu.be/Ae4AR46qKn


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    The paper provides new empirical evidence on the positive link between corporate social responsibility and income growth. Using available data for 26 countries over 2000–2008 we investigate cross-country growth differences by adding new variable (corporate social responsibility) to the standard growth regression model. We show that corporate social responsibility impact on growth is statistically significant but limited in size. Moreover, the inclusion of corporate social responsibility variable improves the fit of the regression. Countries with higher corporate social responsibility penetration as India achieve higher income growth rates. Evidence of the positive link between corporate social responsibility presented in this study encourage but further research on mechanism how socially responsible behavior affects growth is necessary

    The Courts and Public School Finance: Judge-Made Centralization and Economic Research

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    Information Avoidance

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    Experimental Analysis of Neighborhood Effects on Youth

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