7 research outputs found

    The Mediterranean Island Wetlands (MedIsWet) inventory: strengths and shortfalls of the currently available floristic data

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    MedIsWet (Conservation of the island wetlands of the Mediterranean Basin) is a MAVA funded project which aims at investigating all seasonal or permanent island wetlands both natural and artificial, with a minimum extent of 0.1 hectares. More than 16,000 wetlands from almost all the Mediterranean, including islands from France, Italy, Malta, Croatia, Cyprus, Tunisia, Turkey, Greece and Spain were mapped. Over 2,500 of them were inventoried in the field and more than 500 scientific contributions catalogued. In total, more than 35,000 plant occurrences were uploaded, in a standardised and comparable way, on the national open-source web portals. These can be related to the recorded threats, uses and other spatially retrievable information. Here, we show strengths and shortfalls of the already available information about the floristic records. Although further improvements are needed, we discuss how these data can be used for research and policy actions and to develop conservation projects

    Oncocytome renal geant

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    No Abstract. African Journal of Urology Vol. 12 (3) 2006: 161-16

    Traitement endoscopique d\'une urétérohydronéphrose par compression urétérale au cours de la maladie de Crohn

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    Il s\'agit d\'une patiente âgée de 38 ans suivie pour maladie de Crohn, qui a présenté une urétérohydronéphrose droite en rapport avec une compression extrinsèque à la suite d\'une poussée infl ammatoire iléo-coecale. Une prise en charge endoscopique a été décidée. Le rein droit a été drainé par une sonde de néphrostomie percutanée, puis une sonde double J a été mise en place de manière antégrade et une corticothérapie conjointement débutée. L\'évolution clinique a été favorable sous traitement médical et la sonde double J a pu être enlevée 4 mois plus tard. Deux ans après la poussée infl ammatoire iléo-coecale, la patiente n\'a pas présenté de récidive de son urétérohydronéphrose droite.African Journal of Urology Vol. 14 (1) 2008: pp. 54-5

    Prise en charge des abces prostatiques: A propos de 47 observations

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    No Abstract. African Journal of Urology Vol. 12 (3) 2006: 146-15

    Bilateral renal infarction following atrial fibrillation and thromboembolism and presenting as acute abdominal pain: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Renal infarct is rare and often misdiagnosed because the symptoms are misleading. The mechanisms are various, mainly thrombotic and embolic.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In this review, we report the case of a 61-year-old Tunisian woman presented to the emergency unit with a 4-hour history of abdominal pain diffused at both flanks, ultrasounds was performed to remove a surgical emergency, showed a peri-renal fluid collection with heterogeneous parenchyma.</p> <p>We followed by a CT scan, which confirmed the diagnosis of renal infarct. The patient was treated by heparin at a curative dose, and the outcome was favorable.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Diagnosis is difficult and should be considered in patients with inexplicable flank or abdominal pain and with risk factors to this disease. Our purpose is to raise clinician’s awareness for this condition so that they will be more likely to diagnose it. This will facilitate prompt diagnosis and treatment.</p> <p>A review of the literature was performed and the case is discussed in the context of the current knowledge of this condition.</p