20 research outputs found

    Nuove ricerche tuniso-italiane al teatro romano di Althiburos

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    Nuove indagini archeologiche condotte dall'Universit\ue0 di Macerata e dall'institut National du Patrimoine di Tunisi presso il teatro romano di Althiburos (Tunisia)

    Techniques de construction traditionnelles et techniques romaines dans le théâtre d’Althiburos et les monuments de spectacle de l’Afrique Proconsulaire

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    The contribution aims to study the relationship between the traditional construction techniques of the territories of Proconsular Africa and those imported by the Romans and used in the construction of entertainment buildings, in particular theaters and amphitheatres, also taking into account the importation of typological models, starting from the “case study” of the theater of Althiburos. During the 1st and 2nd centuries AD there is a gradual introduction of Roman construction techniques, such as the opus caemaenticium, especially in the construction of substructures and vaults, sometimes with the importation of urban models, of techniques but also of Italic workers (just think of the opus reticulatum of the amphitheater of Carthage), at the same time, we also generally observe the continuous use of traditional construction techniques (in particular the opus quadratum, with stonecutting techniques that have their roots in the Punic and Hellenistic world)