38 research outputs found

    Illustration of 1D and 2D cellular automaton models for repeatedly triggered autowaves.

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    <p>The 1D system consists of a linear row (x-direction) of <i>N</i> = 100 cells. States are decoded by color (0: white, 1: light blue, 2: dark blue). Each line corresponds to a global wave event. The 2D system consists of a hexagonal lattice. With a probability of <i>q</i> = 0.02, a resting cell is spontaneously excited (state 0 → state 1). This corresponds to the tips of triangular shapes in the space-time diagram of the 1D system. Two autowaves merge and annihilate when the wavefronts touch, resulting in an inverse tip or valley.</p

    Distribution of effective triggering intervals in the linear medium model.

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    <p>There are two separate peaks visible in the histogram: one centered around 80, corresponding to that of the Greenberg-Hasting model, and one around zero. The inset shows two wavefronts passing through each other.</p

    Dependence of the effective triggering rate <i>R</i><sub>eff</sub> on the system size <i>N</i> for a fixed spontaneous triggering probability <i>q</i> = 0.01.

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    <p>1D corresponds to a 1 × <i>N</i> array, 2D corresponds to a <math><mrow><msqrt><mi>N</mi></msqrt><mo>×</mo><msqrt><mi>N</mi></msqrt></mrow></math> array of hexagonal cells. The inset shows the dependence of <i>R</i><sub>eff</sub> on <i>q</i> for a fixed number of cells <i>N</i> = 100.</p

    Mean (top) and standard deviation (bottom) of the distributions <i>p</i>(<i>T</i><sub>eff</sub>) of the effective triggering intervals, for gamma distributed spontaneous triggering distributions <i>p</i>(<i>T</i><sub>spon</sub>) with a mean of 100 and standard deviations of 10 (blue), 5 (magenta) and 2.5 (cyan).

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    <p>For a large number of cells <i>N</i>, the mean and the standard deviation of <i>p</i>(<i>T</i><sub>eff</sub>) both saturate at a value below the mean and standard deviation of <i>p</i>(<i>T</i><sub>spon</sub>).</p

    Rat & phantom MRI data

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    This file contains the raw data (not the k-space, but the reconstructed magnitude and phase data) of the MR measurements

    Bright-field image of MDA-MB-231 cells in culture with internalized iron oxide nanoparticles.

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    <p>Bright-field image of MDA-MB-231 cells in culture with internalized iron oxide nanoparticles.</p

    Results of the SVM-based localization method for the <i>in-vivo</i> study.

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    <p>A: Cross-section of a 3D reconstruction of the rat’s pelvis together with a rendering of the total volume of identified cancer cell aggregates. 500.000 CC531 cells labeled with 30 <i>μ</i>g SPIO were injected in the left rear limb (a), 500.000 R1H cells labeled with 50 <i>μ</i>g SPIO in the right rear limb (b). The injection volume was 50 <i>μ</i>l for both, a and b. B: Cross-section of a rat pelvis. The MR magnitude signal is displayed in grayscale, the <i>Fe</i><sub>2</sub><i>O</i><sub>3</sub> concentration of labeled cells is color-coded. The colorbar applies to A and B.</p

    Overview of the features extracted from the image data of the <i>in-vivo</i> study.

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    <p>Overview of the features extracted from the image data of the <i>in-vivo</i> study.</p

    Overlay of the MRI magnitude data (grayscale) and SVM results (color-coded).

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    <p>A: Iron oxide concentration map for the training phantom. B: Iron oxide concentration map for the test phantom. The image was registered to the training phantom. C: <i>False positive</i> voxels (<math><mo>=</mo><mo>^</mo></math> voxels that are falsely classified as <i>containing labeled cells</i>) in the test phantom (data from B). D: <i>False negative</i> voxels (<math><mo>=</mo><mo>^</mo></math> voxels that are falsely classified as <i>not containing labeled cells</i>) in the test phantom (data from B).</p

    Overlay of the MRI magnitude data (grayscale) and the results of the SVM-based localization method for an agarose block phantom (color-coded).

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    <p>A: Result of the C-SVC in the medial plane of the block phantom. Voxels classified as <i>containing labeled cells</i> are colored in blue. B: Corresponding iron oxide concentration map. C: 3D concentration map with corner-cut. The colorbar applies to B and C.</p