10 research outputs found

    A comparative analysis of the effect of light and temperature on the Drosophila clock

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    Temperature controls the entrainment of Drosophila melanogaster locomotor activity to different seasonal conditions through the regulation of splicing of the intron within the 3' UTR of period (per) mRNA. This analysis of per 3' splicing and behaviour in different genetic backgrounds revealed that at low temperatures per splicing is regulated primarily by the light input received via the visual system. At higher temperatures, regulation is more stringent, requiring the visual system input during the day and the circadian clock at night. This is surprisingly as cryptochome is assumed to be a circadian photoreceptor, yet regulates splicing primarily as a clock component. Conversely, the visual component, no-receptor-potential-A, appears to have an additional circadian role, probably in thermosensitivity, as a mutation generated levels of 3' splicing that could not be explained by its effect on the visual pathway.;This work also resulted in the identification of a unique circadian phenotype. per01; cryb mutants display an evening activity peak anticipating 'lights off' in light: dark cycles, which should be clock dependent, yet are arrhythmic under constant conditions, signifying the absence of a clock. This anticipation is not seen in tim01; cryb mutants, so is probably the result of the light dependent degradation of TIMELESS (TIM). Therefore, as per01; cryb flies have residual clock function even in the absence of PER, there must be a PER-independent role for TIM.;Finally, the per gene determines species-specific locomotor behaviour. This is not down to differential per splicing as an examination of D. pseudoobscura and D. virilis failed to discover regulated per splicing in either species. Instead, species-specific differences in behaviour seem to be determined by altered patterns of per mRNA expression. Thus, light and temperature sensitive per splicing has evolved in D. melanogaster, allowing it to 'fine tune' behaviour to the wide variety of habitats it occupies

    Differentially Timed Extracellular Signals Synchronize Pacemaker Neuron Clocks

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    <div><p>Synchronized neuronal activity is vital for complex processes like behavior. Circadian pacemaker neurons offer an unusual opportunity to study synchrony as their molecular clocks oscillate in phase over an extended timeframe (24 h). To identify where, when, and how synchronizing signals are perceived, we first studied the minimal clock neural circuit in <i>Drosophila</i> larvae, manipulating either the four master pacemaker neurons (LN<sub>v</sub>s) or two dorsal clock neurons (DN<sub>1</sub>s). Unexpectedly, we found that the PDF Receptor (PdfR) is required in both LN<sub>v</sub>s and DN<sub>1</sub>s to maintain synchronized LN<sub>v</sub> clocks. We also found that glutamate is a second synchronizing signal that is released from DN<sub>1</sub>s and perceived in LN<sub>v</sub>s via the metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluRA). Because simultaneously reducing <i>Pdfr</i> and <i>mGluRA</i> expression in LN<sub>v</sub>s severely dampened Timeless clock protein oscillations, we conclude that the master pacemaker LN<sub>v</sub>s require extracellular signals to function normally. These two synchronizing signals are released at opposite times of day and drive cAMP oscillations in LN<sub>v</sub>s. Finally we found that PdfR and mGluRA also help synchronize Timeless oscillations in adult s-LN<sub>v</sub>s. We propose that differentially timed signals that drive cAMP oscillations and synchronize pacemaker neurons in circadian neural circuits will be conserved across species.</p></div

    Model for regulation of cAMP levels and the molecular clock in clock neurons.

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    <p>Black arrows and text show established pathways; grey arrows and text reflect pathways inferred but not yet demonstrated. Left panel: In LN<sub>v</sub>s, PDF signals via PDFR and Gα/AC3 to boost intracellular cAMP <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959-Mertens1" target="_blank">[18]</a>–<a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959-Duvall1" target="_blank">[21]</a>. In this study, we show that glutamate (glu) signals received via mGluRA reduce cAMP levels, likely by inhibiting AC3. Differentially timed release of PDF and glutamate signals results in cAMP rhythms. PKA responds to cAMP to increase stability of the PER/TIM dimer via PER <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959-Li1" target="_blank">[46]</a> and likely also via TIM (data here and inferred from non-LN<sub>v</sub>s <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959-Seluzicki1" target="_blank">[45]</a>). Right panel: In non-LN<sub>v</sub> clock neurons, PDF signals via PDFR through Gα and unknown Adenyl cyclase(s) (AC) to boost intracellular cAMP. By analogy with what we show here for LN<sub>v</sub>s, we propose that an inhibitory signal released at a different time of day from PDF inhibits AC activity to generate a cAMP rhythm in non-LN<sub>v</sub>s. PKA responds to cAMP to increase stability of the PER/TIM dimer through TIM <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959-Seluzicki1" target="_blank">[45]</a> and likely also PER (by analogy with LN<sub>v</sub>s <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959-Li1" target="_blank">[46]</a>).</p

    PdfR and mGluRA are required in LN<sub>v</sub>s for normal evening activity and timing of sleep onset.

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    <p>All experimental lines and <i>Pdf>+</i>control larvae also include <i>UAS-Dcr-2</i> for RNAi experiments, but this is omitted from written genotypes for simplicity. Error bars show SEM. *** <i>p</i><0.001. (A) Locomotor activity was recorded for 3–4 days in LD cycles, followed by 10 days in DD (shaded area of actograms). Representative actograms are shown for <i>Pdf>+</i> control flies and for <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> and <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup>+mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> experimental flies. (B) Graphs show average locomotor activity over the first 5 days in DD. Each panel shows two control genotypes: <i>Pdf>+</i> (blue, <i>n</i> = 19) and <i>+/UAS-mGluRA<sup>RNAI</sup></i>; +/<i>UAS-Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (green, <i>n</i> = 26). Experimental genotypes are shown in red. Top left: <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (<i>n</i> = 37). Top right: <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (<i>n</i> = 54). Bottom left: <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (<i>n</i> = 33). Bottom right: <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup>+mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (<i>n</i> = 37). Activity between ∼CT6 and 18 is elevated in <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, and <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup>+mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> flies compared to controls or <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i>. (C) Histogram shows the average sleep latency on the first day in DD. <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup>+mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> flies show significantly increased sleep latency compared to <i>Pdf>+</i>, <i>+/UAS-mGluRA<sup>RNAI</sup></i>; +/<i>UAS-Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, and <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> controls (ANOVA F = 6.83, <i>p</i> = 0.0003).</p

    PDF and glutamate signal at different times of day to regulate LN<sub>v</sub> cAMP levels.

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    <p>Statistical comparisons are by ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test, unless otherwise stated. Desynchrony data were calculated from three independent experiments, each consisting of at least three brains. Total number of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters analyzed are in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959.s010" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. Error bars show SEM. Whiskers represent 95% confidence. * <i>p</i><0.05; ** <i>p</i><0.01; *** <i>p</i><0.005. (A–C) Larvae were subjected to a heat pulse (6 hours at 31°C) from either CT9 to CT15 on day 2 (CT12 shift) or from CT21 on day 2 to CT3 on day 3 of DD (CT24 shift). Larvae were then dissected at CT3 on day 3 of DD and immunostained with αTIM (red), αPDP1 (blue), and αPDF (green). (A) Representative images of control (+/<i>UAS-Shi<sup>ts</sup></i>) LN<sub>v</sub>s or LN<sub>v</sub>s of larvae expressing the temperature-sensitive allele of <i>Shibire</i> in DN<sub>1</sub>s (<i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Shi<sup>ts</sup></i>). At 31°C, <i>Shi<sup>ts</sup></i> is inactive, blocking synaptic transmission. Left: Effect of heat pulse at CT12. Right: Effect of heat pulse at CT24/0. (B) Histograms showing the percentage of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters where TIM was detected in either none or all four of the four LN<sub>v</sub>s (“synchronized,” green bars) or in one, two, or three LN<sub>v</sub>s (desynchronized, red bars). (C) Desynchrony was quantified as in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio-1001959-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a> by measuring ST DEV in TIM expression. A CT12 heat pulse significantly increased ST DEV of TIM expression in <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Shi<sup>ts</sup></i> brains compared to controls and to <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Shi<sup>ts</sup></i> larval brains with a CT24 heat pulse (F<sub>3,60</sub> = 6.423, <i>p</i> = 0.0008). (D) Larval LN<sub>v</sub>s were immunostained for TIM at ZT3 and CT3 on days 1 and 2 of DD in Control (<i>+/UAS-Dti</i>), <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i>, and <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> mutants. DN<sub>1</sub> ablation and <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> mutants do not affect LN<sub>v</sub> TIM levels at ZT3 (F<sub>3,41</sub> = 1.53, <i>p</i> = 0.22). On the first day of DD, only <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> increases TIM expression in LN<sub>v</sub>s (F<sub>3,51</sub> = 11.43, <i>p</i><0.0001). <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i> increases TIM levels in LN<sub>v</sub>s on day 2 in DD (Student's <i>t</i> test, <i>p</i> = 0.0004). (E) Desynchrony of LN<sub>v</sub>s in LD and on days 1 and 2 of DD was quantified by measuring ST DEV of TIM expression in Control (<i>+/UAS-Dti</i>), <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i>, and <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> mutants. The STDEV in TIM is significantly higher in <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> LN<sub>v</sub>s compared to control or <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i> LN<sub>v</sub>s on the first day of DD, reflecting increased desynchrony (F<sub>2,38</sub> = 16.48, <i>p</i><0.0001). <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i> increases desynchrony as measured by TIM ST DEV only on day 2 in DD (Student's <i>t</i> test, <i>p</i> = 0.019).</p

    mGluRA and PdfR regulate intracellular cAMP.

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    <p>Statistical comparisons are by ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test. Error bars show SEM. Whiskers represent 95% confidence. * <i>p</i><0.05; ** <i>p</i><0.01; *** <i>p</i><0.001; **** <i>p</i><0.0001. (A) Larvae were dissected and analyzed on day 2 in DD. CFP and YFP levels were measured in the projections of <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i> LN<sub>v</sub>s. The ratio of CFP/YFP reflects the basal level of cAMP. The CFP/YFP ratio oscillates in control (<i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>) LN<sub>v</sub> projections, peaking at CT24 (ANOVA F<sub>3,62</sub> = 2.933, <i>p</i> = 0.04). There is no significant oscillation in <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (F<sub>3,59</sub> = 0.815, <i>p</i> = 0.49) or <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (F<sub>3,47</sub> = 1.068, <i>p</i> = 0.37). The CFP/YFP ratio is significantly increased at CT12 in <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> compared to control LN<sub>v</sub>s (F<sub>2,38</sub> = 5.021, <i>p</i> = 0.0017) but not in <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, consistent with glutamate signals inhibiting cAMP at CT12. (B) Averaged Epac-1-camps CFP/YFP ratio responses to bath application of 100 nM PDF or vehicle (arrow). The wild-type (<i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>) response to 100 nM PDF is shown in blue, and the wild-type response to vehicle is shown in black. Knockdown of <i>GluCl</i> (<i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, green) had no significant effect on the response to PDF, but knockdown of <i>mGluRA</i> (<i>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, magenta) significantly increased the cAMP response of LN<sub>v</sub>s to PDF. Vehicle traces represent 10 LN<sub>v</sub> cell bodies from five brains (10, 5), wild-type PDF (10, 5), <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> PDF (20, 9), and <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> PDF (27, 12). (C) Comparison of mean maximum Epac-1-camps CFP/YFP ratio changes between 0 and 240 s [dashed line in (B)] [genotypes and sample sizes as in (B)]. Application of 100 nM PDF significantly increased cAMP in LN<sub>v</sub>s of <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i> flies compared to vehicle (<i>p</i><0.0001 by unpaired <i>t</i> tests). PDF responses of <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> LN<sub>v</sub>s were not significantly different from wild-type LN<sub>v</sub>s (<i>p</i> = 0.6217). PDF responses of <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> LN<sub>v</sub>s were significantly higher than wild-type (<i>p</i> = 0.024) and <i>Pdf>Epac1-camps</i>+<i>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (<i>p</i> = 0.0193) LN<sub>v</sub>s. (D) Model: We propose that LN<sub>v</sub>s signal to each other via PDF around dawn. This signal is received by PdfR, which acts via Gαs/AC3 to increase intracellular cAMP. DN<sub>1</sub>s release glutamate around dusk. This signal is received by mGluRA in LN<sub>v</sub>s, which acts via Gαi to inhibit AC3 and reduce intracellular cAMP. Daily regulation of cAMP by external signals promotes robust TIM oscillations and LN<sub>v</sub> synchrony.</p

    A DN<sub>1</sub> glutamate signal mediated via mGluRA synchronizes LN molecular oscillations.

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    <p>All experimental lines and <i>Pdf>+</i>control larvae in RNAi experiments include <i>UAS-Dcr-2</i>, but this is omitted from written genotypes for simplicity. Desynchrony data were calculated from 2–5 independent experiments, each consisting of at least four brains. Total numbers of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters analyzed are in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959.s010" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. * <i>p</i><0.05; *** <i>p</i><0.001. (A and B) Representative images of larval LN<sub>v</sub>s stained for PDF (green), TIM (red), and PDP1 (blue) at CT3 on day 3 in DD. Genotypes in (A) are control(<i>+/UAS-Gad1</i>) and <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Gad1</i> experimental larvae. Genotypes in (B) are control (<i>Pdf>+</i>) and experimental larvae in which <i>GluCl</i> (<i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) or <i>mGluRA</i> (<i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) levels are reduced in LN<sub>v</sub>s, and <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup>/+</i> heterozygous control or <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup></i> mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s. (C) Histograms showing percentage of synchronized (green) or desynchronized (red) LN<sub>v</sub> clusters for TIM (left panel) or PDP1 (right panel) at CT3. Top: 14% of control (<i>+/UAS-Gad1</i>) LN<sub>v</sub> clusters are desynchronized compared to 71% of <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Gad1</i> LN<sub>v</sub> clusters by TIM staining, and 21% of control (<i>+/UAS-Gad1</i>) LN<sub>v</sub> clusters have detectable PDP1 expression compared to 64% in <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Gad1</i> brains. Middle: ∼20% of <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> or +/<i>UAS-mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larval brains have desynchronized TIM levels compared to 62% of <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> brains. Less than 20% of <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> or <i>+/UAS-mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larval brains have detectable PDP1 expression, compared to 71% of <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> brains. Bottom: 50% of <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup></i> mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s show desynchronized TIM expression, compared to 8% of <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup>/</i>+ controls. For PDP1, 29% of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters are desynchronized in <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup></i> mutants, compared to 4% of <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup>/</i>+ controls. In addition, 3/24 <i>mGluRA<sup>112b</sup></i> mutants had all four LN<sub>v</sub>s expressing PDP1 compared to 0/25 control LN<sub>v</sub> clusters. (D) Box plots showing quantification of desynchrony by measuring ST DEV in TIM levels within a cluster in larval LN<sub>v</sub>s in control, <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Gad1</i>, <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i>, and <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larvae at CT3 on day 3 in DD. <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Gad1</i> (Student's <i>t</i> test, <i>p</i> = 0.0004) and <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test, F<sub>2,50</sub> = 5.597, <i>p</i> = 0.0064) significantly increase the ST DEV in TIM levels, reflecting increased LN<sub>v</sub> desynchrony, whereas <i>Pdf>GluCl<sup>RNAi</sup></i> does not (ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test, F<sub>2,39</sub> = 0.93, <i>p</i> = 0.40).</p

    LN<sub>v</sub> and non-LN<sub>v</sub> clock neurons maintain LN<sub>v</sub> synchrony.

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    <p>All experimental lines and <i>Pdf></i>+control larvae in RNAi experiments include <i>UAS-Dcr-2</i>, but this is omitted from written genotypes for simplicity. Desynchrony data were calculated from 3–4 independent experiments, each consisting of at least three but usually five or more brains. Total number of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters analyzed are in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959.s010" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. ** <i>p</i><0.01; *** <i>p</i><0.001. (A) Representative images of LN<sub>v</sub>s in control larvae (<i>+</i>/<i>UAS-Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) or in larvae with reduced <i>Pdfr</i> levels in LN<sub>v</sub>s (<i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) or all clock neurons except LN<sub>v</sub>s (<i>tim-Gal4; Pdf-Gal80</i>><i>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) immunostained for PDF (green), TIM (red), and PDP1 (blue) at CT3 on day 3 in DD. The lower panels for each genotype are the same images with the green channel (PDF) removed and replaced by a dashed white line outlining LN<sub>v</sub>s. (B) Box plots showing the ST DEV in TIM expression as in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio-1001959-g001" target="_blank">Figure 1</a>. Statistical comparisons by ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test show both <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (F<sub>2,49</sub> = 12.33, <i>p</i><0.0001) and <i>tim-Gal4; Pdf-Gal80</i>><i>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (F<sub>2,51</sub> = 8.158, <i>p</i> = 0.0008) significantly increase the ST DEV of TIM levels compared to parental controls, reflecting increased desynchrony. (C) Representative images of larval LN<sub>v</sub>s stained for PDF (green), TIM (red), and PDP1 (blue) at CT3 on day 3 in DD. From left to right, Control <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>+</i>, and +/<i>UAS-Dti</i> LN<sub>v</sub> clusters, and a representative desynchronized <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i> LN<sub>v</sub> cluster. The green channel (PDF) has been removed from the lower panel and replaced by a dashed white outline of LN<sub>v</sub>s. (D) Box plots showing quantification of desynchrony through measurement of ST DEV in TIM expression in larval LN<sub>v</sub>s in control or DN<sub>1</sub> ablated larvae at ZT3, CT3, and CT9. <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i> increases ST DEV at CT 3 compared to both parental controls (ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test, F<sub>2,49</sub> = 10.5, <i>p</i><0.0001). There was no significant difference between <i>DN<sub>1</sub>>Dti</i> and controls at ZT3 (Student's <i>t</i> test, <i>p</i> = 0.35) or CT9 (Student's <i>t</i> test, <i>p</i> = 0.31).</p

    Synchronized TIM and PDP1 oscillations in LN<sub>v</sub>s depend on PDF signaling.

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    <p>Larval LN<sub>v</sub>s were immunostained using TIM, PDP1, and PDF antibodies at CT 9, 15, 21, and 3 on days 2–3 in DD after 4 days prior entrainment to 12∶12 LD cycles. Desynchrony data were calculated from 3–5 independent experiments, each with at least three brains. Error bars represent SEM. For total number of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters analyzed, see <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959.s010" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. * <i>p</i><0.05; ** <i>p</i><0.01; *** <i>p</i><0.001; **** <i>p</i><0.0001. (A) Representative images of <i>y w</i> (Control, top panels), <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> mutants (middle), and <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> mutants (bottom) stained for PDF or GFP (green), TIM (red), and PDP1 (blue). The lower panels for each genotype are the same images with the green channel removed and replaced by a dashed white line outlining the LN<sub>v</sub>s. <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> LN<sub>v</sub>s were identified via anti-GFP antibody staining of a UAS-GFP transgene driven by <i>Pdf-Gal4</i>, and PDP1 was not included in this experiment. (B) TIM immunostaining was quantified in Control (blue), <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> (red), and <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> (green) LN<sub>v</sub>s on days 2 and 3 in DD. TIM oscillates in <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> (ANOVA F<sub>3,37</sub> = 13.68, <i>p</i><0.0001) and <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> (ANOVA F<sub>3,56</sub> = 16.80, <i>p</i><0.0001) mutants. However, there is significantly more TIM at CT3 on day 3 in <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> and <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s than in control LN<sub>v</sub>s (Student's <i>t</i> test, both <i>p</i><0.0001). At CT15, TIM levels are significantly reduced in <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> mutants compared to <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> or control LN<sub>v</sub>s (Student's <i>t</i> test, both <i>p</i><0.0003). (C) PDP1 immunostaining was quantified in LN<sub>v</sub>s of Control (blue) and <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> mutant (red) larval brains on days 2 and 3 in DD. PDP1 oscillates in <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> LN<sub>v</sub>s (ANOVA, F<sub>3,37</sub> = 46.22, <i>p</i><0.0001). PDP1 levels were significantly higher at CT3 on day 3 in <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s than in control LN<sub>v</sub>s (Student's <i>t</i> test, <i>p</i><0.01). (D and E) Histograms show the percentage of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters in which TIM (D) or PDP1 (E) was detected in either none or all four LN<sub>v</sub>s (“synchronized,” green bars) or in one, two, or three LN<sub>v</sub>s (“desynchronized,” red bars). (F and G) To further quantify desynchrony, the standard deviation (ST DEV) in TIM (F) or PDP1 (G) levels within a cluster of control, <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i>, and <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s is shown as a box plot. Statistical comparisons by ANOVA with Tukey's post hoc test reveal significant increases in ST DEV in TIM in <i>Pdf<sup>01</sup></i> (F<sub>3,55</sub> = 26.71, <i>p</i><0.0001) and <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> (F<sub>3,53</sub> = 12.13, <i>p</i><0.0001) mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s compared to control LN<sub>v</sub>s at CT3 but not CT9. The ST DEV in PDP1 in <i>Pdfr<sup>han</sup></i> mutant LN<sub>v</sub>s was also significantly elevated at CT3 but not CT9 (F<sub>3,52</sub> = 5.03, <i>p</i> = 0.004). The box shows the 25th–75th percentile, and whiskers represent the 95% confidence interval.</p

    PdfR and mGluRA promote high-amplitude TIM oscillations and larval behavioral rhythms.

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    <p>All experimental lines and <i>Pdf>+</i>control larvae also include <i>UAS-Dcr-2</i> for RNAi experiments, but this is omitted from written genotypes for simplicity. Desynchrony data were calculated from 2–4 independent experiments, each consisting of at least five brains. Total number of LN<sub>v</sub> clusters analyzed are in <a href="http://www.plosbiology.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001959#pbio.1001959.s010" target="_blank">Table S1</a>. Error bars represent SEM. (A) Representative images of larval LN<sub>v</sub>s at CT 9, 15, 21, and 3 on days 2–3 in DD for control (<i>+/UAS-mGluRA<sup>RNAI</sup></i>; +/<i>UAS-Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) or <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup>+Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larval LN<sub>v</sub>s immunostained for TIM (red), PDP1 (blue), and PDF (green). PDF staining is removed from lower panels, with LN<sub>v</sub>s indicated by a white line. (B) Histogram showing the number of synchronized (green) or desynchronized (red) LN<sub>v</sub> clusters in control (<i>+/UAS-mGluRA<sup>RNAI</sup></i>; +/<i>UAS-Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i>) or <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup>+Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larval brains, determined by TIM staining at CT3. (C) Average TIM levels of control (blue) and <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup>+Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> (green) LN<sub>v</sub>s. TIM oscillations are dampened in <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup>+Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larval LN<sub>v</sub>s (two-way ANOVA significant Genotype effect, F<sub>1,102</sub> = 119.53, <i>p</i><0.0001, and Genotype×Time interaction, F<sub>3,102</sub> = 100.11, <i>p</i><0.0001). (D) Larval light avoidance was measured by counting the number of larvae on the dark side of a Petri dish after 15 min. Light avoidance was assayed on day 2 (CT12, 18, 24) or day 3 (CT6) of DD after prior LD entrainment. Control (<i>Pdf>+</i>) larvae (grey) and <i>Pdf>Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larvae (blue) show similarly phased light avoidance rhythms, peaking at dawn (two-way ANOVA, no Genotype×Time interaction, F<sub>3,22</sub> = 0.31, <i>p</i> = 0.82). <i>Pdf>mGluRA<sup>RNAi</sup>+Pdfr<sup>RNAi</sup></i> larvae lose light avoidance rhythms (ANOVA F = 0.13, <i>p</i> = 0.94).</p