2,421 research outputs found

    Kleinberg Navigation in Fractal Small World Networks

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    We study the Kleinberg problem of navigation in Small World networks when the underlying lattice is a fractal consisting of N>>1 nodes. Our extensive numerical simulations confirm the prediction that most efficient navigation is attained when the length r of long-range links is taken from the distribution P(r)~r^{-alpha}, where alpha=d_f, the fractal dimension of the underlying lattice. We find finite-size corrections to the exponent alpha, proportional to 1/(ln N)^2

    Exact mean first-passage time on the T-graph

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    We consider a simple random walk on the T-fractal and we calculate the exact mean time τg\tau^g to first reach the central node i0i_0. The mean is performed over the set of possible walks from a given origin and over the set of starting points uniformly distributed throughout the sites of the graph, except i0i_0. By means of analytic techniques based on decimation procedures, we find the explicit expression for τg\tau^g as a function of the generation gg and of the volume VV of the underlying fractal. Our results agree with the asymptotic ones already known for diffusion on the T-fractal and, more generally, they are consistent with the standard laws describing diffusion on low-dimensional structures.Comment: 6 page

    Wigner Surmise For Domain Systems

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    In random matrix theory, the spacing distribution functions p(n)(s)p^{(n)}(s) are well fitted by the Wigner surmise and its generalizations. In this approximation the spacing functions are completely described by the behavior of the exact functions in the limits s->0 and s->infinity. Most non equilibrium systems do not have analytical solutions for the spacing distribution and correlation functions. Because of that, we explore the possibility to use the Wigner surmise approximation in these systems. We found that this approximation provides a first approach to the statistical behavior of complex systems, in particular we use it to find an analytical approximation to the nearest neighbor distribution of the annihilation random walk

    Synchronous and Asynchronous Recursive Random Scale-Free Nets

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    We investigate the differences between scale-free recursive nets constructed by a synchronous, deterministic updating rule (e.g., Apollonian nets), versus an asynchronous, random sequential updating rule (e.g., random Apollonian nets). We show that the dramatic discrepancies observed recently for the degree exponent in these two cases result from a biased choice of the units to be updated sequentially in the asynchronous version

    Facilitated diffusion of proteins on chromatin

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    We present a theoretical model of facilitated diffusion of proteins in the cell nucleus. This model, which takes into account the successive binding/unbinding events of proteins to DNA, relies on a fractal description of the chromatin which has been recently evidenced experimentally. Facilitated diffusion is shown quantitatively to be favorable for a fast localization of a target locus by a transcription factor, and even to enable the minimization of the search time by tuning the affinity of the transcription factor with DNA. This study shows the robustness of the facilitated diffusion mechanism, invoked so far only for linear conformations of DNA.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted versio

    Exponents appearing in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion models in one dimension

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    We study the following 1D two-species reaction diffusion model : there is a small concentration of B-particles with diffusion constant DBD_B in an homogenous background of W-particles with diffusion constant DWD_W; two W-particles of the majority species either coagulate (W+WWW+W \longrightarrow W) or annihilate (W+WW+W \longrightarrow \emptyset) with the respective probabilities pc=(q2)/(q1) p_c=(q-2)/(q-1) and pa=1/(q1)p_a=1/(q-1); a B-particle and a W-particle annihilate (W+BW+B \longrightarrow \emptyset) with probability 1. The exponent θ(q,λ=DB/DW)\theta(q,\lambda=D_B/D_W) describing the asymptotic time decay of the minority B-species concentration can be viewed as a generalization of the exponent of persistent spins in the zero-temperature Glauber dynamics of the 1D qq-state Potts model starting from a random initial condition : the W-particles represent domain walls, and the exponent θ(q,λ)\theta(q,\lambda) characterizes the time decay of the probability that a diffusive "spectator" does not meet a domain wall up to time tt. We extend the methods introduced by Derrida, Hakim and Pasquier ({\em Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 75} 751 (1995); Saclay preprint T96/013, to appear in {\em J. Stat. Phys.} (1996)) for the problem of persistent spins, to compute the exponent θ(q,λ)\theta(q,\lambda) in perturbation at first order in (q1)(q-1) for arbitrary λ\lambda and at first order in λ\lambda for arbitrary qq.Comment: 29 pages. The three figures are not included, but are available upon reques

    Memory-induced anomalous dynamics: emergence of diffusion, subdiffusion, and superdiffusion from a single random walk model

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    We present a random walk model that exhibits asymptotic subdiffusive, diffusive, and superdiffusive behavior in different parameter regimes. This appears to be the first instance of a single random walk model leading to all three forms of behavior by simply changing parameter values. Furthermore, the model offers the great advantage of analytic tractability. Our model is non-Markovian in that the next jump of the walker is (probabilistically) determined by the history of past jumps. It also has elements of intermittency in that one possibility at each step is that the walker does not move at all. This rich encompassing scenario arising from a single model provides useful insights into the source of different types of asymptotic behavior

    Diffusion in sparse networks: linear to semi-linear crossover

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    We consider random networks whose dynamics is described by a rate equation, with transition rates wnmw_{nm} that form a symmetric matrix. The long time evolution of the system is characterized by a diffusion coefficient DD. In one dimension it is well known that DD can display an abrupt percolation-like transition from diffusion (D>0D>0) to sub-diffusion (D=0). A question arises whether such a transition happens in higher dimensions. Numerically DD can be evaluated using a resistor network calculation, or optionally it can be deduced from the spectral properties of the system. Contrary to a recent expectation that is based on a renormalization-group analysis, we deduce that DD is finite; suggest an "effective-range-hopping" procedure to evaluate it; and contrast the results with the linear estimate. The same approach is useful for the analysis of networks that are described by quasi-one-dimensional sparse banded matrices.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, proofed as publishe

    Anomalous biased diffusion in a randomly layered medium

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    We present analytical results for the biased diffusion of particles moving under a constant force in a randomly layered medium. The influence of this medium on the particle dynamics is modeled by a piecewise constant random force. The long-time behavior of the particle position is studied in the frame of a continuous-time random walk on a semi-infinite one-dimensional lattice. We formulate the conditions for anomalous diffusion, derive the diffusion laws and analyze their dependence on the particle mass and the distribution of the random force.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Exact calculations of first-passage quantities on recursive networks

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    We present general methods to exactly calculate mean-first passage quantities on self-similar networks defined recursively. In particular, we calculate the mean first-passage time and the splitting probabilities associated to a source and one or several targets; averaged quantities over a given set of sources (e.g., same-connectivity nodes) are also derived. The exact estimate of such quantities highlights the dependency of first-passage processes with respect to the source-target distance, which has recently revealed to be a key parameter to characterize transport in complex media. We explicitly perform calculations for different classes of recursive networks (finitely ramified fractals, scale-free (trans)fractals, non-fractals, mixtures between fractals and non-fractals, non-decimable hierarchical graphs) of arbitrary size. Our approach unifies and significantly extends the available results in the field.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure