5 research outputs found

    Bottom-up participatory prioritization and identification of potential actions and interventions in three A4NH benchmark sites in Vietnam

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    In 2019 given both secondary data and primary data from the partial baseline survey (Huynh et al., 2021), food systems profiles have been developed for each of three A4NH benchmark sites1, covering the rural, peri-urban, and urban areas (Huynh et al., 2020). Through these profiles, a synopsis of the food system was developed to characterize the existing situation, to highlight key food system challenges and to provide a baseline for measuring and monitoring future changes. Additionally, these profiles are considered as an entry point in identifying actionable policy recommendations as well as in prioritizing socio-economic development plans at the local level. Building on these food systems profiles, we recommend future work that documents the engagement process with local stakeholders to prioritize local food systems’ issues and identify possible demandbased actions, interventions, or local policy in three benchmark sites. The policy-engagement process reported on here was carried out from January to December 2020

    Consumption of food away from home in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic scoping review

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    Consumption of food away from home represents an increasing share of people’s food consumption worldwide, although the percentage of food intake that is consumed away from home varies among countries and among individuals. Previous systematic reviews have reported that, overall, consumption away from home negatively affects an individual’s diet and nutritional status. However, these reviews have mainly focused on high-income countries, leaving a gap in knowledge and data for people in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The present review aimed to describe trends in the consumption of food away from home in an apparently healthy population in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and to investigate any associations between this behavior and diet quality, nutritional status, and health outcomes

    The Ethiopian Food System Country Profile

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    The Ethiopian Food System Country Profile: Global and national economy; Macro, mesoand local shocks and stresses (e.g. conflict); Culture, social norms; Political econom

    Bangladesh Food System Profile. Better understanding food systems at country level

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    This Bangladesh food system profile is composed of three main blocks of information: (a) system drivers; (b) system components; and (c) system outcomes. The first main block recognizes how environmental, demographic, technological, political, economic, social, and cultural drivers influence the food system—from production to consumption. The second block considers three components of the system: its actors and activities, the food environment, and consumer behavior. The third block, which is the last, corresponds to the system's outcomes in terms of the nutritional and health status of the population, food security, and the country's environmental and socioeconomic conditions. This profile also presents a comparison of Bangladesh's data against three groups: the country's geographic neighbors (Bhutan, India, Myanmar, and Nepal), countries with similar GDP per capita (Angola, India, Kenya, and Nicaragua), and the world average

    Lanzamiento del Perfil del Sistema Alimentario de Honduras

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    Esta presentación recoge los contenidos presentados durante el lanzamiento del Perfil del Sistema Alimentario de Honduras. Luego de tres años de cruzar información relevante de los diferentes eslabones que conforman el sistema alimentario, se establecieron (en conjunto con actores claves del sistema) 30 indicadores que destacan tanto los aspectos positivos como las oportunidades que tiene Honduras para fortalecer sus sistemas alimientarios. Entre los resultados de este estudio están que el país tiene buena capacidad de producción de alimentos para su población y para compartir con otros países; los hondureños consumen dietas relativamente saludables, en relación con países vecinos; el sistema alimentario genera poco desperdicio y pérdidas de alimentos con una tendencia a reducir aún más; y las condiciones de saneamiento en el país facilitan una alimentación segura. Los resultados obtenidos por la Alianza Bioversity-CIAT en el marco de un proyecto financiado por la Oficina Federal de Agricultura de Suiza (FOAG), se materializan también en un tablero de datos al que se puede acceder a través de internet (https://food-system-country-profiles.cgiar.org/), y que compara los datos de Honduras con un grupo de países vecinos, con otro grupo de países con un Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) similar, y con el promedio mundial