12 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pembibitan Mangrove Bagi Kelompok Peduli Hutan Mangrove Desa Lelilef Waibulan dan Desa Lelilef Sawai

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    Hutan mangrove memegang peranan penting di wilayah pesisir diantaranya sebagai daerah pemijahan dan tempat mencari makan organisme laut. Selain itu, hutan mangrove juga menjaga garis pantai dari ancaman abrasi. Sayangnya keberadaan hutan mangrove di wilayah Kecamatan Weda Tengah khususnya Desa Lelilef Waibulan dan Desa Lelilef Sawai telah mengalami kerusakan. Oleh karenanya perlu dilakukan suatu program rehabilitasi hutan mangrove yang berbasis masyarakat, dimana masyarakat secara aktif terlibat baik dalam tahap perencanaan, pembibitan, penanaman, monitoring dan evaluasi. Pelatihan ini berfokus pada teknik pembibitan buah mangrove sebelum di tanam dengan tujuan memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang memadai tentang cara pembibitan dan penyemaian yang tepat bagi masyarakat khususnya kelompok masyarakat peduli hutan mangrove. Pelatihan berlangsung selama tiga hari dengan metode pemberian teori di kelas dan praktek lapang dilokasi pembibitan. Hasil pelatihan menunjukan bahwa semua peserta cukup memahami materi yang disampaikan. Hal ini terlihat dari cara anggota kelompok mengaplikasikan teori yang diperoleh di kelas dengan praktek lapang. Namun demikian perlu ada rencana tindak lanjut berupa pelatihan cara penanaman, perawatan dan pendampingan untuk kegiatan monitoring dan evaluasi pertumbuhan mangrove

    Etude de la chimiosensibilité de Plasmodium falciparum aux antimalariques dans la ville de Yaoundé (Cameroun)

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    In July 1990, the in vitro chemosensitivity of 22 isolates of Plasmodium falciparum was assessed by an isotopic semi-microtest in Yaounde, Cameroon. Out of them, 54.5% were resistant to chloroquine, 28.6% to amodiaquine, 4.8% to quinine and 4.5% had a decrease of sensitivity to mefloquine. A strong positive correlation between the IC50 of the antimalarial drugs compared by pairs was detected

    Longitudinal study assessing the return of chloroquine susceptibility of Plasmodium falciparum in isolates from travellers returning from West and Central Africa, 2000-2011.

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    BACKGROUND: Chloroquine (CQ) was the main malaria therapy worldwide from the 1940s until the 1990s. Following the emergence of CQ-resistant Plasmodium falciparum, most African countries discontinued the use of CQ, and now promote artemisinin-based combination therapy as the first-line treatment. This change was generally initiated during the last decade in West and Central Africa. The aim of this study is to describe the changes in CQ susceptibility in this African region, using travellers returning from this region as a sentinel system. METHODS: The study was conducted by the Malaria National Reference Centre, France. The database collated the pfcrtK76T molecular marker for CQ susceptibility and the in vitro response to CQ of parasites from travellers' isolates returning from Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast or Cameroon. As a proxy of drug pressure, data regarding CQ intake in febrile children were collated for the study period. Logistic regression models were used to detect trends in the proportions of CQ resistant isolates. RESULTS: A total of 2874 parasite isolates were genotyped between 2000-2011. The prevalence of the pfcrt76T mutant genotype significantly decreased for Senegal (from 78% to 47%), Ivory Coast (from 63% to 37%), Cameroon (from 90% to 59%) and remained stable for Mali. The geometric mean of the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of CQ in vitro susceptibility and the proportion of resistant isolates (defining resistance as an IC50 value > 100 nM) significantly decreased for Senegal (from 86 nM (59%) to 39 nM (25%)), Mali (from 84 nM (50%) to 51 nM (31%)), Ivory Coast (from 75 nM (59%) to 29 nM (16%)) and Cameroon (from 181 nM (75%) to 51 nM (37%)). Both analyses (molecular and in vitro susceptibility) were performed for the 2004-2011 period, after the four countries had officially discontinued CQ and showed an accelerated decline of the resistant isolates for the four countries. Meanwhile, CQ use among children significantly deceased in this region (fixed effects slope = -0.3, p < 10-3). CONCLUSIONS: An increase in CQ susceptibility following official withdrawal of the drug was observed in travellers returning from West and Central African countries. The same trends were observed for molecular and in vitro analysis between 2004-2011 and they correlated to the decrease of the drug pressure