94 research outputs found

    Neuropsychiatric disturbances in atypical Parkinsonian disorders

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    Multiple system atrophy (MSA), progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), and corticobasal degeneration (CBD) are the most common atypical parkinsonisms. These disorders are characterized by varying combinations of autonomic, cerebellar and pyramidal system, and cognitive dysfunctions. In this paper, we reviewed the evidence available on the presence and type of neuropsychiatric disturbances in MSA, PSP, and CBD. A MedLine, Excerpta Medica, PsycLit, PsycInfo, and Index Medicus search was performed to identify all articles published on this topic between 1965 and 2018. Neuropsychiatric disturbances including depression, anxiety, agitation, and behavioral abnormalities have been frequently described in these disorders, with depression as the most frequent disturbance. MSA patients show a higher frequency of depressive disorders when compared to healthy controls. An increased frequency of anxiety disorders has also been reported in some patients, and no studies have investigated apathy. PSP patients may have depression, apathy, disinhibition, and to a lesser extent, anxiety and agitation. In CBD, neuropsychiatric disorders are similar to those present in PSP. Hallucinations and delusions are rarely reported in these disorders. Neuropsychiatric symptoms in MSA, PSP, and CBD do not appear to be related to the severity of motor dysfunction and are one of the main factors that determine a low quality of life. The results suggest that neuropsychiatric disturbances should always be assessed in patients with atypical parkinsonisms

    Does the somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold change over time in focal dystonia?

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    BACKGROUND: The somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) is defined as the shortest interval at which an individual recognizes two stimuli as asynchronous. Some evidence suggests that STDT depends on cortical inhibitory interneurons in the basal ganglia and in primary somatosensory cortex. Several studies have reported that the STDT in patients with dystonia is abnormal. No longitudinal studies have yet investigated whether STDT values in different forms of focal dystonia change during the course of the disease. METHODS: We designed a follow-up study on 25 patients with dystonia (15 with blepharospasm and 10 with cervical dystonia) who were tested twice: upon enrolment and 8 years later. STDT values from dystonic patients at the baseline were also compared with those from a group of 30 age-matched healthy subjects. RESULTS: Our findings show that the abnormally high STDT values observed in patients with focal dystonia remained unchanged at the 8-year follow-up assessment whereas disease severity worsened. CONCLUSIONS: Our observation that STDT abnormalities in dystonia remain unmodified during the course of the disease suggests that the altered activity of inhibitory interneurons-either at cortical or at subcortical level-responsible for the increased STDT does not deteriorate as the disease progresses

    Voluntary movement takes shape. the link between movement focusing and sensory input gating

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between motor surround inhibition (mSI) and the modulation of somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) induced by voluntary movement. Seventeen healthy volunteers participated in the study. To assess mSI, we delivered transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) single pulses to record motor evoked potentials (MEPs) from the right abductor digiti minimi (ADM; “surround muscle”) during brief right little finger flexion. mSI was expressed as the ratio of ADM MEP amplitude during movement to MEP amplitude at rest. We preliminarily measured STDT values by assessing the shortest interval at which subjects were able to recognize a pair of electric stimuli, delivered over the volar surface of the right little finger, as separate in time. We then evaluated the STDT by using the same motor task used for mSI. mSI and STDT modulation were evaluated at the same time points during movement. mSI and STDT modulation displayed similar time-dependent changes during index finger movement. In both cases, the modulation was maximally present at the onset of the movement and gradually vanished over about 200 ms. Our study provides the first neurophysiological evidence about the relationship between mSI and tactile-motor integration during movement execution

    Abnormal temporal coupling of tactile perception and motor action in Parkinson's disease

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    Evidence shows altered somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) in Parkinson's disease in comparison to normal subjects. In healthy subjects, movement execution modulates STDT values through mechanisms of sensory gating. We investigated whether STDT modulation during movement execution in patients with Parkinson's disease differs from that in healthy subjects. In 24 patients with Parkinson's disease and 20 healthy subjects, we tested STDT at baseline and during index finger abductions (at movement onset "0", 100, and 200 ms thereafter). We also recorded kinematic features of index finger abductions. Fifteen out of the 24 patients were also tested ON medication. In healthy subjects, STDT increased significantly at 0, 100, and 200 ms after movement onset, whereas in patients with Parkinson's disease in OFF therapy, it increased significantly at 0 and 100 ms but returned to baseline values at 200 ms. When patients were tested ON therapy, STDT during index finger abductions increased significantly, with a time course similar to that of healthy subjects. Differently from healthy subjects, in patients with Parkinson's disease, the mean velocity of the finger abductions decreased according to the time lapse between movement onset and the delivery of the paired electrical stimuli for testing somatosensory temporal discrimination. In conclusion, patients with Parkinson's disease show abnormalities in the temporal coupling between tactile information and motor outflow. Our study provides first evidence that altered temporal processing of sensory information play a role in the pathophysiology of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease

    Rethinking the neurophysiological concept of cortical myoclonus

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    Cortical myoclonus is thought to result from abnormal electrical discharges arising in the sensorimotor cortex. Given the ease of recording of cortical discharges, electrophysiological features of cortical myoclonus have been better characterized than those of subcortical forms, and electrophysiological criteria for cortical myoclonus have been proposed. These include the presence of giant somatosensory evoked potentials, enhanced long-latency reflexes, electroencephalographic discharges time-locked to individual myoclonic jerks and significant cortico-muscular connectivity. Other features that are assumed to support the cortical origin of myoclonus are short-duration electromyographic bursts, the presence of both positive and negative myoclonus and cranial-caudal progression of the jerks. While these criteria are widely used in clinical practice and research settings, their application can be difficult in practice and, as a result, they are fulfilled only by a minority of patients. In this review we reappraise the evidence that led to the definition of the electrophysiological criteria of cortical myoclonus, highlighting possible methodological incongruencies and misconceptions. We believe that, at present, the diagnostic accuracy of cortical myoclonus can be increased only by combining observations from multiple tests, according to their pathophysiological rationale; nevertheless, larger studies are needed to standardise the methods, to resolve methodological issues, to establish the diagnostic criteria sensitivity and specificity and to develop further methods that might be useful to clarify the pathophysiology of myoclonus

    Rethinking the neurophysiological concept of cortical myoclonus

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    Cortical myoclonus is thought to result from abnormal electrical discharges arising in the sensorimotor cortex. Given the ease of recording of cortical discharges, electrophysiological features of cortical myoclonus have been better characterized than those of subcortical forms, and electrophysiological criteria for cortical myoclonus have been proposed. These include the presence of giant somatosensory evoked potentials, enhanced long-latency reflexes, electroencephalographic discharges time-locked to individual myoclonic jerks and significant cortico-muscular connectivity. Other features that are assumed to support the cortical origin of myoclonus are short-duration electromyographic bursts, the presence of both positive and negative myoclonus and cranial-caudal progression of the jerks. While these criteria are widely used in clinical practice and research settings, their application can be difficult in practice and, as a result, they are fulfilled only by a minority of patients. In this review we reappraise the evidence that led to the definition of the electrophysiological criteria of cortical myoclonus, highlighting possible methodological incongruencies and misconceptions. We believe that, at present, the diagnostic accuracy of cortical myoclonus can be increased only by combining observations from multiple tests, according to their pathophysiological rationale; nevertheless, larger studies are needed to standardise the methods, to resolve methodological issues, to establish the diagnostic criteria sensitivity and specificity and to develop further methods that might be useful to clarify the pathophysiology of myoclonus

    Restless Legs Syndrome: known knowns and known unknowns

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    Although restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a common neurological disorder, it remains poorly understood from both clinical and pathophysiological perspectives. RLS is classified among sleep-related movement disorders, namely, conditions characterized by simple, often stereotyped movements occurring during sleep. However, several clinical, neurophysiological and neuroimaging observations question this view. The aim of the present review is to summarize and query some of the current concepts (known knowns) and to identify open questions (known unknowns) on RLS pathophysiology. Based on several lines of evidence, we propose that RLS should be viewed as a disorder of sensorimotor interaction with a typical circadian pattern of occurrence, possibly arising from neurochemical dysfunction and abnormal excitability in different brain structures

    Neurophysiological and clinical biomarkers of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis: A cross-sectional study

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    Timely diagnosis of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) represents a clinical challenge. The Frailty Index, a quantitative frailty measure, and the Neurophysiological Index, a combined measure of sensorimotor cortex inhibitory mechanism parameters, have recently emerged as promising tools to support SPMS diagnosis. The aim of this study was to explore the possible relationship between these two indices in MS. MS participants underwent a clinical evaluation, Frailty Index administration, and neurophysiological assessment. Frailty and Neurophysiological Index scores were found to be higher in SPMS and correlated with each other, thus suggesting that they may capture similar SPMS-related pathophysiological mechanisms

    Motor Cortical Correlates of Paired Associative Stimulation Induced Plasticity: A TMS-EEG Study

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    Paired associative stimulation (PAS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that modulates synaptic plasticity in the human motor cortex (M1). Since previous studies have primarily used motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) as outcome measure, cortical correlates of PAS-induced plasticity remain unknown. Therefore, the aim of this observational study was to investigate cortical correlates of a standard PAS induced plasticity in the primary motor cortex by using a combined TMS-EEG approach in a cohort of eighteen healthy subjects. In addition to the expected long-lasting facilitatory modulation of MEPs amplitude, PAS intervention also induced a significant increase in transcranial magnetic stimulation-evoked potentials (TEPs) P30 and P60 amplitude. No significant correlation between the magnitude of PAS-induced changes in TEP components and MEP amplitude were observed. However, the linear regression analysis revealed that the combined changes in P30 and P60 component amplitudes significantly predicted the MEP facilitation after PAS. The findings of our study offer novel insight into the neurophysiological changes associated with PAS-induced plasticity at M1 cortical level and suggest a complex relationship between TEPs and MEPs changes following PAS

    Distal Upper Limb Tremor during Walking in Parkinson's Disease

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    Background: Distal upper limb tremor during walking (TW) is frequently observed in Parkinson's disease (PD) but its clinical features are unknown. Objective: To characterize the occurrence and the clinical features of TW in comparison to the other types of tremors in PD. Methods: Fifty-one PD patients with rest tremor were evaluated off- and on-treatment. Occurrence, body distribution, severity and latency of TW and of other tremor types were assessed. Results: TW was present in 78% of the PD patients examined. TW body distribution and severity were similar to those of rest and re-emergent tremor but different from the postural tremor presented by the same patients. TW latency, observed in 85% of patients, was on average 5.8 s. Dopaminergic treatment significantly improved TW, rest, and re-emergent tremor severity but left TW latency unaffected. Conclusions: TW is a frequent motor sign in PD and is likely a clinical variant of rest tremor
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