8 research outputs found

    Optical Time-Transfer for Bistatic SAR Small Spacecraft

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    A spacecraft-to-spacecraft optical time-transfer simulation has been developed as a tool for informing NASA’s Surface Deformation and Change (SDC) mission architecture. The SDC mission will combine radar images from multiple spacecraft to improve understanding of the Earth’s sea-level and landscape changes. Spacecraft must be precisely synchronized in order to create sharp and phase accurate radar images. Simulation of multiple spacecraft time-synchronizing via laser communication can inform technology choices of a mission by providing sub-nanosecond precision estimates of clock error. This timing and ranging simulation has been combined with a radar system performance analysis pipeline. The simulated timing errors are used in a radar simulation to predict performance of bistatic SAR systems in the presence of oscillator noise and time synchronization inaccuracy. Precision time-transfer techniques facilitate the accurate synchronization of clocks between any combination of terminals. Most time-transfer technology for comparing two clocks at different terminals use radio frequencies (RF) to measure the time delay between the sending and receiving of signals. Laser technology offers the capability to transmit high data rates with systems that are of smaller size and lower power than comparable RF systems. The clocks on independent spacecraft will have some phase and frequency errors between them that result in clock drift. The two clock models that are included in this bi-directional MATLAB simulation are a Microchip Microsemi cesium-based Chip-Scale Atomic Clock (CSAC) and a Microchip Microsemi rubidium-based Miniature Atomic Clock (MAC). The CSAC has flown as hardware for small satellite missions such as the University of Florida’s CHOMPTT mission. A study of an example orbit, based on previous satellite laser ranging (SLR) missions and lasing rates demonstrate the impact of flight configuration parameters on the synchronization error between two spacecraft. The MATLAB timing simulation uses a Runge-Kutta 4th-order method to propagate spacecraft orbits and computes the light-travel time estimate between them. The simulation outputs the estimated clock error based on a user-defined spacecraft cluster configuration. The radar simulation is applied to evaluate a potential future bistatic SAR constellation architecture. In the proposed architecture, satellites follow each other in the same orbit at 500 km altitude, with a 250 km baseline direct line-of-sight between satellites. We also baseline the CSAC as a stable oscillator. We use NASA’s NISAR for baseline radar system parameters, but scale down the simulated antenna and radar power to represent a possible small-satellite platform. We compute a clock-system introduced phase error of 0.17 degrees with our simulated time-transfer architecture. This analysis technique could be extended or modified to evaluate the timing requirements of other geometries for other future multistatic SAR missions, or other interferometric satellite missions

    Design and Verification of a Clock System for Orbital Radio Interferometry

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    Radio interferometry using multiple small satellites will enable measurements with high angular resolution for remote sensing and astronomy. The NASA sponsored Auroral Emissions Radio Explorer (AERO) and Vector Interferometry Space Technology using AERO (VISTA) CubeSats will demonstrate orbital interferometry from 0.1 MHz to 15 MHz, frequencies which are largely blocked by the ionosphere. We report on the design and testing of a clock system for radio interferometry between these orbital receivers. We discuss the clock system design up to PCB fabrication, including requirements flow and major hardware trades. The performance of the timing components has been verified using a phase noise test set with a high-quality benchtop crystal. While these results are presented for the AERO-VISTA mission payload, they are more generally applicable to any orbital interferometry platform with multiple satellites

    Design and Performance of the AERO-VISTA Magnetometer

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    We describe the design and performance of the magnetometer instrument for the CubeSat mission AERO-VISTA. AERO-VISTA requires in-situ vector magnetic measurements with magnetic precision and repeatability better than 100 nT at a minimum rate of 10 Hz. Our magnetometer system uses the three-axis Honeywell HMC1053 anisotropic magnetoresistive (AMR) sensor. As built, our instrument exhibits intrinsic magnetic noise better than 10 nTrms from 0.1 to 10 Hz, though self-interference effects degrade performance to about 50 nT to 200 nT uncertainty. The analog and mixed signal portion of each magnetometer occupies about 8 square centimeters of circuit board space and draws about 100 mW. We describe the selection of major components, detail the schematic design of the analog electronics, and derive a noise budget from datasheet component specifications. The theoretical noise budget matches experimental results to better than 20%. We also describe the digital electronics and software which operates an analog to digital converter interface and implements a sampling method that allows for improved separation of offset and magnetic field signal contributions. We show the spectral characteristics of the magnetic field noise floor including self-interference effects. Our magnetometer design can be used in whole or in part on other small satellites which plan to use similar AMR magnetic sensors

    CLICK-A: Optical Communication Experiments From a CubeSat Downlink Terminal

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    The CubeSat Laser Infrared CrosslinK (CLICK) mission is a technology demonstration of low size, weight, and power (SWaP) CubeSat optical communication terminals for downlink and crosslinks. The mission is broken into two phases: CLICK-A, which consists of a downlink terminal hosted in a 3U CubeSat, and CLICK-B/C, which consists of a pair of crosslink terminals each hosted in their own 3U CubeSat. This work focuses on the CLICK-A 1.2U downlink terminal, whose goal was to establish a 10 Mbps link to a low-cost portable 28 cm optical ground station called PorTeL. The terminal communicates with M-ary pulse position modulation (PPM) at 1550 nm using a 200 mW Erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) with a 1.3 mrad FWHM beam divergence. CLICK-A ultimately serves as a risk reduction phase for the CLICK-B/C terminals, with many components first being demonstrated on CLICK-A. CLICK-A was launched to the International Space Station on July 15th, 2022 and was deployed by Nanoracks on September 6th, 2022 into a 51.6° 414 km orbit. We present the results of experiments performed by the mission with the optical ground station located at MIT Wallace Astrophysical Observatory in Westford, MA. Successful acquisition of an Earth to space 5 mrad FWHM (5 Watts at 976 nm) pointing beacon was demonstrated by the terminal on the second experiment on November 2nd, 2022. First light on the optical ground station tracking camera was established on the third experiment on November 10th, 2022. The optical ground station showed sufficient open, coarse, and fine tracking performance to support links with the terminal with a closed-loop RMS tracking error of 0.053 mrad. Results of three optical downlink experiments that produced beacon tracking results are discussed. These experiments demonstrated that the internal microelectromechanical system (MEMS) fine steering mirror (FSM) corrected for an average blind spacecraft pointing error of 8.494 mrad and maintained an average RMS pointing error of 0.175 mrad after initial blind pointing error correction. With these results, the terminal demonstrated the ability to achieve sufficient fine pointing of the 1.3 mrad FWHM optical communication beam without pointing feedback from the terminal to improve the nominal spacecraft pointing. Spacecraft drag reduction maneuvers were used to extend mission life and inform the mission operations of the CLICK-B/C phase of the mission. Results from the spacecraft drag maneuvers are also presented

    Aurora: A Software Radio for Electromagnetic Vector Sensors in Space

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    The AERO (Auroral Emission Radio Observer) and VISTA (Vector Interferometry Space Technology using AERO) missions will advance auroral radio science and radio interferometry technology. AERO is intended to qualify and validate electromagnetic vector sensor technology in space while also answering key scientific questions about the nature and sources of auroral radio emissions. These questions cannot be addressed from the ground due to shielding by the ionosphere. VISTA, together with AERO, will provide the first demonstration of interferometric imaging, beamforming, and nulling using electromagnetic vector sensors at low frequencies (100 kHz – 15 MHz) using Space based sensors. A key component of the AERO-VISTA joint mission is the Aurora software radio system which forms the primary mission payload when combined with an electromagnetic vector sensor antenna (VSA). This radio combines the analog, digital, and signal processing necessary to detect and digitize the signals associated with the radio aurora. We provide a detailed discussion of the radio design, implementation, and performance results from early testing of our engineering model units

    Magnetic Cleanliness, Sensing, and Calibration for CubeSats

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    Magnetometers are widely used on satellites for both attitude sensing and scientific observations. Spaceborne magnetometers have enabled the creation of accurate maps of Earth’s magnetic fields. However, these models have limited spatial and temporal resolution, and therefore are much less accurate in locations with fast or localized magnetic perturbations. Such perturbations can be particularly problematic near Earth’s poles where field aligned currents come close to the surface of the Earth and are concentrated near satellites in LEO. Science missions which need to know the local magnetic field in the polar regions need to bring their own high-fidelity magnetic sensors. The AERO-VISTA mission comprises a pair of 6U CubeSats which will determine the propagation modes and directions of high frequency (400 kHz–5 MHz) waves in Earth’s ionosphere in the presence of Earth’s aurorae. This mission science requires accurate in-situ magnetic sensing of auroral currents for RF measurement context. This thesis details the design, integration, and testing of the magnetic sensors in the AERO-VISTA Auxiliary Sensor Package (ASP). We discuss the estimation of spacecraft self-interference and implement an informal magnetic interference control process. We present some simple ground testing strategies for magnetic screening of components and measurement of spacecraft self-interference. We evaluate the performance and non-ideal effects of our selected anistropic magnetoresistive (AMR) 3-axis magnetometer. We create a measurement equation, which together with regression techniques, allows for calibration to better than 100 nT repeatability despite non-ideal effects, meeting AERO-VISTA’s requirements. This calibration strategy is extended to include current path and material interference effects. We describe the detailed design of the magnetic sensing system, including the electronics, mechanical design, and software of the ASP. Without self-interference effects, this design has a noise floor better than 10 nTrms.S.M

    A novel theta-controlled vibrotactile brain–computer interface to treat chronic pain: a pilot study

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    Abstract Limitations in chronic pain therapies necessitate novel interventions that are effective, accessible, and safe. Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) provide a promising modality for targeting neuropathology underlying chronic pain by converting recorded neural activity into perceivable outputs. Recent evidence suggests that increased frontal theta power (4–7 Hz) reflects pain relief from chronic and acute pain. Further studies have suggested that vibrotactile stimulation decreases pain intensity in experimental and clinical models. This longitudinal, non-randomized, open-label pilot study's objective was to reinforce frontal theta activity in six patients with chronic upper extremity pain using a novel vibrotactile neurofeedback BCI system. Patients increased their BCI performance, reflecting thought-driven control of neurofeedback, and showed a significant decrease in pain severity (1.29 ± 0.25 MAD, p = 0.03, q = 0.05) and pain interference (1.79 ± 1.10 MAD p = 0.03, q = 0.05) scores without any adverse events. Pain relief significantly correlated with frontal theta modulation. These findings highlight the potential of BCI-mediated cortico-sensory coupling of frontal theta with vibrotactile stimulation for alleviating chronic pain