3,537 research outputs found

    Measurement of the τ-lepton Lifetime at Belle

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    The lifetime of the τ lepton is measured using the process e+e−→τ+τ−, where both τ leptons decay to 3πντ. The result for the mean lifetime, based on 711  fb−1 of data collected with the Belle detector at the ϒ(4S) resonance and 60  MeV below, is τ=(290.17±0.53(stat)±0.33(syst))×10−15  s. The first measurement of the lifetime difference betweenτ+ and τ− is performed. The upper limit on the relative lifetime difference between positive and negative τ leptons is |Δτ|/τ\u3c7.0×10−3 at 90% C.L

    Political Activity of Russians: Current Trends and Resources of Media Influence

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    Authors assume that in the post-Soviet time, political consciousness among the Russians has significantly changed. Causes of this not only include general depoliticization in the society, but also a modified nature of the media influence. The research purpose is to search for reasons that cause booms and falls in the interest of the Russians in politics. The methodological framework of the research included the Verba-Pye model of engagement in politics, Lipset's conclusions about citizens' engagement in political affairs; assumptions from the LipsetRokkan model of political preferences of citizens; Scott's concept of imitation of political activism, and Bryant's conclusions about specifics of media influence on public opinion. The empirical basis of the research includes data from sociological and marketing research made by Russian centers for the study of public opinion. As a result of the research, its authors have established that country residents do not mostly show high political engagement and civil activis

    Influence of uncertainty in dielectric properties on the design performance of a tunable composite right/left handed leaky wave antenna

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    Uncertainties of the order of 8 % in the accuracy of lithography used to define co-planar waveguides on ferroelectric thin films lead to a similar uncertainty in the value of relative permittivity of the film extracted from measurements. When such films are used as the tunable elements in a tunable composite right/left handed leaky wave antenna, such variations of the capacitance of the varactors can lead to a reduction in radiation and total efficiency around of the order of 1 dB in 5 dB due to the appearance of a bandgap in the frequency response


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    The paper proposes a method for depth measurement of a disrupted layer on silicon wafer surface which is based on application of Auger spectroscopy with the precision sputtering of surface silicon layers and registration of the Auger electron yield intensity. In order to measure the disrupted layer with the help of Auger spectroscopy it is necessary to determine dependence of the released Auger electron amount on sputtering time (profile) and then the dependence is analyzed. Silicon amount in the disrupted layer is less than in the volume. While going deeper the disruptive layer is decreasing that corresponds to an increase of atom density in a single layer. The essence of the method lies in the fact the disruptive layer is removed by ion beam sputtering and detection of interface region is carried out with the help of registration of the Auger electron yield intensity from the sputtered surface up to the moment when it reaches the value which is equal to the Auger electron yield intensity for single-crystal silicon. While removing surface silicon layers the registration of the Auger electron yield intensity from silicon surface makes it possible to control efficiently a presence of the disrupted layer on the silicon wafer surface. In this case depth control locality is about 1.0 nm due to some peculiarities of Auger spectroscopy method. The Auger electron yield intensity is determined automatically while using Auger spectrometer and while removing the disrupted layer the intensity is gradually increasing. Depth of the disrupted layer is determined by measuring height of the step which has been formed as a result of removal of the disrupted layer from the silicon wafer surface. Auger spectroscopy methods ensures an efficient depth control surface disruptions at the manufacturing stages of silicon wafers and integrated circuits. The depth measurement range of disruptions constitutes 0.001–1.000 um.Предложен метод измерения глубины нарушенного слоя на поверхности кремниевых пластин, основанный на использовании оже-спектрометра с прецизионным распылением поверхностных слоев кремния и регистрацией интенсивности выхода оже-электронов. Для измерения глубины нарушенного слоя с помощью оже-спектроскопии снимается зависимость количества выходящих оже-электронов от времени распыления (профиль), и затем эта зависимость анализируется. Количество кремния в нарушенном слое меньше, чем в объеме. По мере углубления нарушенный слой уменьшается, что соответствует увеличению плотности атомов в одиночном слое. Сущность метода заключается в том, что нарушенный слой удаляется распылением пучком ионов, а выявление границы раздела осуществляется путем регистрации интенсивности выхода оже-электронов с распыляемой поверхности до достижения ею величины, равной интенсивности выхода оже-электронов для монокристаллического кремния. Регистрация интенсивности выхода оже-электронов с поверхности кремния при удалении поверхностных слоев кремния позволяет эффективно контролировать наличие нарушенного слоя на поверхности кремниевой пластины. Причем локальность контроля по глубине из-за особенностей метода оже-спектроскопии составляет около 1,0 нм. Интенсивность выхода оже-электронов определяется на оже-спектрометре автоматически, и по мере удаления нарушенного слоя она постепенно возрастает. Глубину нарушенного слоя определяют измерением высоты ступеньки, образованной в результате удаления нарушенного слоя с поверхности кремниевой пластины. Метод оже-спектроскопии обеспечивает эффективный контроль глубины повреждений поверхности на этапах изготовления кремниевых пластин и интегральных микросхем. Диапазон измерения глубины нарушений 0,001–1,000 мкм

    Political Activity of Russians: Current Trends and Resources of Media Influence

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    Authors assume that in the post-Soviet time, political consciousness among the Russians has significantly changed. Causes of this not only include general depoliticization in the society, but also a modified nature of the media influence. The research purpose is to search for reasons that cause booms and falls in the interest of the Russians in politics. The methodological framework of the research included the Verba-Pye model of engagement in politics, Lipset's conclusions about citizens' engagement in political affairs; assumptions from the LipsetRokkan model of political preferences of citizens; Scott's concept of imitation of political activism, and Bryant's conclusions about specifics of media influence on public opinion. The empirical basis of the research includes data from sociological and marketing research made by Russian centers for the study of public opinion. As a result of the research, its authors have established that country residents do not mostly show high political engagement and civil activism