51 research outputs found

    The assembly history of the nearest S0 galaxy NGC 3115 from its kinematics out to six half-light radii

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    Using new and archival data, we study the kinematic properties of the nearest field S0 galaxy, NGC 3115, out to 6.5\sim6.5 half-light radii (ReR_\mathrm{e}) from its stars (integrated starlight), globular clusters (GCs) and planetary nebulae (PNe). We find evidence of three kinematic regions with an inner transition at 0.2 Re\sim0.2\ R_\mathrm{e} from a dispersion-dominated bulge (Vrot/σ<1V_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma <1) to a fast-rotating disk (Vrot/σ>1V_\mathrm{rot}/\sigma >1), and then an additional transition from the disk to a slowly rotating spheroid at 22.5Re\sim2-2.5\, R_\mathrm{e}, as traced by the red GCs and PNe (and possibly by the blue GCs beyond 5Re\sim5\, R_\mathrm{e}). From comparison with simulations, we propose an assembly history in which the original progenitor spiral galaxy undergoes a gas-rich minor merger that results in the embedded kinematically cold disk that we see today in NGC 3115. At a later stage, dwarf galaxies, in mini mergers (mass-ratio << 1:10), were accreted building-up the outer slowly rotating spheroid, with the central disk kinematics largely unaltered. Additionally, we report new spectroscopic observations of a sample of ultra-compact dwarfs (UCDs) around NGC 3115 with the Keck/KCWI instrument. We find that five UCDs are inconsistent with the general rotation field of the GCs, suggesting an \textit{ex-situ} origin for these objects, i.e. perhaps the remnants of tidally stripped dwarfs. A further seven UCDs follow the GC rotation pattern, suggesting an \textit{in-situ} origin and, possibly a GC-like nature.Comment: 22 pages (including 3 pages of Appendix material), 14 figures, published in MNRA

    From rest-frame luminosity functions to observer-frame colour distributions: tackling the next challenge in cosmological simulations

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    Galaxy spectral energy distributions (SEDs) remain among the most challenging yet informative quantities to reproduce in simulations due to the large and complex mixture of physical processes that shape the radiation output of a galaxy. With the increasing number of surveys utilising broadband colours as part of their target selection criteria, the production of realistic SEDs in simulations is necessary for assisting in survey design and interpretation of observations. The recent success in reproducing the observed luminosity functions (LF) from far-UV to far-IR, using the state-of-the-art semi-analytic model \shark\ and the SED generator \prospect, represents a critical step towards better galaxy colour predictions. We show that with \shark\ and \prospect\ we can closely reproduce the optical colour distributions observed in the panchromatic GAMA survey. The treatment of feedback, star formation, central-satellite interactions and radiation re-processing by dust are critical for this achievement. The first three processes create a bimodal distribution, while dust attenuation defines the location and shape of the blue and red populations. While a naive comparison between observation and simulations displays the known issue of over-quenching of satellite galaxies, the introduction of empirically-motivated observational errors and classification from the same group finder used in GAMA greatly reduces this tension. The introduction of random re-assignment of 15%\sim 15\% of centrals/satellites as satellites/centrals on the simulation classification closely resembles the outcome of the group finder, providing a computationally less intensive method to compare simulations with observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS after minor corrections (20 pages, 19 figures

    Galaxy quenching timescales from a forensic reconstruction of their colour evolution

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    The timescales on which galaxies move out of the blue cloud to the red sequence (τQ\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q}) provide insight into the mechanisms driving quenching. Here, we build upon previous work, where we showcased a method to reconstruct the colour evolution of observed low-redshift galaxies from the Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey based on spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting with ProSpect, together with a statistically-driven definition for the blue and red populations. We also use the predicted colour evolution from the SHARK semi-analytic model, combined with SED fits of our simulated galaxy sample, to study the accuracy of the measured τQ\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q} and gain physical insight into the colour evolution of galaxies. In this work, we measure τQ\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q} in a consistent approach for both observations and simulations. After accounting for selection bias, we find evidence for an increase in τQ\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q} in GAMA as a function of cosmic time (from τQ1\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q}\sim1 Gyr to τQ2\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q}\sim2 Gyr in the lapse of 4\sim4 Gyr), but not in SHARK (τQ1\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q}\lesssim1 Gyr). Our observations and simulations disagree on the effect of stellar mass, with GAMA showing massive galaxies transitioning faster, but is the opposite in SHARK. We find that environment only impacts galaxies below 1010\sim10^{10} M_\odot in GAMA, with satellites having shorter τQ\tau^{}_\mathrm{Q} than centrals by 0.4\sim0.4 Gyr, with SHARK only in qualitative agreement. Finally, we compare to previous literature, finding consistency with timescales in the order of couple Gyr, but with several differences that we discuss.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures. Submitted to MNRAS. Updated to reflect changes addressing the referee's comment

    The assembly history of the nearest S0 galaxy NGC 3115 from its kinematics out to six half-light radii

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    Using new and archival data, we study the kinematic properties of the nearest field S0 galaxy, NGC 3115, out to ∼6.5 half-light radii (Re) from its stars (integrated starlight), globular clusters (GCs), and planetary nebulae (PNe). We find evidence of three kinematic regions with an inner transition at ∼0.2 Re from a dispersion-dominated bulge (Vrot/σ \u3c 1) to a fast-rotating disc (Vrot/σ \u3e 1), and then an additional transition from the disc to a slowly rotating spheroid at ∼ 2-2.5Re, as traced by the red GCs and PNe (and possibly by the blue GCs beyond ∼ 5Re). From comparison with simulations, we propose an assembly history in which the original progenitor spiral galaxy undergoes a gas-rich minor merger that results in the embedded kinematically cold disc that we see today in NGC 3115. At a later stage, dwarf galaxies, in mini mergers (mass ratio \u3c 1:10), were accreted building up the outer slowly rotating spheroid, with the central disc kinematics largely unaltered. Additionally, we report new spectroscopic observations of a sample of ultracompact dwarfs (UCDs) around NGC 3115 with the Keck/KCWI instrument.We find that five UCDs are inconsistent with the general rotation field of the GCs, suggesting an ex situ origin for these objects, i.e. perhaps the remnants of tidally stripped dwarfs. A further seven UCDs follow the GC rotation pattern, suggesting an in situ origin and, possibly a GC-like nature

    The evolution in the stellar mass of Brightest Cluster Galaxies over the past 10 billion years

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    Using a sample of 98 galaxy clusters recently imaged in the near infra-red with the ESO NTT, WIYN and WHT telescopes, supplemented with 33 clusters from the ESO archive, we measure how the stellar mass of the most massive galaxies in the universe, namely Brightest Cluster Galaxies (BCG), increases with time. Most of the BCGs in this new sample lie in the redshift range 0.2<z<0.60.2<z<0.6, which has been noted in recent works to mark an epoch over which the growth in the stellar mass of BCGs stalls. From this sample of 132 clusters, we create a subsample of 102 systems that includes only those clusters that have estimates of the cluster mass. We combine the BCGs in this subsample with BCGs from the literature, and find that the growth in stellar mass of BCGs from 10 billion years ago to the present epoch is broadly consistent with recent semi-analytic and semi-empirical models. As in other recent studies, tentative evidence indicates that the stellar mass growth rate of BCGs may be slowing in the past 3.5 billion years. Further work in collecting larger samples, and in better comparing observations with theory using mock images is required if a more detailed comparison between the models and the data is to be made.Comment: 15 pages, 8 tables, 7 figures - Accepted for publication in MNRA

    DEVILS: cosmic evolution of SED-derived metallicities and their connection to star formation histories

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    Gas-phase metallicities of galaxies are typically measured through auroral or nebular emission lines, but metallicity also leaves an imprint on the overall spectral energy distribution (SED) of a galaxy and can be estimated through SED fitting. We use the PROSPECT SED fitting code with a flexible parametric star formation history and an evolving metallicity history to self-consistently measure metallicities, stellar mass, and other galaxy properties for 90 000 galaxies from the Deep Extragalactic VIsible Legacy Survey (DEVILS) and Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) survey. We use these to trace the evolution of the mass–metallicity relation (MZR) and show that the MZR only evolves in normalization by 0.1 dex at stellar mass M = 1010.5 M. We find no difference in the MZR between galaxies with and without SED evidence of active galactic nuclei emission at low redshifts (z \u3c 0.3). Our results suggest an anticorrelation between metallicity and star formation activity at fixed stellar mass for galaxies with M \u3e 1010.5 M for z \u3c 0.3. Using the star formation histories extracted using PROSPECT we explore higher order correlations of the MZR with properties of the star formation history including age, width, and shape. We find that at a given stellar mass, galaxies with higher metallicities formed most of their mass over shorter time-scales, and before their peak star formation rate. This work highlights the value of exploring the connection of a galaxy’s current gas-phase metallicity to its star formation history in order to understand the physical processes shaping the MZR

    Galaxy and mass assembly (GAMA): the inferred mass–metallicity relation from z = 0 to 3.5 via forensic SED fitting

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    We analyse the metallicity histories of ∼4500 galaxies from the GAMA survey at z \u3c 0.06 modelled by the SED-fitting code PROSPECT using an evolving metallicity implementation. These metallicity histories, in combination with the associated star formation histories, allow us to analyse the inferred gas-phase mass–metallicity relation. Furthermore, we extract the mass– metallicity relation at a sequence of epochs in cosmic history, to track the evolving mass–metallicity relation with time. Through comparison with observations of gas-phase metallicity over a large range of redshifts, we show that, remarkably, our forensic SED analysis has produced an evolving mass–metallicity relationship that is consistent with observations at all epochs. We additionally analyse the three-dimensional mass–metallicity–SFR space, showing that galaxies occupy a clearly defined plane. This plane is shown to be subtly evolving, displaying an increased tilt with time caused by general enrichment, and also the slowing down of star formation with cosmic time. This evolution is most apparent at lookback times greater than 7 Gyr. The trends in metallicity recovered in this work highlight that the evolving metallicity implementation used within the SED-fitting code PROSPECT produces reasonable metallicity results over the history of a galaxy. This is expected to provide a significant improvement to the accuracy of the SED-fitting outputs

    Deep extragalactic visible legacy survey (DEVILS): the emergence of bulges and decline of disc growth since z = 1

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    We present a complete structural analysis of the ellipticals (E), diffuse bulges (dB), compact bulges (cB), and discs (D) within a redshift range 0 \u3c z \u3c 1, and stellar mass log10(M*/M⊙) ≥ 9.5 volume-limited sample drawn from the combined DEVILS and HST-COSMOS region. We use the PROFIT code to profile over ∼35 000 galaxies for which visual classification into single or double component was pre-defined in Paper-I. Over this redshift range, we see a growth in the total stellar mass density (SMD) of a factor of 1.5. At all epochs we find that the dominant structure, contributing to the total SMD, is the disc, and holds a fairly constant share of ∼60 per cent role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: normal; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; position: relative; \u3e∼60 per cent∼60 per cent of the total SMD from z = 0.8 to z = 0.2, dropping to ∼30 per cent role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: normal; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; position: relative; \u3e∼30 per cent∼30 per cent at z = 0.0 (representing ∼33 per cent role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-variant: inherit; font-stretch: inherit; line-height: normal; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; display: inline; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; position: relative; \u3e∼33 per cent∼33 per cent decline in the total disc SMD). Other classes (E, dB, and cB) show steady growth in their numbers and integrated stellar mass densities. By number, the most dramatic change across the full mass range is in the growth of diffuse bulges. In terms of total SMD, the biggest gain is an increase in massive elliptical systems, rising from 20 per cent at z = 0.8 to equal that of discs at z = 0.0 (30 per cent) representing an absolute mass growth of a factor of 2.5. Overall, we see a clear picture of the emergence and growth of all three classes of spheroids over the past 8 Gyr, and infer that in the later half of the Universe’s timeline spheroid-forming processes and pathways (secular evolution, mass-accretion, and mergers) appear to dominate mass transformation over quiescent disc growth