59 research outputs found

    Using Consumer Input to Guide the Development of a Nutrition and Health Website

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    Consumers want timely, research-based information available online. The project objective was to develop a user-friendly nutrition and health website for Colorado Extension consumers. An electronic survey (n=381) was administered to current and potential Extension consumers to understand their: use of the Web and electronic devices; topics of interest; and preferred mode of information delivery. Results, in conjunction with best practices for website usability and health literacy, were used to develop the Live Eat Play Colorado website. Audience-centered websites with content packaged in small doses and delivered via multiple modalities may enhance reach and use of university and Extension resources

    Using Search Engine Optimization Techniques to Enhance the Visibility of Web-Based Extension Fact Sheets

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    To compete in today\u27s online environment, Extension needs to increase its visibility through search engine results. The study reported here evaluated the impact of using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques on six Web-based Extension Nutrition and Health fact sheets by examining data pre- and post-fact sheet revision from Google Analytics and rankings on Google results page. Comparing Pageviews data pre-and post-revision, the Pageviews for all six fact sheets increased, ranging from 101% to 281%, over a 3-month timeframe. Application of SEO techniques to Extension publications has the potential to increase the visibility of Extension\u27s credible and research-based information

    The Impact of Visuals on Nutrition and Health Education Materials

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    Colorado State University Extension (CSUE) recently launched a new website, Live Eat Play Colorado (LEP; www.liveeatplay.colostate.edu) which promotes traditional CSUE fact sheets as well as new consumer-friendly materials with dense imagery and lower reading levels. LEP has allowed for an increased use of visuals to enrich nutrition and health materials. Appealing visuals serve as tools designed to increase comprehension and memory of health topics (Frisch, Camerini, & Schultz, 2013). Information retention is higher when visuals are combined with text, as opposed to text-only information (Peregrin, 2010). Testing this idea, visuals were placed in the text-only fact sheet, “Nutrition for the Athlete” (231,424 page views in 2014). Google Analytics data revealed that read time increased 23% in the 15 months after visuals were placed compared to the 15 months prior, from an average of 5:32 to 6:50 minutes. The increased read time could suggest that readers are more engaged with information on the webpage and demonstrates the potential positive impact of visuals on web-based education materials. Educators should intentionally select images for fact sheets that will support, reinforce, and/or clarify messages on health topics

    The Tasting Party Assessment: Can Educators Reliably Evaluate Preschoolers’ Willingness to Try New Foods in Group Settings?

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    Food neophobia, defined as an unwillingness to consume novel and unfamiliar foods is common in young children. Assessment of neophobia or willingness to try new foods can be a challenge with this audience. With the increase in nutrition interventions focused on the young child, valid and reliable measures to assess willingness to try new foods that can be administered in groups by classroom teachers and Extension educators are needed. The Food Friends: Fun with New Foods (FWNF) program aims to increase children’s willingness to try new foods in childcare settings. The Tasting Party assessment was developed as the primary tool for measuring the FWNF program’s impact. Construct and face validity were established and inter-observer reliability between two researchers and teachers was obtained. Findings indicate the Tasting Party could reliably be used by classroom teachers to accurately observe tasting behaviors in a group of preschool-aged children. This provides a low-cost, low-burden valid and reliable assessment tool, thus enhancing the scalability and reach of nutrition education programs focused on young children. The Tasting Party is adaptable for use in Extension programs such as the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed)

    Infographics: An Innovative Tool to Capture Consumers Attention

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    Using infographics as educational tools has emerged as a strategy to reach consumers in today\u27s information-saturated environment. Through the use of engaging and informative graphics, educators can deliver meaningful messages tailored to targeted audiences. Varying types of effectively designed infographics can be used to capture the attention of consumers by: telling a story, clarifying complex information with evidence-based information or research findings, using innovative design, and reaching targeted audiences in easily accessible places. Combining innovative infographic design and targeted dissemination strategies, Extension educators can capture consumers\u27 attention and deliver clear messages to improve communication with consumers

    Connecting urban food plans to the countryside: leveraging Denver's food vision to explore meaningful rural-urban linkages

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 14-18).Cities are increasingly turning to food policy plans to support goals related to food access, food security, the environment, and economic development. This paper investigates ways that rural farmers, communities, and economies can both support and be supported by metropolitan food-focused initiatives. Specifically, our research question asked what opportunities and barriers exist to developing food policies that support urban food goals, particularly related to local procurement, as well as rural economic development. To address this question, we described and analyzed a meeting of urban stakeholders and larger-scale rural producers related to Colorado’s Denver Food Vision and Plan. We documented and explored “findings” gleaned from a supply chain diagraming and data compilation process that were then used to inform an event that brought together diverse supply chain partners. Three findings stand out. First, facilitating dialog between urban food policymakers and rural producers to understand potential tensions, mitigate such tensions, and capitalize on opportunities is essential. Second, perceptions and expectations surrounding “good food” are nuanced—a timely finding given the number of preferred procurement programs emerging across the county. Third, critical evaluation is needed across a diverse set of value chain strategies (e.g., conventional and alternative distribution) if food policy intends to support heterogeneous producers, their communities, and urban food policy goals

    Interventions to Promote Fundamental Movement Skills in Childcare and Kindergarten: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Developing Effective Educational Materials Using Best Practices in Health Literacy

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    Health literacy is emerging as a leading issue affecting U.S. consumers\u27 health. It has been shown to be a stronger predictor of a person\u27s health than age, income, employment status, education level, or race. To best meet the health literacy needs of consumers, Extension educators can use best practice guidelines for improved health communications to develop effective educational materials, which include getting to know the target audience; sending clear, actionable message(s); and using appropriate formatting with meaningful visuals. Extension educators can apply these best practice guidelines to better promote health-related behaviors and communicate science more effectively to consumers

    Erotic Literature in Nineteenth-Century Bali

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    Two nineteenth-century Balinese genres in which the erotic predominates are epic kakawin poetry and tutur (religious manuals) on sexual yoga. The article points to the strong intertextual links between these diverse genres. Through their focus on practical sexual matters and on the pursuit of sexual pleasure as integral to spiritual growth, tutur and kakawin also offer insight into notions of gender and sexuality in nineteenth-century Bali
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