3 research outputs found


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    Context and backgroundThroughout history, the severity of coastal impacts has varied depending on social and environmental factors. Human activities in general have caused large-scale environmental and morphological changes, and our study area is not outside this context.Goal and Objectives:This study aims to reveal the evolution of urban fabric of the city of Echatt and sidimbarek and their degree of influence on the state of dune cordon last 37 years.Methodology:The methodology followed during this study is based on satellite and topographic data as well as on measurements and observations made in the field. In order to study the evolution of urban fabric of the study area.The approach adopted is based on a study of several satellite images and google Earth pro images at different dates in order to determine the extent of changes that occurred between 1984 and 2021.Results:The results show an increase in coastal urbanization at varying rates amounting to 11.92 ha/year between (1984-2000), 4.95 ha/year between (2000; 2010) and 9. 92 ha/year between (2010,2021); and landscape changes that have developed at different rates over time due to the exploitation of the dune cordon of the city of echatt and sidimbarek in an irrational way that can lead to a total removal of vegetation cover, because according to the results obtained, more than half of the vegetation cover of the coastal dunes has been removed in 37 years Thematic maps and results obtained at different periods show that the forest landscape has gradually converted into dry land despite the entry into force of the Algerian Coastal Law 02-02 on the protection and enhancement of the coast, which aimed at the protection of the coast and sustainable use of its resources.


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    Context and backgroundThe Macta wetland is a coveted and fragile area with a biodiversity hot-spot on the Algerian western coast and the southern shore of the Mediterranean. This rural area is affected by the increase of human activity linking, mainly, agricultural and pastoral practices. In the context of put into nature reserve for this wetland, the land mastery has become a major issue that currently represents a determining factor in the relationship between man and nature, on the one hand, and in the competition between interest groups for the exploitation of land and natural resources, on the other.Goal and Objectives:This study aims to analyze the influence of agricultural development policies and those of land on the implications of the actor’s active in the field and their interference with the initiatives to protect the Macta wetland.The objective was to identify the land and ecological issues at stake in putting into reserve this fragile rural space in order to establish a territorial development more adapted to the socio-economic and environmental conditions.Methodology:The working method adopted is based on the mapping of land using Geographic Information Systems with a diachronic approach covering the different stages of agrarian reform from the colonial period until today. The work was completed by field observations and interviews with actors active in the areaResults:Frequent changes in the policy of the agricultural sector have led to the appearance of over 9400 ha of surplus land,  or 50% of the area studied (municipality of Moctadouz), in which the interventions of the management authorities for the setting in nature reserve overlap with an agricultural development action by the locals. This has led to a number of problems represented by difficulties in the mastery of land use and land management, as well as conflicts between actors. These constraints have impacted all attempts to make the wetland a heritage site

    Protection and enhancement of the coastal area of the wilaya of El Tarf (Algeria): Automatic analysis using computer tools

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    The coastline of El Tarf province, stretching for 90 km, presents a great variety of forms and complex ecosystems that need to be protected. The Coastal Law 02-02 was established to achieve this goal by using geographic information system (GIS) and remote sensing to assess the degree of implementation of this law on the ground. This evaluation highlighted a significant evolution of land use in the coastal zone of El Tarf province over a period of 32 years, from 1990 to 2022. In 1990, the area was predominantly forested (55.08%) with a proportion of agricultural land of 27.26% and a significant portion of wetland areas (17.26%). Over time, the forested area decreased to reach 48.58% in 2022, while agricultural land and urban areas increased. This evolution suggests increasing pressure on natural resources, with potential implications for the environment and biodiversity of the region. Despite the 2002 Coastal Law 02-02s which sets specific provisions for the protection and enhancement of the coastline, it is important to emphasize the importance of sustainable management of natural resources and land use in the region. It is essential to implement measures to protect the fragile ecosystems of the region and ensure the sustainability of natural resource use to preserve the environment and biodiversity of the region for future generations. This analysis could also eventually enable decision-makers to have supporting elements to evolve the law 02.02 with the aim of better preserving the coastal area