25 research outputs found

    Reivindicación de Rousseau

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    Jean Jacques Rousseau, an eminent philosopher and writer, intellectual father of romanticism, hasn’t received in the texts of history of economic thought the relevance he deserves. In this article we review his most important contributions and discuss the possible causes of his exclusion. Our conclusion is that the centrality of inequality and the critique of private property in the economic discourse of Rousseau have caused his undeserved exclusion.A Jean Jacques Rousseau, eminente filósofo y literato, padre intelectual del romanticismo, se le ha negado en los textos de historia del pensamiento económico el protagonismo que merece. En el presente artículo repasamos sus principales aportaciones y discutimos las posibles causas de su exclusión. Nuestra conclusión es que la centralidad de la desigualdad y la crítica a la propiedad privada en el discurso económico de Rousseau han provocado su inmerecida exclusión

    El monetarismo amable de David Hume

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    El ajuste presupuestario en las Entidades Locales

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    Post-Hospital Syndrome and Hyponatremia

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    Introduction: Post-hospital syndrome (PHS) is defined as a period of vulnerability during the first 30 days after a patient is discharged from hospital, in which multiple factors come into play. Hyponatremia is the most frequent hydroelectrolytic disorder in hospitalized patients and may be related to the appearance of PHS. Objective: The objective is to estimate the prevalence of PHS that is assessed as the rate of readmissions in the first 30 days after discharge, in patients with hyponatremia. Material and Methods: It is a descriptive observational study of patients with hyponatremia who were discharged from 1 September 2010 to 2 February 2020 at the Internal Medicine Service of the Hospital University of San Juan (Alicante, Spain). Results: Of the 25 included patients, 5 (20%) were readmitted within a month of discharge, after a mean of 11.4 days (standard deviation [SD] 5.1). The overall mortality of the study was 20% (n = 5), with one case of death in the first 30 days post-hospitalization (4%). In 12 patients (48%) the origin of the hyponatremia was undetermined. The most frequently recorded etiology for the condition was pharmacological (n = 7, 28%), and there was pronounced variability in its clinical and laboratory study. The most widely used corrective measure was drug withdrawal, in 16 patients (64%). Water intake restriction was the most common treatment after discharge (5 patients, 20%), followed by urea (2 patients, 8%), while tolvaptan was not used. Conclusion: Hyponatremia may be the cause of PHS, which could increase the rate of early readmission. Hyponatremia is an underdiagnosed and undertreated entity, so it is necessary to apply an appropriate system to optimize its management and, in future studies, to assess its impact on PHS

    El precio de la vivienda y la inflación en España

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    El precio de la vivienda en España ha experimentado un incremento muy intenso desde 1999 aumentando el esfuerzo financiero que los hogares han de realizar para su adquisición. Por lo contrario, la inflación, medida a partir del índice de precios al consumo armonizado (IPCA), ha tenido valores históricamente reducidos en ese mismo periodo. Dado que el precio de la vivienda no forma parte de la construcción del IPCA surge la duda de si la inflación se está midiendo correctamente. En este artículo elaboramos una estrategia metodológica para corregir el sesgo en la medición de la inflación debido al actual tratamiento de la vivienda

    Los gobiernos bolivarianos y el cambio de ciclo

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    La nueva etapa con la caída del precio del petróleo que estamos viviendo a nivel mundial supone un grave riesgo para la continuidad de las políticas de orientación “chavista” en América Latina. El impacto de los precios del petróleo ya se está dejando notar en las respectivas balanzas de pagos y en los saldos presupuestariosThe new phase with the fall in oil prices that we are experiencing globally poses a serious risk to the continuity of policy guidance "chavista" in Latin America. The impact of oil prices and is leaving notes on the respective balance of payments and fiscal balance