249 research outputs found

    Early pubertal onset and its relationship with sexual risk taking, substance use and anti-social behaviour: a preliminary cross-sectional study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In many countries age at pubertal onset has declined substantially. Relatively little attention has been paid to how this decline may affect adolescent behaviours such as substance use, violence and unprotected sex and consequently impact on public health.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the UK, two opportunistic samples (aged 16-45 years), paper-based (n = 976) and online (n = 1117), examined factors associated with earlier pubertal onset and whether earlier age of onset predicted sexual risk-taking, substance use and anti-social behaviours during early adolescence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall, 45.6% of females reported menarche ≤ 12 years and 53.3% of males were categorised as having pubertal onset ≤ 11 years. For both sexes earlier pubertal onset was associated with poorer parental socio-economic status. Other pre-pubertal predictors of early onset were being overweight, more childhood illnesses (females) and younger age at time of survey (males). For both sexes earlier puberty predicted having drunk alcohol, been drunk, smoked and used drugs <14 years as well as having a sexual debut and unprotected sex <16 years. Males with earlier pubertal onset were more likely to report fighting and aggressive responses to emotional upset during early adolescence while females were more likely to report being bullied and having taken more time off school.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Results provide sufficient evidence for changes in age of pubertal onset to be further explored as a potential influence on trends in adolescent risk behaviours. Further insight into the relationship between early puberty and both obesity and socio-economic status may help inform early interventions to tackle the development of risk behaviours and health inequalities during early adolescence.</p

    Exploring the health and service utilisation of general practice patients with a history of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs):an observational study using electronic health records

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    Objectives To examine the relationships between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), chronic health and health service utilisation among a sample of general practice patients.Design Cross-sectional observational study using anonymised data from electronic health records for 763 patients.Setting Four general practices in northwest England and North Wales.Outcome measures Patient demographic data (age, gender); body mass index; self-reported smoking status; self-reported ACEs; diagnosis of chronic health conditions; current mental health problems; total number of service contacts and repeat medication use in the previous 6 months.Results A history of ACEs (experiencing abuse or neglect as a child, and/or growing up in a household characterised by violence, substance use, mental health problems or criminal behaviour) was strongly independently associated with current mental health problems, smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, showing a dose–response relationship with level of ACE exposure. Medication use and contact were significantly greater among patients with high ACE exposure (≥4 ACEs), compared with those with no ACEs. However, contrary to findings from population studies, health service utilisation was not significantly different for patients with increased ACE exposure (1–3 ACEs) and their ACE-free counterparts.Conclusions Findings highlight the contribution ACEs make to unequal distributions of risk to health and well-being and patterns of health service use in the UK

    Perceptions of a short animated film on adverse childhood experiences: a mixed methods evaluation

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    OBJECTIVES: An evaluation of a short animated film on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) to explore attitudes and sentiment towards the film including, for a subsample of professionals, associations between attitudes and personal experience of ACEs. DESIGN: Mixed-method exploratory design. SETTING: Professionals and the general public. PARTICIPANTS: A short online survey with 239 professionals. Interaction and user sentiment towards with the film on social media (Twitter, YouTube). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Survey: participants’ attitudes towards the film including feelings invoked, learning gained and ACE count prevalence. Twitter user and YouTube viewer sentiment (positive, negative or neutral) and interaction (likes, retweets or comments) with the film. RESULTS: Attitudes to the film were positive: 94.1% and 93.7%, respectively, agreed that it provided a helpful explanation of ACEs and trusted that the film was credible. Of those who reported ACE exposure, 88.9% agreed that those with ACEs would benefit from watching the film. Despite 50.6% reporting that the film had made them feel sad or upset, the majority (66.4%) reported they found the film hopeful or encouraging. Across 358 publicly available tweets from 313 users, 39.1% of tweets expressed positive sentiment, with only 1.4% negative (59.5% neutral). However, there was no association between tweet sentiment and interaction. Thirteen YouTube versions of the film received 171 812 views, 97.3% (n=889/914) ratings were positive (ie, ‘thumbs up’). CONCLUSIONS: Despite being emotionally arousing, many professionals reflected positive impacts of the film including a perceived increased ability to discuss ACEs. Public sentiment demonstrated a positive reaction to and acceptability of the film. Understanding the professional and public response to materials developed to increase ACE awareness, such as the film explored here, is important given the growing number of international movements which seek to increase ACE awareness, prevent ACEs and mitigate their lifelong negative effects

    Stay Well in Wales Super Profiles: Who thinks what about the nation's health

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    Using a household and online survey, the views of 3,310 individuals in Wales (aged 16+ years) on 19 public health statements were gathered. Eight demographic and five health-related behaviour super profiles were created to explore differences in opinions across population groups

    'Health in All Policies'-A Key Driver for Health and Well-Being in a Post-COVID-19 Pandemic World

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    Policy in all sectors affects health, through multiple pathways and determinants. Health in all policies (HiAP) is an approach that seeks to identify and influence the health and equity impacts of policy decisions, to enhance health benefits and avoid harm. This usually involves the use of health impact assessment or health lens analysis. There is growing international experience in these approaches, and some countries have cross-sectoral governance structures that prioritize the assessment of the policies that are most likely to affect health. The fundamental elements of HiAP are inter-sectoral collaboration, policy influence, and holistic consideration of the range of health determinants affected by a policy area or proposal. HiAP requires public health professionals to invest time to build partnerships and engage meaningfully with the sectors affecting the social determinants of health and health equity. With commitment, political will and tools such as the health impact assessment, it provides a powerful approach to integrated policymaking that promotes health, well-being, and equity. The COVID-19 pandemic has raised the profile of public health and highlighted the links between health and other policy areas. This paper describes the rationale for, and principles underpinning, HiAP mechanisms, including HIA, experiences, challenges and opportunities for the future

    The impact of citrate introduction at UK syringe exchange programmes: a retrospective cohort study in Cheshire and Merseyside, UK

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In 2003, it became legal in the UK for syringe exchange programmes (SEPs) to provide citrate to injecting drug users to solubilise heroin. Little work has been undertaken on the effect of policy change on SEP function. Here, we examine whether the introduction of citrate in Cheshire and Merseyside SEPs has altered the number of heroin/crack injectors accessing SEPs, the frequency at which heroin/crack injectors visited SEPs and the number of syringes dispensed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Eleven SEPs in Cheshire and Merseyside commenced citrate provision in 2003. SEP-specific data for the six months before and six months after citrate was introduced were extracted from routine monitoring systems relating to heroin and crack injectors. Analyses compared all individuals attending pre and post citrate and matched analyses only those individuals attending in both periods (defined as 'longitudinal attenders'). Non-parametric tests were used throughout.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neither new (first seen in either six months period) nor established clients visited SEPs more frequently post citrate. New clients collected significantly less syringes per visit post citrate, than pre citrate (14.5,10.0; z = 1.992, P < 0.05). Matched pair analysis showed that the median number of visits for 'longitudinal attenders' (i.e. those who attended in both pre and post citrate periods) increased from four pre citrate to five post citrate (z = 2.187, P < 0.05) but the number of syringes collected remained unchanged. These changes were not due to seasonal variation or other changes in service configuration.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The introduction of citrate did not negatively affect SEP attendance. 'Longitudinal attenders' visited SEPs more frequently post citrate, providing staff with greater opportunity for intervention and referral. As the number of syringes they collected each visit remained unchanged the total number of clean syringes made available to this group of injectors increased very slightly between the pre and post citrate periods. However, new clients collected significantly less syringes post citrate than pre citrate, possibly due to staff concerns regarding the amount of citrate (and thus syringes) to dispense safely to new clients. These concerns should not be allowed to negatively impact on the number of syringes dispensed.</p
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