49 research outputs found

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    The onion model: Myth or reality in the field of individual differences psychology?

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    The effectiveness of coach turnover on team performance is widely discussed in the literature due to the indirect impact of a team's performance on a club's revenues. This study examines the effect of coach turnover within a competition season by focusing on the change in team quality and the change in home team advantage under the new coach. The change in team quality or home team advantage can vary according to the team (team specific) or might be an independent quantity (non-team specific). We estimated nine possible regression models, given no change, team-specific change and non-team-specific change in quality or home team advantage. The data are the match results of Belgian male soccer teams playing in the highest national division during seven seasons. Results point to a team-specific effect of a new coach on a team's quality. This article further contributes by evaluating the new coach's success with regard to whether his ability to improve team quality also results in a better position of the team in the final ranking. A new coach will be able to improve the ranking of the team if the improved team quality under the new coach renders a positive team quality

    Kenmerken van effectief basisonderwijs. Een literatuurstudie

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    Er is een enorme hoeveelheid aan onderzoeksliteratuur beschikbaar over ‘wat werkt’ in het basisonderwijs. Tegelijkertijd laten deze onderzoeksresultaten soms tegenstrijdige resultaten zien. Vanuit deze vaststelling is de nood ontstaan om een overzicht te maken van de literatuur omtrent de factoren die leiden tot een effectieve klas- en schoolpraktijk in het basisonderwijs. Deze literatuurstudie biedt een antwoord op volgende onderzoeksvraag: “Van welke context-, input- en proceskenmerken wordt in de recente internationale en Vlaamse onderzoeksliteratuur vastgesteld dat ze samenhangen met de prestaties en de leerwinst in taal en wiskunde en het welbevinden van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs?” Hierbij wordt niet enkel een algemeen recept bekomen, maar worden ook differentiële effecten in kaart gebracht. Door een antwoord te formuleren op deze onderzoeksvraag brengen we de belangrijkste context-, input- en procesfactoren in kaart die samenhangen met de onderwijsuitkomsten van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs.status: publishe

    Countries strive towards more quality and equity in education: Do they show success or failure? Evidence from TIMSS 2003 and 2011, for Grade 4

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    Over the past decade, countries have been striving to increase the quality and equity of their educational systems. This study aimed to investigate to what extent countries have succeeded in both. Trends over time in educational quality and social and ethnic equity amongst 17 countries were investigated through hierarchical multilevel model analysis using data from TIMSS 2003 and 2011. Results indicated an overall increase of math achievement levels, a stable level of science achievement, an overall decrease in social equity, and an overall increase in ethnic equity. However, differences between countries were noticed, with opposite trends occurring in some countries. This study not only looked at trends in average achievement, but also investigated trends in achievement gaps by looking at trends in achievement of the highest and lowest 10 % performing students, which revealed nuances in the conclusions made. Finally, no systematic relationship was found between trends in quality and trends in equity.status: publishe