13 research outputs found

    An anthropological examination of virtues and character strengths and wellbeing: Imagining a good life in professional training

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    Since its inception, there has been a rapid growth in the number of studies on Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) classification of Positive Psychology’s (PP) strengths and virtues, linking them to wellbeing (Brdar & Kashdan, 2010). However, some authors have criticized this approach (Schwartz & Sharpe, 2006), arguing that this classification does not integrate a complete understanding of the Aristotelian virtue of practical wisdom. Building on this critique, the article aims to apply the theoretical framework of Gilbert Durand’s Anthropological Structures of the Imaginary (ASI) in order to provide a nuanced approach to understanding Positive Psychology’s concepts of strengths and virtues. We suggest that this approach will contribute to enhancing the implications of these concepts for the practice of supervision and psychotherapy. In the first section, we explore the notion of virtue from the Positive Psychology perspective and contrast it with the Aristotelian perspective. The comparison of these two perspectives lead to a rationale for proposing Durand’s ASI theory for greater understanding of the complexities inherent to the notion of virtues and their associated character strengths and their role in fostering a good life. In the second section, we briefly present an overview of Durand’s ASI theory. In the third section, we further demonstrate the links between the two theoretical frameworks (i.e., Durand’s ASI and PP’s strengths and virtues), by providing applications of the relevance of ASI to both Peterson and Seligman’s (2004) six virtues and 24 character strengths. Lastly, a case conceptualization is presented to articulate the clinical implications of this proposed approach

    On proposing relational environmental metaphors to stimulate engagement and foster well-being in the midst of climate change

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    Messages regarding climate change that are intended to stimulate responsible engagement can impact our mental health in both positive and negative ways, which in turn can increase or limit the potential engagement being sought through those very messages. Increasingly alarmist environmental metaphors are being brought into question due to their possibly detrimental impact on mental health and well-being, and in their place, relational environmental metaphors are proffered to instill hopeful and constructive individual and collective engagement for responsible climate action. This article discusses how both alarmist and relational environmental metaphors interact with eco-emotions. It proposes, in light of concepts arising from Porges’ Polyvagal Theory − on the psychophysiology of autonomic states created in contexts of threatening cues and feelings of safety and connection −, that relational environmental metaphors are preferable for stimulating responsible collective engagement and fostering global well-being in the midst of climate change


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    Comment la belle-mère sans enfant arrive-t-elle à se figurer ses images de soi dans le contexte d’une reconfiguration familiale d’une famille dite recomposée? Quelles sont les implications de cette reconfiguration? Cet article propose un tour d’horizon des éléments clés permettant de mieux comprendre la famille recomposée, en mettant l’accent sur le besoin de faire sens du rôle ambigu de cette belle-mère s’assimilant dans une famille ayant déjà des enfants. En guise de cadre conceptuel intégratif, la théorie de l’imaginaire de Gilbert Durand est présentée pour permettre la réconciliation d’univers et de modèles opposés dans la restructuration de l’identité des membres de ces familles.How does a stepmother without children make sense of her self-image in the context of a blended family reconfiguration she has integrated? What are the implications of this newly blended family? This article proposes an overview of the key elements to better understand the blended family while emphasizing the need to find meaning regarding the ambiguous role the stepmother has when she enters into a family that already has children. As an integrative framework, Gilbert Durand’s imaginary theory is presented in order to reconcile the opposing universes and models through the restructuration of the identity of the members of blended families

    La référence à l'autorité dans la conversation

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    L'objectif du présent article est d'analyser la fonction indicielle de la référence à l'autorité jouxtée des actes assertifs dans la conversation. Il s'agit de prolonger le travail de l'école polyphonique qui a mis en lumière la fonction de modulation et de paramétrisation des énoncés de la référence à l'autorité, et ce, en allant davantage du côté de l'action au sens fort. On fera valoir que la référence à l'autorité peut permettre à un locuteur expérimenté de gérer un certain nombre d'enjeux psychosociaux en intervenant de manière discrète sur le terrain des inférences. L'article situera cette proposition théorique dans le champ des travaux sur l'argumentation et la développera en étudiants trois cas d'enjeux.The objective of this article is to analyse the indexical function of the reference to authority juxtaposed with assertive acts in conversation. This then prolongs the work of the polyphonic school, which shed light on the function of modulation and parametrization of authority referencing statements and this, leaning toward the side of action in the pure sense. We will show that the reference to authority can allow an experienced speaker to manage a number of psychosocial issues by discretely intervening on the terrain of inferences. The article will situate this theoretical proposition in the field of work on argumentation and will develop it by studying the cases of three issues.El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la función de los índices de la referencia a la autoridad lindada a los actos ratificados en la conversación. Se trata de prolongar el trabajo de la escuela polifónica que ha puesto énfasis en la función de modulación y parametrización de los enunciados de referencia a la autoridad, yendo particularmente de lado de la acción en el sentido fuerte de la palabra. Se hace hincapié en el hecho que la referencia a la autoridad puede permitir a un locutor experimentado, manejar cierto número de situaciones psicosociales, interviniendo de manera discreta en el ámbito de las inferencias. El artículo situará esta propuesta teórica en el campo de los trabajos sobre la argumentación y la desarrollará, estudiando tres casos de situaciones

    La référence à l'autorité dans la conversation

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    The objective of this article is to analyse the indexical function of the reference to authority juxtaposed with assertive acts in conversation. This then prolongs the work of the polyphonic school, which shed light on the function of modulation and parametrization of authority referencing statements and this, leaning toward the side of action in the pure sense. We will show that the reference to authority can allow an experienced speaker to manage a number of psychosocial issues by discretely intervening on the terrain of inferences. The article will situate this theoretical proposition in the field of work on argumentation and will develop it by studying the cases of three issues