36 research outputs found

    Dietary intake and overweight in childhood cancer during treatment and survivorship

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    Unhealthy nutrition and overweight may increase the risk for chronic health problems after childhood cancer treatment. It is therefore important to get a better understanding of the dietary intake of survivors and the personal and clinical characteristics related to adherence to dietary recommendations. Additionally, it is key to determine risk factors related to weight gain during and after treatment, e.g. type of cancer, treatment, age, gender etc. Our research is based on several sources of information. As part of the “Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study” project, we sent two questionnaires. Childhood cancer survivors who survived at least 5 years filled in the first questionnaire. This questionnaire assessed adherence to dietary recommendations, and height and weight to calculate body mass index. The second questionnaire was a newly developed follow-up questionnaire completed by 1578 survivors, which assessed dietary intake in detail. Next, we measured several times height and weight of childhood cancer patients during treatment. Finally, we collected urine spot samples from 125 survivors and patients to compare them with detailed dietary intake information. For this last step, the analyses are ongoing. Analyses on all these sources of information allowed us to make the following observations: Only 43% of the survivors met the national recommended dietary intakes for meat, 34% for fruit, 30% for fish, 18% for dairy products, 11% for vegetables, and 7% for combined fruit and vegetables. Results were similar for siblings and the general population. Adherence was not better for those survivors with high cardiovascular risks. In all groups, characteristics related to dietary adherence were similar. After treatment, the prevalence of and risk factors for being overweight were the same for survivors and their peers. But, survivors treated with head radiation therapy of 20 gray or more were more often overweight after treatment. Glucocorticoid chemotherapy seemed to have no impact on overweight in the long term. During treatment, being a boy and having been diagnosed with a specific type of leukemia (acute lymphoblastic leukemia, ALL) or lymphoma were risk factors for weight gain. Children affected by other types of cancer tended to lose initially weight before gaining weight during the second half of treatment. Based on these results, we suggest that prevention methods for unhealthy diet and overweight can be similar for survivors as for the general population. An important exception are survivors treated with cranial radiotherapy of 20 gray or more who may need extra attention during follow-up care. Besides, patients diagnosed with ALL or lymphoma might benefit from early lifestyle interventions. -- Une mauvaise alimentation et un surpoids augmentent le risque de problèmes de santé chroniques après un traitement contre le cancer chez les enfants. Il est donc important de mieux comprendre l’apport alimentaire des survivants et les caractéristiques personnelles et cliniques liées à l'observance des recommandations alimentaires. Il est également important de déterminer quels sont les facteurs qui peuvent provoquer une prise de poids durant et après le traitement, p.ex. type de cancer, de traitements, âge, sexe de l’enfant, etc. Notre recherche se base sur plusieurs sources d’information. Dans le cadre du projet ‘Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study’, nous avons envoyé deux questionnaires aux survivants d’un cancer durant l’enfance. Les anciens patients qui ont survécu au moins 5 ans ont rempli le premier questionnaire. Ce questionnaire a évalué l'observance des recommandations alimentaires, la taille et le poids pour calculer l'indice de masse corporelle (IMC). Le deuxième questionnaire était un nouveau questionnaire de suivi rempli par 1578 survivants, qui a évalué l'apport alimentaire en détail. Nous avons également relevé la taille et le poids des enfants à plusieurs reprises durant le traitement. Finalement, nous avons collecté des échantillons d'urine de 125 survivants et patients afin de les comparer aux informations détaillées sur l'apport alimentaire. Les analyses sont encore en cours pour cette dernière étape. L’analyse de toutes ces informations nous ont permis de faire les observations suivantes: Comparé aux lignes directrices nationales, seulement 43% des survivants respectaient les apports nutritionnels recommandés pour la viande, 34% pour les fruits, 30% pour le poisson, 18% pour les produits laitiers, 11% pour les légumes et 7% pour les fruits et légumes combinés. Les résultats étaient similaires pour les frères et sœurs et dans la population générale. Cela est également le cas pour les survivants ayant un risque cardiovasculaire élevé. Les caractéristiques liées à l'observance des recommandations alimentaires étaient semblables dans tous les groupes. Après le traitement, la prévalence et les facteurs de risque d'être en surpoids étaient les mêmes chez les survivants et leurs pairs. Mais les survivants traités avec une radiothérapie de la tête de 20 grays ou plus étaient plus souvent en surpoids après le traitement. La chimiothérapie aux glucocorticoïde semble n’avoir aucun impact sur le surpoids à long terme. Durant le traitement, le fait d'être un garçon et d'avoir été diagnostiqué avec un type spécifique de leucémie (la leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë, LLA) ou avec un lymphome, était un facteur de risque de prise de poids. Les enfants touchés par d'autres types de cancer avaient tendance à perdre du poids avant de prendre du poids pendant la seconde moitié du traitement. Sur la base de ces résultats, nous suggérons que les mesures de prévention contre une mauvaise alimentation et le surpoids peuvent être similaires pour les survivants comme pour la population générale. Une attention particulière doit être donnée durant les soins de suivi aux survivants traités par une radiothérapie de plus de 20 grays à la tête. De plus, les patients diagnostiqués avec une LLA ou un lymphome pourraient bénéficier d'interventions précoces de modification du style de vie

    Social, emotional, and behavioral functioning in young childhood cancer survivors with chronic health conditions.

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    BACKGROUND The cancer diagnosis and its intensive treatment may affect the long-term psycho-social adjustment of childhood cancer survivors. We aimed to describe social, emotional, and behavioral functioning and their determinants in young childhood cancer survivors. PROCEDURE The nationwide Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study sends questionnaires to parents of survivors aged 5-15 years, who have survived at least 5 years after diagnosis. We assessed social, emotional, and behavioral functioning using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). The SDQ includes four difficulties scales (emotional, conduct, hyperactivity, peer problems), a total difficulties indicator, and one strength scale (prosocial). We compared the proportion of survivors with borderline and abnormal scores to reference values and used multivariable logistic regression to identify determinants. RESULTS Our study included 756 families (response rate of 72%). Thirteen percent of survivors had abnormal scores for the total difficulties indicator compared to 10% in the general population. The proportion of survivors with abnormal scores was highest for the emotional scale (15% vs. 8% in the general population), followed by the peer problems scale (14% vs. 7%), hyperactivity (8% vs. 10%), and conduct scale (6% vs. 7%). Few survivors (4% vs. 7%) had abnormal scores on the prosocial scale. Children with chronic health conditions had a higher risk of borderline and abnormal scores on all difficulties scales (all p < 0.05). CONCLUSION Most childhood cancer survivors do well in social, emotional, and behavioral life domains, but children with chronic health conditions experience difficulties. Therefore, healthcare professionals should offer specific psycho-social support to these survivors

    Body image in adolescent survivors of childhood cancer: The role of chronic health conditions.

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    BACKGROUND Cancer and its treatment may impair the body image of childhood cancer survivors during adolescence. We compared the body image between adolescent cancer survivors and their siblings, and determined whether survivors' body image is associated with socio-demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics and chronic health conditions. PROCEDURE As part of the nationwide Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we sent questionnaires to adolescents (aged 16-19 years), who survived >5 years after having been diagnosed with childhood cancer between 1989 and 2010. Siblings received the same questionnaire. We assessed the level of agreement with three body image statements referring to body satisfaction and preferences for changes. Chronic health conditions were classified into cardiovascular, pulmonary, endocrine, musculoskeletal, renal/digestive, neurological and hearing or vision impairment. We used ordered logistic regression models to identify determinants of a more negative body image. RESULTS Our study included 504 survivors (48% female) with a median age at study of 17.7 years (interquartile range: 16.8-18.6) and 136 siblings. Survivors and siblings reported overall comparable levels of agreement with body image statements (all p > .05). Female survivors (all odds ratio [ORs] ≥1.7), survivors treated with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT; all ORs ≥2.2), and survivors with ≥2 chronic health conditions (all ORs ≥1.4) reported a more negative body image. This was particularly pronounced for survivors suffering from musculoskeletal or endocrine conditions. CONCLUSION Female survivors, survivors treated with HSCT or with chronic health conditions are at risk of body image concerns during adolescence. Increased awareness among clinicians and targeted psychosocial support could mitigate such concerns

    Geospatial Analysis of Sodium and Potassium Intake: A Swiss Population-Based Study.

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    Inadequate sodium and potassium dietary intakes are associated with major, yet preventable, health consequences. Local public health interventions can be facilitated and informed by fine-scale geospatial analyses. In this study, we assess the existence of spatial clustering (i.e., an unusual concentration of individuals with a specific outcome in space) of estimated sodium (Na), potassium (K) intakes, and Na:K ratio in the Bus Santé 1992-2018 annual population-based surveys, including 22,495 participants aged 20-74 years, residing in the canton of Geneva, using the local Moran's I spatial statistics. We also investigate whether socio-demographic and food environment characteristics are associated with identified spatial clustering, using both global ordinary least squares (OLS) and local geographically weighted regression (GWR) modeling. We identified clear spatial clustering of Na:K ratio, Na, and K intakes. The GWR outperformed the OLS models and revealed spatial variations in the associations between explanatory and outcome variables. Older age, being a woman, higher education, and having a lower access to supermarkets were associated with higher Na:K ratio, while the opposite was seen for having the Swiss nationality. Socio-demographic characteristics explained a major part of the identified clusters. Socio-demographic and food environment characteristics significantly differed between individuals in spatial clusters of high and low Na:K ratio, Na, and K intakes. These findings could guide prioritized place-based interventions tailored to the characteristics of the identified populations

    Transplant characteristics and self-reported pulmonary outcomes in Swiss childhood cancer survivors after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation—a cohort study

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    Childhood cancer survivors treated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation are at high risk for pulmonary morbidity and mortality. In this retrospective study we described transplant characteristics of pediatric patients who underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Switzerland and how these characteristics changed over time, compared self-reported pulmonary outcomes between transplanted and non-transplanted survivors, and investigated risk factors for the reported pulmonary outcomes. As part of the population-based Swiss Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, we sent questionnaires to all ≥5-year childhood cancer survivors diagnosed 1976–2010 at age ≤20 years. We included 132 transplanted survivors and 368 matched non-transplanted survivors. During the study period transplant characteristics changed, with decreasing use of total body irradiation and increased use of peripheral blood stem cells and mismatched and unrelated donors as transplant source. One-fifth of transplanted survivors (20%, 95%CI 13–27%) and 18% of non-transplanted survivors (95%CI 13–21%) reported at least one pulmonary outcome. None of the analyzed factors was significantly associated with an increased risk of pulmonary outcomes in multivariable analysis. We found that pulmonary outcomes were frequently reported in transplanted and non-transplanted childhood cancer survivors, indicating a strong need for long-term pulmonary follow-up care

    Prevalence and factors associated with cancer-related fatigue in Swiss adult survivors of childhood cancer.

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    PURPOSE Reported prevalence of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) among childhood cancer survivors (CCS) varies widely, and evidence on factors associated with CRF among CCS is limited. We aimed to investigate the prevalence of CRF and its associated factors among adult CCS in Switzerland. METHODS In a prospective cohort study, we invited adult CCS who survived at least 5 years since last cancer diagnosis, and were diagnosed when age 0-20 years and treated at Inselspital Bern between 1976 and 2015 to complete two fatigue-measuring instruments: the Checklist Individual Strength subjective fatigue subscale (CIS8R; increased fatigue 27-34, severe fatigue ≥ 35) and the numerical rating scale (NRS; moderate fatigue 4-6, severe fatigue 7-10). We collected information about previous cancer treatment and medical history, and calculated β coefficients for the association between CIS8R/NRS fatigue scores and potential determinants using multivariable linear regression. RESULTS We included 158 CCS (participation rate: 30%) with a median age at study of 33 years (interquartile range 26-38). Based on CIS8R, 19% (N = 30) of CCS reported increased fatigue, yet none reported severe fatigue. CRF was associated with female sex, central nervous system (CNS) tumors, sleep disturbance, and endocrine disorders. Lower CRF levels were observed among CCS age 30-39 years compared to those younger. CONCLUSIONS A considerable proportion of adult CCS reported increased levels of CRF. IMPLICATIONS FOR CANCER SURVIVORS CCS who are female and < 30 years old, have a history of CNS tumor, report sleep disturbance, or have an endocrine disorder should be screened for CRF

    Description of Ultra-Processed Food Intake in a Swiss Population-Based Sample of Adults Aged 18 to 75 Years.

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    Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are associated with lower diet quality and several non-communicable diseases. Their consumption varies between countries/regions of the world. We aimed to describe the consumption of UPFs in adults aged 18-75 years living in Switzerland. We analysed data from the national food consumption survey conducted among 2085 participants aged 18 to 75 years. Foods and beverages resulting from two 24-h recalls were classified as UPFs or non-UPFs according to the NOVA classification, categorized into 18 food groups, and linked to the Swiss Food Composition Database. Overall, the median energy intake [P25-P75] from UPFs was 587 kcal/day [364-885] or 28.7% [19.9-38.9] of the total energy intake (TEI). The median intake of UPFs relative to TEI was higher among young participants (&lt;30 years, p = 0.001) and those living in the German-speaking part of Switzerland (p = 0.002). The food groups providing the most ultra-processed calories were confectionary, cakes & biscuits (39.5% of total UPF kcal); meat, fish & eggs (14.9%); cereal products, legumes & potatoes (12.5%), and juices & soft drinks (8.0%). UPFs provided a large proportion of sugars (39.3% of total sugar intake), saturated fatty acids (32.8%), and total fats (31.8%) while providing less than 20% of dietary fibre. Consumption of UPFs accounted for nearly a third of the total calories consumed in Switzerland. Public health strategies to reduce UPF consumption should target sugary foods/beverages and processed meat

    A potential role for regulatory T-cells in the amelioration of DSS induced colitis by dietary non-digestible polysaccharides

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) including ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD) are chronic relapsing inflammatory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. The interaction between a disturbed microbial composition, the intestinal mucosal barrier and the mucosal immune system plays an important role in IBD and its chronicity. It has been indicated that due to the altered microbial composition the balance between T regulatory cells (Treg) and T helper cells (Th) 17 is disturbed, leading to an inflammatory state. The present study shows that oral intake of a specific multi fibre mix (MF), designed to match the fibre content of a healthy diet, counteracts IBD-like intestinal inflammation and weight loss in dextran sodium sulphate treated mice. This reduction in inflammation might be brought about, at least in part, by the MF-induced decrease in inflammatory cytokines, increase in IL-10 and the relative increase in Treg cells in the mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN). Moreover, the Treg percentage in the MLN correlates with the percentage of tolerogenic lamina propria derived CD103+RALDH+dendritic cells in the MLN, suggesting that these play a role in the observed effects. In children with CD exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is a widely used safe and effective therapy. Optimizing enteral nutritional concepts with the tested fibre mix, know to modulate the gut microbiota composition, SCFA production and inflammatory status (as indicated by the present study) could possibly further improve efficacy in inducing remission

    Physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices, and nutrition among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland - a cross-sectional survey.

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    AIMS OF THE STUDY We know little about the level of physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices and nutritional status of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), although these are important aspects of patients with chronic respiratory disease. We assessed physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices and nutritional status among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland, investigated how these vary by age and identified factors associated with regular physical activity. METHODS We sent a postal questionnaire survey to people with primary ciliary dyskinesia enrolled in the Swiss PCD registry (CH-PCD), based on the standardised FOLLOW-PCD patient questionnaire. We collected information about physical activity, physiotherapy, respiratory symptoms and nutritional status. We calculated the metabolic equivalent (MET) to better reflect the intensity of the reported physical activities. To assess nutritional status, we extracted information from CH-PCD and calculated participants' body mass index (BMI). RESULTS Of the 86 questionnaires we sent, 74 (86% response rate) were returned from 24 children and 50 adults. The median age at survey completion was 23 years (IQR [interquartile range] 15-51), and 51% were female. Among all 74 participants, 48 (65%) performed sports regularly. Children were vigorously active (median MET 9.1; IQR 7.9-9.6) and adults were moderately active (median MET 5.5; IQR 4.3-6.9). Fifty-nine participants (80%) reported performing some type of respiratory physiotherapy. However, only 30% of adults saw a professional physiotherapist, compared with 75% of children. Half of the participants had normal BMI; one child (4%) and two adults (4%) were underweight. People who were regularly physically active reported seeing a physiotherapist more often. CONCLUSIONS Our study is the first to provide patient-reported data about physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy and nutrition among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Our results highlight that professional respiratory physiotherapy, exercise recommendations and nutritional advice are often not implemented in the care of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland. Multidisciplinary care in specialised centres by teams including physiotherapists and nutrition consultants could improve the quality of life of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia

    Physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices, and nutrition among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland – a cross-sectional survey

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    Aims of the study: We know little about the level of physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices and nutritional status of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), although these are important aspects of patients with chronic respiratory disease. We assessed physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy practices and nutritional status among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland, investigated how these vary by age and identified factors associated with regular physical activity. Methods: We sent a postal questionnaire survey to people with primary ciliary dyskinesia enrolled in the Swiss PCD registry (CH-PCD), based on the standardised FOLLOW-PCD patient questionnaire. We collected information about physical activity, physiotherapy, respiratory symptoms and nutritional status. We calculated the metabolic equivalent (MET) to better reflect the intensity of the reported physical activities. To assess nutritional status, we extracted information from CH-PCD and calculated participants' body mass index (BMI). Results: Of the 86 questionnaires we sent, 74 (86% response rate) were returned from 24 children and 50 adults. The median age at survey completion was 23 years (IQR [interquartile range] 15-51), and 51% were female. Among all 74 participants, 48 (65%) performed sports regularly. Children were vigorously active (median MET 9.1; IQR 7.9-9.6) and adults were moderately active (median MET 5.5; IQR 4.3-6.9). Fifty-nine participants (80%) reported performing some type of respiratory physiotherapy. However, only 30% of adults saw a professional physiotherapist, compared with 75% of children. Half of the participants had normal BMI; one child (4%) and two adults (4%) were underweight. People who were regularly physically active reported seeing a physiotherapist more often. Conclusions: Our study is the first to provide patient-reported data about physical activity, respiratory physiotherapy and nutrition among people with primary ciliary dyskinesia. Our results highlight that professional respiratory physiotherapy, exercise recommendations and nutritional advice are often not implemented in the care of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia in Switzerland. Multidisciplinary care in specialised centres by teams including physiotherapists and nutrition consultants could improve the quality of life of people with primary ciliary dyskinesia