827 research outputs found

    Slip-velocity of large neutrally-buoyant particles in turbulent flows

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    We discuss possible definitions for a stochastic slip velocity that describes the relative motion between large particles and a turbulent flow. This definition is necessary because the slip velocity used in the standard drag model fails when particle size falls within the inertial subrange of ambient turbulence. We propose two definitions, selected in part due to their simplicity: they do not require filtration of the fluid phase velocity field, nor do they require the construction of conditional averages on particle locations. A key benefit of this simplicity is that the stochastic slip velocity proposed here can be calculated equally well for laboratory, field, and numerical experiments. The stochastic slip velocity allows the definition of a Reynolds number that should indicate whether large particles in turbulent flow behave (a) as passive tracers; (b) as a linear filter of the velocity field; or (c) as a nonlinear filter to the velocity field. We calculate the value of stochastic slip for ellipsoidal and spherical particles (the size of the Taylor microscale) measured in laboratory homogeneous isotropic turbulence. The resulting Reynolds number is significantly higher than 1 for both particle shapes, and velocity statistics show that particle motion is a complex non-linear function of the fluid velocity. We further investigate the nonlinear relationship by comparing the probability distribution of fluctuating velocities for particle and fluid phases

    Critical point for the CAF-F phase transition at charge neutrality in bilayer graphene

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    We report on magneto-transport measurements up to 30 T performed on a bilayer graphene Hall bar, enclosed by two thin hexagonal boron nitride flakes. Our high mobility sample exhibits an insulating state at neutrality point which evolves into a metallic phase when a strong in-plane field is applied, as expected for a transition from a canted antiferromagnetic to a ferromagnetic spin ordered phase. For the first time we individuate a temperature-independent crossing in the four-terminal resistance as a function of the total magnetic field, corresponding to the critical point of the transition. We show that the critical field scales linearly with the perpendicular component of the field, as expected from the underlying competition between the Zeeman energy and interaction-induced anisotropies. A clear scaling of the resistance is also found and an universal behavior is proposed in the vicinity of the transition

    Influence of seed coat color on germination rate and seedling development of Trifolium repens. Is physiological dormancy possible?

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    Trifolium repens L. (var. Regal Ladino) is among the most used species of Italian legumes as fodder for pastures, for direct consumption, or as mowing for stocks and then pastures. The seed integument of Trifolium repens L. has different colors ranging from light yellow to dark brown. In this work, the physiology of germination of light-colored, light intermediate, dark and dark intermediate seeds was studied to highlight any difference in the percentage of seed germination and seedling development. The results showed a lower germination rate and a noticeable reduction of the root length in dark seeds compared to light seeds. In this context, tests to exclude a physiological dormancy of dark seeds were performed. Light microscope and scanning electron microscope observation were conducted to detect substantial differences in the structure and thickness of the integument and in the quality of reserves. Biochemical investigations have evidenced that total polyphenols content is similar in all the seeds categories, while higher amount of total flavonoids was detected in dark seeds. Total Polyphenols and flavonoids content decreased during germination in all seed groups

    Single-/Few-Layer Graphene as Long-Lasting Electrocatalyst for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

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    The development of carbonaceous materials electro-catalytically active for water splitting reactions could overcome multiple disadvantages of metallic catalysts, including high cost, low selectivity, poor durability, and susceptibility to evolved gas. General guidelines to design carbon-based hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) electrocatalysts still remain a topic of debate. Here, we identify single-/few-layer graphene flakes with defective edges (SLG/FLG-DE), produced by hydrogen peroxide-assisted cosolvent liquid phase exfoliation, as durable and efficient HER electrocatalysts. The SLG/FLG-DE display overpotentials at 10 mA cm(-2) of 55 and 85 mV in 0.5 M H2SO4 and 1 M KOH solutions, respectively, as well as a durable HER activity over 200 h

    Mineral nutrients in soil and pea plants after exposition to TiO2 nanoparticles through a biosolid-amended soil

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    In addition to the benefits derived from nanotechnology, there is also concern about the potential risks of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) when released into the environment. Their possible accumulation and effects in agricultural soils and Nanonnovation 2018 Conference & Exibition crops are closely linked to food and agriculture safety. Particular attention has been focused on the reuse of biosolids from wastewater treatment plants that are considered a cost-effective practice for the improvement of nutrients and organic matter in agricultural soils and, but also a sink of contaminants such as nanoparticles (NPs). TiO2NPs have a global production of about 10.000 tons/year and it are among the most extensively used ENPs. Moreover, dissimilar or inconclusive results have been reported concerning the impact of TiO2 NPs on the soil-crop system, thus more information regarding their behavior are necessary. This study aimed to evaluate the potential effects of TiO2 NPs (anatase and rutile) and larger particles (bulk) on the availability of soil nutrients and on the nutritional status of Pisum sativum plants, simulating low (80 mg/kg) and high load of TiO2 (800 mg/kg ) in a biosolid-amended soil. Treated soils were analyzed for N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, soil microbial community, and plants grown in laboratory for 30d were analyzed for growth, pigments and mineral nutrition. Results showed that the treatment with TiO2 at macro- and nano-scale significantly reduced the availability of Mn, Fe and P in soils, this last more evident for the NPs treatments. Indeed, the soil bacterial diversity was reduced when the mixture of anatase and rutile were spiked in the biosolid-amended soil at high concentration. Moreover, the pea plants from treated soils showed an imbalance in the mineral nutrition, with reduction in the plant tissues of Mn and K and increase of N. This study pose a reflection on the use of biosolid, which could act as a vehicle for the spread and accumulation of ENPs in agro-ecosystems

    Real-Time Oil Leakage Detection on Aftermarket Motorcycle Damping System with Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this work, we describe in detail how Deep Learning and Computer Vision can help to detect fault events of the AirTender system, an aftermarket motorcycle damping system component. One of the most effective ways to monitor the AirTender functioning is to look for oil stains on its surface. Starting from real-time images, AirTender is first detected in the motorbike suspension system, simulated indoor, and then, a binary classifier determines whether AirTender is spilling oil or not. The detection is made with the help of the Yolo5 architecture, whereas the classification is carried out with the help of a suitably designed Convolutional Neural Network, OilNet40. In order to detect oil leaks more clearly, we dilute the oil in AirTender with a fluorescent dye with an excitation wavelength peak of approximately 390 nm. AirTender is then illuminated with suitable UV LEDs. The whole system is an attempt to design a low-cost detection setup. An on-board device, such as a mini-computer, is placed near the suspension system and connected to a full hd camera framing AirTender. The on-board device, through our Neural Network algorithm, is then able to localize and classify AirTender as normally functioning (non-leak image) or anomaly (leak image)

    disorder and de coherence in graphene probed by low temperature magneto transport weak localization and weak antilocalization

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    We studied weak localization (WL) and and weak antilocalization (WAL) in a eight-contacts Hall bar made of exfoliated monolayer graphene on Si-SiO2, by means of magneto-transport experiments, at temperatures between 0.3 K and 15 K. At low carrier density (n ≊ 7 × 1011 cm−2) we observed a transition from WL to WAL driven by the increasing of the magnetic field, while at high carrier density (n ≊ 2 × 1012 cm−2) only WL was observable. We analyzed the magnetic field driven WL-WAL transition and we evaluated the temperature dependence of the de-coherence parameters using an alternative method compared to previous studies. The values we obtained were corroborated by a root-mean-square analysis of the amplitude of highly-reproducible universal conductance fluctuations

    Low-Temperature Graphene-Based Paste for Large-Area Carbon Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Carbon perovskite solar cells (C-PSCs), using carbon-based counter electrodes (C-CEs), promise to mitigate instability issues while providing solution-processed and low-cost device configurations. In this work, we report the fabrication and characterization of efficient paintable C-PSCs obtained by depositing a low-temperature-processed graphene-based carbon paste atop prototypical mesoscopic and planar n-i-p structures. Small-area (0.09 cm(2)) mesoscopic C-PSCs reach a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 15.81% while showing an improved thermal stability under the ISOS-D-2 protocol compared to the reference devices based on Au CEs. The proposed graphene-based C-CEs are applied to large-area (1 cm(2)) mesoscopic devices and low-temperature-processed planar n-i-p devices, reaching PCEs of 13.85 and 14.06%, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, these PCE values are among the highest reported for large-area C-PSCs in the absence of back-contact metallization or additional stacked conductive components or a thermally evaporated barrier layer between the charge-transporting layer and the C-CE (strategies commonly used for the record-high efficiency C-PSCs). In addition, we report a proof-of-concept of metallized miniwafer-like area C-PSCs (substrate area = 6.76 cm(2), aperture area = 4.00 cm(2)), reaching a PCE on active area of 13.86% and a record-high PCE on aperture area of 12.10%, proving the metallization compatibility with our C-PSCs. Monolithic wafer-like area C-PSCs can be feasible all-solution-processed configurations, more reliable than prototypical perovskite solar (mini)modules based on the serial connection of subcells, since they mitigate hysteresis-induced performance losses and hot-spot-induced irreversible material damage caused by reverse biases

    Diffusion in disordered systems under iterative measurement

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    We consider a sequence of idealized measurements of time-separation Δt\Delta t onto a discrete one-dimensional disordered system. A connection with Markov chains is found. For a rapid sequence of measurements, a diffusive regime occurs and the diffusion coefficient DD is analytically calculated. In a general point of view, this result suggests the possibility to break the Anderson localization due to decoherence effects. Quantum Zeno effect emerges because the diffusion coefficient DD vanishes at the limit Δt0\Delta t \to 0.Comment: 8 pages, 0 figures, LATEX. accepted in Phys.Rev.