6,009 research outputs found

    Dual-Species Plasmas Illustrate MHD Flows

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    Plasma loops created in the laboratory strongly resemble structures observed in the solar corona. For example, both solar coronal loops and experimental loops exhibit remarkably uniform axial cross sections. A magnetohydrodynamic theory that was proposed to explain this phenomenon predicts that a plasma loop whose axial magnetic field is constricted at both footpoints will experience bulk flows into the loop from both ends. To test this theory, dual-species plasma loops were formed by supplying a different neutral gas to each of the two footpoints. Optical filters were then used to separately image the motion of different sections of the plasma. Bulk flows were, in fact, observed

    Laboratory simulations of astrophysical jets and solar coronal loops: new results

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    An experimental program underway at Caltech has produced plasmas where the shape is neither fixed by the vacuum chamber nor fixed by an external coil set, but instead is determined by self-organization. The plasma dynamics is highly reproducible and so can be studied in considerable detail even though the morphology of the plasma is both complex and time-dependent. A surprising result has been the observation that self-collimating MHD-driven plasma jets are ubiquitous and play a fundamental role in the self-organization. The jets can be considered lab-scale simulations of astrophysical jets and in addition are intimately related to solar coronal loops. The jets are driven by the combination of the axial component of the J×B force and the axial pressure gradient resulting from the non-uniform pinch force associated with the flared axial current density. Behavior is consistent with a model showing that collimation results from axial non-uniformity of the jet velocity. In particular, flow stagnation in the jet frame compresses frozen-in azimuthal magnetic flux, squeezes together toroidal magnetic field lines, thereby amplifying the embedded toroidal magnetic field, enhancing the pinch force, and hence causing collimation of the jet

    Astrophysical jets: observations, numerical simulations, and laboratory experiments

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    This paper provides summaries of ten talks on astrophysical jets given at the HEDP/HEDLA-08 International Conference in St. Louis. The talks are topically divided into the areas of observation, numerical modeling, and laboratory experiment. One essential feature of jets, namely, their filamentary (i.e., collimated) nature, can be reproduced in both numerical models and laboratory experiments. Another essential feature of jets, their scalability, is evident from the large number of astrophysical situations where jets occur. This scalability is the reason why laboratory experiments simulating jets are possible and why the same theoretical models can be used for both observed astrophysical jets and laboratory simulations

    Understanding the dynamics of photoionization-induced solitons in gas-filled hollow-core photonic crystal fibers

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    We present in detail our developed model [Saleh et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107] that governs pulse propagation in hollow-core photonic crystal fibers filled by an ionizing gas. By using perturbative methods, we find that the photoionization process induces the opposite phenomenon of the well-known Raman self-frequency red-shift of solitons in solid-core glass fibers, as was recently experimentally demonstrated [Hoelzer et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107]. This process is only limited by ionization losses, and leads to a constant acceleration of solitons in the time domain with a continuous blue-shift in the frequency domain. By applying the Gagnon-B\'{e}langer gauge transformation, multi-peak `inverted gravity-like' solitary waves are predicted. We also demonstrate that the pulse dynamics shows the ejection of solitons during propagation in such fibers, analogous to what happens in conventional solid-core fibers. Moreover, unconventional long-range non-local interactions between temporally distant solitons, unique of gas plasma systems, are predicted and studied. Finally, the effects of higher-order dispersion coefficients and the shock operator on the pulse dynamics are investigated, showing that the resonant radiation in the UV [Joly et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 106] can be improved via plasma formation.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Dynamic and Stagnating Plasma Flow Leading to Magnetic Flux Tube Collimation

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    Highly collimated, plasma-filled magnetic flux tubes are frequently observed on galactic, stellar and laboratory scales. We propose that a single, universal magnetohydrodynamic pumping process explains why such collimated, plasma-filled magnetic flux tubes are ubiquitous. Experimental evidence from carefully diagnosed laboratory simulations of astrophysical jets confirms this assertion and is reported here. The magnetohydrodynamic process pumps plasma into a magnetic flux tube and the stagnation of the resulting flow causes this flux tube to become collimated.Comment: to be published in PRL; color figures on electronic versio

    The disappearing hand: vestibular stimulation does not improve hand localisation.

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    Bodily self-consciousness depends on the coherent integration of sensory information. In addition to visual and somatosensory information processing, vestibular contributions have been proposed and investigated. Vestibular information seems especially important for self-location, but remains difficult to study. This randomised controlled experiment used the MIRAGE multisensory illusion box to induce a conflict between the visually- and proprioceptively-encoded position of one hand. Over time, the perceived location of the hand slowly shifts, due to the fact that proprioceptive input is progressively weighted more heavily than the visual input. We hypothesised that left cold caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) augments this shift in hand localisation. The results from 24 healthy participants do not support our hypothesis: CVS had no effect on the estimations with which the perceived position of the hand shifted from the visually- to the proprioceptively-encoded position. Participants were more likely to report that their hand was 'no longer there' after CVS. Taken together, neither the physical nor the subjective data provide evidence for vestibular enhanced self-location

    Magnetically Driven Flows in Arched Plasma Structures

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    Laboratory experiments demonstrate high-speed plasma flows from both footpoints of arched magnetic flux tubes, resulting in bulk plasma transport into the flux tube and persistent axial collimation even as the flux tube lengthens and kinks. The measured flows are in agreement with the predictions of hoop force and collimation models involving fundamental MHD forces. These forces are expected to drive plasma acceleration in other open flux configurations with arched geometries, such as those found on the solar surface

    ALDH3A1 overexpression in melanoma and lung tumors drives cancer stem cell expansion, impairing immune surveillance through enhanced PD-L1 output

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    Melanoma and non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) cell lines are characterized by an intrinsic population of cancer stem-like cells (CSC), and high expression of detoxifying isozymes, the aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs), regulating the redox state. In this study, using melanoma and NSCLC cells, we demonstrate that ALDH3A1 isozyme overexpression and activity is closely associated with a highly aggressive mesenchymal and immunosuppressive profile. The contribution of ALDH3A1 to the stemness and immunogenic status of melanoma and NSCLC cells was evaluated by their ability to grow in 3D forming tumorspheres, and by the expression of markers for stemness, epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), and inflammation. Furthermore, in specimens from melanoma and NSCLC patients, we investigated the expression of ALDH3A1, PD-L1, and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) by immunohistochemistry. We show that cells engineered to overexpress the ALDH3A1 enzyme enriched the CSCs population in melanoma and NSCLC cultures, changing their transcriptome. In fact, we found increased expression of EMT markers, such as vimentin, fibronectin, and Zeb1, and of pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive mediators, such as NFkB, prostaglandin E2, and interleukin-6 and-13. ALDH3A1 overexpression enhanced PD-L1 output in tumor cells and resulted in reduced proliferation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells when co-cultured with tumor cells. Furthermore, in tumor specimens from melanoma and NSCLC patients, ALDH3A1 expression was invariably correlated with PD-L1 and the pro-inflammatory marker COX-2. These findings link ALDH3A1 expression to tumor stemness, EMT and PD-L1 expression, and suggest that aldehyde detoxification is a redox metabolic pathway that tunes the immunological output of tumors

    Numerical study of jets produced by conical wire arrays on the Magpie pulsed power generator

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    The aim of this work is to model the jets produced by conical wire arrays on the MAGPIE generator, and to design and test new setups to strengthen the link between laboratory and astrophysical jets. We performed the modelling with direct three-dimensional magneto-hydro-dynamic numerical simulations using the code GORGON. We applied our code to the typical MAGPIE setup and we successfully reproduced the experiments. We found that a minimum resolution of approximately 100 is required to retrieve the unstable character of the jet. We investigated the effect of changing the number of wires and found that arrays with less wires produce more unstable jets, and that this effect has magnetic origin. Finally, we studied the behaviour of the conical array together with a conical shield on top of it to reduce the presence of unwanted low density plasma flows. The resulting jet is shorter and less dense.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science. HEDLA 2010 conference procedings. Final pubblication will be available on Springe