5,787 research outputs found

    Foreign Security Surveillance―Balancing Executive Power and the Fourth Amendment

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    Riccardo Lombardi e il Sudmerica. Il sogno di "un Mondo Migliore".

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    Per la storiografia contemporanea e nell'immaginario popolare il padre Riccardo Lombardi, Gesuita, fondatore del Movimento per un Mondo Migliore, rimane un personaggio retrivo con un senso relativo della democrazia, una sorta di cappellano autoritario della destra cattolica, tra i principali artefici della nota operazione Sturzo. La sua figura è stata spesso oggetto di interpretazioni sommarie, legate non di rado a prospettive storiografiche di matrice ideologica, che hanno ridotto la comprensione e l'analisi della complessità della sua opera e della sua esperienza umana, solo attraverso categorie politoligiche. La sua vicenda ha avuto valenze ed efeftti nella vita della Chiesa, che vanno ben al di là del ristretto contesto italiano. La sua predicazione e il suo messaggio hanno lasciato tracce profonde nel cattolicesimo internazionale e in particolare in quello latinoamericano e un'eco profonda nella vita di questa Chiesa, tanto da risultare determinante nella formazione e negli itinerari umani e spirituali di un'intera generazione di ecclesiastici

    Dinamica dei fluidi

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    Questo elaborato vuole descrivere le caratteristiche fondamentali della dinamica dei fluidi. Il primo capitolo introduttivo fornirà le nozioni alla base della seguente trattazione: il concetto di elemento di fluido e di derivata materiale, cosa si intende per una descrizione lagrangiana ed una descrizione euleriana del moto di un fluido, l’enunciato del Teorema del Trasporto di Reynolds. In possesso di queste conoscenze, nel secondo capitolo verranno presentate le equazioni fondamentali della fluidodinamica: l’equazione di continuità, l’equazione del moto e l’equazione dell’energia con un sottoparagrafo dedicato a cosa accade per i fluidi viscosi. Data la vastità dell’argomento e la moltitudine di applicazioni astrofisiche, nell’ultimo capitolo si è scelto di illustrare come avviene la propagazione di onde sonore in un mezzo compressibile e quando, con l’aggiunta di un potenziale di autogravità, possa insorgere un’instabilità gravitazionale. Infine, verrà spiegato brevemente come avviene il collasso gravitazionale e come questo possa portare alla nascita di una protostella

    Star Wars: Attack of the Anti-Satellite Weapons in Anticipatory Self-Defense

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    First evidence of a shock in a radio mini-halo cluster: implications from new LOFAR data

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    Diffuse non-thermal radio emission in galaxy clusters provides direct information on the relativistic particles and magnetic fields in the ICM. With the advent of the LOFAR array, new properties of the steep diffuse emission in galaxy cluster have been revealed in the low radio frequencies. One of these recent discoveries is the presence of ultra-steep spectrum radio emission on Mpc scale outside the mini-halo. The origin of the mini-halos in cool-core cluster is still debated. New LOFAR observations of the cool-core galaxy cluster RBS797 were requested with the aim to investigate signs of steep large scale emission extending beyond the mini-halo. In order to perform an accurate investigation of this scenario, we carried out a multi-wavelength study to reveal the presence of surface brightness discontinuities in the ICM. The low resolution LOFAR image produced in this thesis work does not show Mpc diffuse emission. Comparing the low resolution 140MHz LOFAR image with the 1.4 GHz VLA image, we found a more extended diffuse emission at the high frequency. Spectral index analysis of this mini-halo was performed and a flattening of the spectral index toward the external region was found. The X-ray analysis was carried out by means of detailed morphological and spectroscopic study of archival Chandra observation. We found an outer discontinuity, which presents thermodynamic properties consistent with those typically found in shock fronts. The presence of a possible “cocoon shock” propagating in the ICM, which compresses and heats the plasma, can re-accelerate relativistic particles to higher energy, and hence, can explain a larger extension of the 1.4 GHz emission with respect to the 140 MHz LOFAR emission, and the flattening of the spectral index increasing with the distance from the center. Therefore, cocoon shock in this cool-core cluster can provide new evidence of the link between the AGN feedback and the mini-halo origin

    Research focusing on plant performance in constructed wetlands and agronomic application of treated wastewater – A set of experimental studies in Sicily (Italy)

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    Constructed wetlands are sustainable technologies for the treatment of wastewater. These biological systems have been widely studied throughout the world for more than 30 years; however, most studies have focused on the effects of design and engineering on pollutant removal from wastewater. Undoubtedly, agro-technical aspects have been given too little consideration by research. This paper reports the main results of a set of experiments carried out on two pilot horizontal subsurface flow systems in Sicily (Italy). Festuca, Lolium and Pennisetum spp. in combination and three emergent macrophytes–Arundo donax L., Cyperus alternifolius L. and Typha latifolia L.–alone, were assessed. The aim of the study was to demonstrate that, under predetermined hydraulic and design conditions, the choice of plant species and the management of the vegetation can significantly affect the pollutant removal performance of constructed wetlands. In addition, wastewater (after treatment) can also be used for agricultural purposes leading to increased sustainability in agricultural systems. Arundo and Typha-planted units performed better than Cyperus-planted units in terms of chemical, physical and microbiological contaminant removal. All the species adapted extremely well to wetland conditions. Polyculture systems were found to be more efficient than monocultures in the removal of dissolved organic compounds. The reuse of treated wastewater for the irrigation of open fields and horticultural crops led to significant savings in the use of freshwater and fertilizers. The results of physical-energy characterization of A. donax above-ground plant residues and pellets highlighted the fact that a constructed wetland could also be a potential source of bioenergy

    Migration and Settlement in Italy

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    This paper examines synthetically the demographic evolution of Italy from 1900 until 1975. It is concerned with the analysis of fertility, mortality and internal migration patterns in the twenty regions which constitute the territorial administrative disaggregation of the Italian Republic. The paper is part of IIASA's comparative study of migration and settlement patterns in its member nations


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    We describe a patient with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) in which an adduction deficit and ptosis in the left eye presented several years before the polyneuropathy. A 52-year-old man presented with a 14-year history of unremitting diplopia, adduction deficit, and ptosis in the left eye. At the age of 45 a mild bilateral foot drop and impaired sensation in the four limbs appeared, with these symptoms showing a progressive course. The diagnostic workup included EMG/ENG which demonstrated reduced conduction velocity with bilateral and symmetrical sensory and motor involvement. Cerebrospinal fluid studies revealed a cytoalbuminologic dissociation.Aprolonged treatment with corticosteroids allowed a significant improvement of the limbweakness. Diplopia and ptosis remained unchanged.This unusual formof CIDP presented as a long-lasting isolated cranial nerve palsy. A diagnostic workup for CIDP should therefore be performed in those patients in which an isolated and unremitting cranial nerve palsy cannot be explained by common causes
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