26,907 research outputs found

    The history of stellar metallicity in a simulated disc galaxy

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    We explore the chemical distribution of stars in a simulated galaxy. Using simulations of the same initial conditions but with two different feedback schemes (McMaster Unbiased Galaxy Simulations – MUGS – and Making Galaxies in a Cosmological Context – MaGICC), we examine the features of the age–metallicity relation (AMR), and the three-dimensional age– [Fe/H]–[O/Fe] distribution, both for the galaxy as a whole and decomposed into disc, bulge, halo and satellites. The MUGS simulation, which uses traditional supernova feedback, is replete with chemical substructure. This substructure is absent from the MaGICC simulation, which includes early feedback from stellar winds, a modified initial mass function and more efficient feedback. The reduced amount of substructure is due to the almost complete lack of satellites in MaGICC. We identify a significant separation between the bulge and disc AMRs, where the bulge is considerably more metal-rich with a smaller spread in metallicity at any given time than the disc. Our results suggest, however, that identifying the substructure in observations will require exquisite age resolution, of the order of 0.25 Gyr. Certain satellites show exotic features in the AMR, even forming a ‘sawtooth’ shape of increasing metallicity followed by sharp declines which correspond to pericentric passages. This fact, along with the large spread in stellar age at a given metallicity, compromises the use of metallicity as an age indicator, although alpha abundance provides a more robust clock at early times. This may also impact algorithms that are used to reconstruct star formation histories from resolved stellar populations, which frequently assume a monotonically increasing AMR

    Timing the Parkes Multibeam Pulsars

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    Measurement of accurate positions, pulse periods and period derivatives is an essential follow-up to any pulsar survey. The procedures being used to obtain timing parameters for the pulsars discovered in the Parkes multibeam pulsar survey are described. Completed solutions have been obtained so far for about 80 pulsars. They show that the survey is preferentially finding pulsars with higher than average surface dipole magnetic fields. Eight pulsars have been shown to be members of binary systems and some of the more interesting results relating to these are presented.Comment: 6 pages, 2 embedded EPS figures, to be published in proceedings of "Pulsar Astronomy - 2000 and Beyond", ASP Conf. Se

    Binary continuous random networks

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    Many properties of disordered materials can be understood by looking at idealized structural models, in which the strain is as small as is possible in the absence of long-range order. For covalent amorphous semiconductors and glasses, such an idealized structural model, the continuous-random network, was introduced 70 years ago by Zachariasen. In this model, each atom is placed in a crystal-like local environment, with perfect coordination and chemical ordering, yet longer-range order is nonexistent. Defects, such as missing or added bonds, or chemical mismatches, however, are not accounted for. In this paper we explore under which conditions the idealized CRN model without defects captures the properties of the material, and under which conditions defects are an inherent part of the idealized model. We find that the density of defects in tetrahedral networks does not vary smoothly with variations in the interaction strengths, but jumps from close-to-zero to a finite density. Consequently, in certain materials, defects do not play a role except for being thermodynamical excitations, whereas in others they are a fundamental ingredient of the ideal structure.Comment: Article in honor of Mike Thorpe's 60th birthday (to appear in J. Phys: Cond Matt.

    Violation of pseudospin symmetry in nucleon-nucleus scattering: exact relations

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    An exact determination of the size of the pseudospin symmetry violating part of the nucleon-nucleus scattering amplitude from scattering observables is presented. The approximation recently used by Ginocchio turns out to underestimate the violation of pseudospin symmetry. Nevertheless the conclusion of a modestly broken pseudospin symmetry in proton-208Pb scattering at EL=800MeV remains valid.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Melting and Pressure-Induced Amorphization of Quartz

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    It has recently been shown that amorphization and melting of ice were intimately linked. In this letter, we infer from molecular dynamics simulations on the SiO2 system that the extension of the quartz melting line in the metastable pressure-temperature domain is the pressure-induced amorphization line. It seems therefore likely that melting is the physical phenomenon responsible for pressure induced amorphization. Moreover, we show that the structure of a "pressure glass" is similar to that of a very rapidly (1e+13 to 1e+14 kelvins per second) quenched thermal glass.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2

    Tracing the Mass-Assembly History of Galaxies with Deep Surveys

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    We use the optical and near-infrared galaxy samples from the Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS), the FORS Deep Field (FDF) and GOODS-S to probe the stellar mass assembly history of field galaxies out to z ~ 5. Combining information on the galaxies' stellar mass with their star-formation rate and the age of the stellar population, we can draw important conclusions on the assembly of the most massive galaxies in the universe: These objects contain the oldest stellar populations at all redshifts probed. Furthermore, we show that with increasing redshift the contribution of star-formation to the mass assembly for massive galaxies increases dramatically, reaching the era of their formation at z ~ 2 and beyond. These findings can be interpreted as evidence for an early epoch of star formation in the most massive galaxies in the universe.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures; published in B. Aschenbach, V. Burwitz, G. Hasinger, B. Leibundgut (eds.): "Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology - Einstein's Legacy. Proceedings of the Conference held in Munich, 2006", ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Springer Verlag, 2007, p. 310. Replaced to match final published versio

    Chiral Anomaly Effects and the BaBar Measurements of the γγπ0\gamma\gamma^{*}\to \pi^{0} Transition Form Factor

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    The recent BaBar measurements of the γγπ0\gamma\gamma^{*}\to \pi^{0} transition form factor show spectacular deviation from perturbative QCD prediction for large space-like Q2Q^{2} up to 34GeV234\,\rm GeV^{2}. When plotted against Q2Q^{2}, Q2F(Q2)Q^{2}F(Q^{2}) shows steady increase with Q2Q^{2} in contrast with the flat Q2Q^{2} behavior predicted by perturbative QCD, and at 34GeV234\,\rm GeV^{2} is more than 50% larger than the QCD prediction. Stimulated by the BaBar measurements, we revisit our previous paper on the cancellation of anomaly effects in high energy processes Z0π0γZ^{0}\to \pi^{0}\gamma, e+eπ0γe^{+}e^{-}\to \pi^{0}\gamma and apply our results to the γγπ0\gamma^{*}\gamma\to \pi^{0} transition form factor measured in the e+ee+eπ0e^{+}e^{-}\to e^{+}e^{-}\pi^{0} process with one highly virtual photon. We find that, the transition form factor F(Q2)F(Q^{2}) behaves as (m2Q2)×(ln(Q2/m2))2(\frac{m^{2}}{Q^{2}})\times (\ln(Q^{2}/m^{2}))^{2} and produces a striking agreement with the BaBar data for Q2F(Q2)Q^{2}F(Q^{2}) with m=132MeVm=132\,\rm MeV which also reproduces very well the CLEO data at lower Q2Q^{2}.Comment: v4, LaTeX, 8 pages, one figure, minor changes(references), to appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    The no-signaling condition and quantum dynamics

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    We show that the basic dynamical rules of quantum physics can be derived from its static properties and the condition that superluminal communication is forbidden. More precisely, the fact that the dynamics has to be described by linear completely positive maps on density matrices is derived from the following assumptions: (1) physical states are described by rays in a Hilbert space, (2) probabilities for measurement outcomes at any given time are calculated according to the usual trace rule, (3) superluminal communication is excluded. This result also constrains possible non-linear modifications of quantum physics.Comment: 4 page

    From Einstein's Theorem to Bell's Theorem: A History of Quantum Nonlocality

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    In this Einstein Year of Physics it seems appropriate to look at an important aspect of Einstein's work that is often down-played: his contribution to the debate on the interpretation of quantum mechanics. Contrary to popular opinion, Bohr had no defence against Einstein's 1935 attack (the EPR paper) on the claimed completeness of orthodox quantum mechanics. I suggest that Einstein's argument, as stated most clearly in 1946, could justly be called Einstein's reality-locality-completeness theorem, since it proves that one of these three must be false. Einstein's instinct was that completeness of orthodox quantum mechanics was the falsehood, but he failed in his quest to find a more complete theory that respected reality and locality. Einstein's theorem, and possibly Einstein's failure, inspired John Bell in 1964 to prove his reality-locality theorem. This strengthened Einstein's theorem (but showed the futility of his quest) by demonstrating that either reality or locality is a falsehood. This revealed the full nonlocality of the quantum world for the first time.Comment: 18 pages. To be published in Contemporary Physics. (Minor changes; references and author info added