824 research outputs found

    Spatial Misalignment in time series studies of air pollution and health data

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    Time series studies of environmental exposures often involve comparing daily changes in a toxicant measured at a point in space with daily changes in an aggregate measure of health. Spatial misalignment of the exposure and response variables can bias the estimation of health risk and the magnitude of this bias depends on the spatial variation of the exposure of interest. In air pollution epidemiology, there is an increasing focus on estimating the health effects of the chemical components of particulate matter. One issue that is raised by this new focus is the spatial misalignment error introduced by the lack of spatial homogeneity in many of the particulate matter components. Current approaches to estimating short-term health risks via time series modeling do not take into account the spatial properties of the chemical components and therefore could result in biased estimation of those risks. We present a spatial-temporal statistical model for quantifying spatial misalignment error and show how adjusted heath risk estimates can be obtained using a regression calibration approach and a two-stage Bayesian model. We apply our methods to a database containing information on hospital admissions, air pollution, and weather for 20 large urban counties in the United States

    The Exposure–Response Curve for Ozone and Risk of Mortality and the Adequacy of Current Ozone Regulations

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    Time-series analyses have shown that ozone is associated with increased risk of premature mortality, but little is known about how O(3) affects health at low concentrations. A critical scientific and policy question is whether a threshold level exists below which O(3) does not adversely affect mortality. We developed and applied several statistical models to data on air pollution, weather, and mortality for 98 U.S. urban communities for the period 1987–2000 to estimate the exposure–response curve for tropospheric O(3) and risk of mortality and to evaluate whether a “safe” threshold level exists. Methods included a linear approach and subset, threshold, and spline models. All results indicate that any threshold would exist at very low concentrations, far below current U.S. and international regulations and nearing background levels. For example, under a scenario in which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s 8-hr regulation is met every day in each community, there was still a 0.30% increase in mortality per 10-ppb increase in the average of the same and previous days’ O(3) levels (95% posterior interval, 0.15–0.45%). Our findings indicate that even low levels of tropospheric O(3) are associated with increased risk of premature mortality. Interventions to further reduce O(3) pollution would benefit public health, even in regions that meet current regulatory standards and guidelines

    Declaring a Patient Brain Dead on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): Are There Guidelines or Misconceptions

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    Objectives: To review the clinical practice variations and trends with declaring patients brain dead on ECMO To highlight the need for the development of consensus guidelines to assist clinicians in the accurate diagnosis of brain death in this specific patient populatio

    Shape of the concentration–response association between fine particulate matter pollution and human mortality in Beijing, China, and its implications for health impact assessment, The

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 107009-12-107009-14).Publisher version: https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP4464.Background: Studies found approximately linear short-term associations between particulate matter (PM) and mortality in Western communities. However, in China, where the urban PM levels are typically considerably higher than in Western communities, some studies suggest nonlinearity in this association. Health impact assessments (HIA) of PM in China have generally not incorporated nonlinearity in the concentration–response (C-R) association, which could result in large discrepancies in estimates of excess deaths if the true association is nonlinear. Objectives: We investigated nonlinearity in the C-R associations between with PM with aerodynamic diameter ≤2.5μm (PM2.5) and mortality in Beijing, China, and the sensitivity of HIA to linearity assumptions. Methods: We modeled the C-R association between PM2.5 and cause-specific mortality in Beijing, China (2009–2012), using generalized linear models (GLM). PM2.5 was included through either linear, piecewise-linear, or spline functions to investigate evidence of nonlinearity. To determine the sensitivity of HIA to linearity assumptions, we estimated PM2.5-attributable deaths using both linear- and nonlinear-based C-R associations between PM2.5 and mortality. Results: We found some evidence that, for nonaccidental and circulatory mortality, the shape of the C-R association was relatively flat at lower concentrations of PM2.5, but then had a positive slope at higher concentrations, indicating nonlinearity. Conversely, the shape for respiratory mortality was positive and linear at lower concentrations of PM2.5, but then leveled off at the higher concentrations. Estimates of excess deaths attributable to short-term PM2.5 exposure were, in some cases, very sensitive to the linearity assumption in the association, but in other cases robust to this assumption. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate some evidence of nonlinearity in PM2.5–mortality associations and that an assumption of linearity in this association can influence HIAs, highlighting the importance of understanding potential nonlinearity in the PM2.5–mortality association at the high concentrations of PM2.5 in developing megacities like Beijing. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP446

    Associations of PM2.5 Constituents and Sources with Hospital Admissions: Analysis of Four Counties in Connecticut and Massachusetts (USA) for Persons ≥ 65 Years of Age

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    Background: Epidemiological studies have demonstrated associations between short-term exposure to PM2.5 and hospital admissions. The chemical composition of particles varies across locations and time periods. Identifying the most harmful constituents and sources is an important health and regulatory concern. Objectives: We examined pollutant sources for associations with risk of hospital admissions for cardiovascular and respiratory causes. Methods: We obtained PM2.5 filter samples for four counties in Connecticut and Massachusetts and analyzed them for PM2.5 elements. Source apportionment was used to estimate daily PM2.5 contributions from sources (traffic, road dust, oil combustion, and sea salt as well as a regional source representing coal combustion and other sources). Associations between daily PM2.5 constituents and sources and risk of cardiovascular and respiratory hospitalizations for the Medicare population (> 333,000 persons ≥ 65 years of age) were estimated with time-series analyses (August 2000–February 2004). Results: PM2.5 total mass and PM2.5 road dust contribution were associated with cardiovascular hospitalizations, as were the PM2.5 constituents calcium, black carbon, vanadium, and zinc. For respiratory hospitalizations, associations were observed with PM2.5 road dust, and sea salt as well as aluminum, calcium, chlorine, black carbon, nickel, silicon, titanium, and vanadium. Effect estimates were generally robust to adjustment by co-pollutants of other constituents. An interquartile range increase in same-day PM2.5 road dust (1.71 μg/m3) was associated with a 2.11% (95% CI: 1.09, 3.15%) and 3.47% (95% CI: 2.03, 4.94%) increase in cardiovascular and respiratory admissions, respectively. Conclusions: Our results suggest some particle sources and constituents are more harmful than others and that in this Connecticut/Massachusetts region the most harmful particles include black carbon, calcium, and road dust PM2.5. Citation: Bell ML, Ebisu K, Leaderer BP, Gent JF, Lee HJ, Koutrakis P, Wang Y, Dominici F, Peng RD. 2014. Associations of PM2.5 constituents and sources with hospital admissions: analysis of four counties in Connecticut and Massachusetts (USA) for persons ≥ 65 years of age. Environ Health Perspect 122:138–144; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/ehp.130665

    International expert workshop on the analysis of the economic and public health impacts of air pollution: workshop summary.

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    Forty-nine experts from 18 industrial and developing countries met on 6 September 2001 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, to discuss the economic and public health impacts of air pollution, particularly with respect to assessing the public health benefits from technologies and policies that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Such measures would provide immediate public health benefits, such as reduced premature mortality and chronic morbidity, through improved local air quality. These mitigation strategies also allow long-term goals--for example, reducing the buildup of GHG emissions--to be achieved alongside short-term aims, such as immediate improvements in air quality, and therefore benefits to public health. The workshop aimed to foster research partnerships by improving collaboration and communication among various agencies and researchers; providing a forum for presentations by sponsoring agencies and researchers regarding research efforts and agency activities; identifying key issues, knowledge gaps, methodological shortcomings, and research needs; and recommending activities and initiatives for research, collaboration, and communication. This workshop summary briefly describes presentations made by workshop participants and the conclusions of three separate working groups: economics, benefits transfer, and policy; indoor air quality issues and susceptible populations; and development and transfer of dose-response relationships and exposure models in developing countries. Several common themes emerged from the working group sessions and subsequent discussion. Key recommendations include the need for improved communication and extended collaboration, guidance and support for researchers, advances in methods, and resource support for data collection, assessment, and research

    Advanced imaging capabilities by incorporating plasmonics and metamaterials in detectors

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    Ultraviolet detection is often required to be made in the presence of a strong background of solar radiation which needs to be suppressed, but materials limitations at these wavelengths can impact both filter and sensor performance. In this work, we explore the use of 1D photonic bandgap structures integrated directly onto a Si sensor that can operate with solar blindness. These filters take advantage of the improved admittance with silicon to significantly improve throughput over conventional stand-alone bandpass filter elements. At far ultraviolet wavelengths these filters require the use of non-absorbing dielectrics such as the metal fluoride materials of MgF_2, AlF_3 and LiF. The latest performance of these 1D multilayer filters on Si photodiodes and CCD imaging sensors is demonstrated. We have also extended these 1D structures to more complex multilayers guided by the design concepts of metamaterials and metatronics, and to 2D patterned plasmonic hole array filters fabricated in aluminum. The performance of sensors and test filter structures is presented with an emphasis on UV throughput