31 research outputs found
Some models of the Geminids meteor stream formation
Further development of methods of investigations of meteor shower structure and a great deal of observational data have made it possible to obtain a precise flux density profile along the Earth's orbit for the Geminids meteor shower. This curve proved to be adequately described by a exponential law. Examined are: (1) which ejection model will fit the observed shower structure; and (2) to what extent the subsequent process of evolution modifies the formed structure. The following conclusions are drawn: (1) When studying the mechanism of formation of meteor streams, it is necessary to take into consideration the velocity distribution of particles that have been ejected from the parent body; (2) On the basis of the observed density variations, it is possible to determine what kind of ejection takes place (a single ejection or that around an orbital arch); and (3) The original structure of the Geminids cross section persists for no more than 1,500 to 2,000 years
Models of sporadic meteor body distributions
The distribution of orbital elements and flux density over the celestial sphere are the most common forms of representation of the meteor body distribution in the vicinity of the Earth's orbit. The determination of flux density distribution of sporadic meteor bodies was worked out. The method and its results are discussed
A processing method and results of meteor shower radar observations
Studies of meteor showers permit the solving of some principal problems of meteor astronomy: to obtain the structure of a stream in cross section and along its orbits; to retrace the evolution of particle orbits of the stream taking into account gravitational and nongravitational forces and to discover the orbital elements of its parent body; to find out the total mass of solid particles ejected from the parent body taking into account physical and chemical evolution of meteor bodies; and to use meteor streams as natural probes for investigation of the average characteristics of the meteor complex in the solar system. A simple and effective method of determining the flux density and mass exponent parameter was worked out. This method and its results are discussed
Is the problem of sporadic meteoroids space distribution solving correct?
Flux density over the celestial sphere and meteoroid orbital element distributions are discussed. Corrected for selections of observations methods distributions has been compared. Sporadic meteoroid velocity distributions do not depend on minimum registered mass of meteoroids in mass interval 1-10-4 g and depend only on radiant elongation from the Earth's apex. Now there are not reliable sporadic distributions of flux densities over the celestial sphere or distributions of orbital elements confirmed by comparison of results obtained even two different method of observations
Evolution of the perseid meteor shower over last 130 years from visual observations
Visual observations of the Perseid meteor shower carried out between the last two returns of the comet Swift-Tuttle are processed with the use of the method developed by the authors. The conclusion is made that the maximum of the shower activity for particles with masses corresponding to meteors of magnitude +3m and higher was observed at an average longitude of the Sun equal to 140.1°, with the exception of the years of perihelion passage by the comet. The shower activity grew exponentially and has increased by a factor of 4 in 130 years. The reasons for such an increase in the Perseid activity are discussed. © 1998 MAHK Hayka/Interperiodica Publishing
Determination of meteor flux distribution over the celestial sphere
A new method of determination of meteor flux density distribution over the celestial sphere is discussed. The flux density was derived from observations by radar together with measurements of angles of arrival of radio waves reflected from meteor trails. The role of small meteor showers over the sporadic background is shown
Expected distribution of interstellar meteoroids in the vicinity of the earth's orbit
Hypothesis that the sources of interstellar particles are planet systems of late class stars is discussed. It was supposed that the planet systems have something like the Oort cloud in our planet system on the boundary the Sun gravitation field. Some particles leave a cloud due to perturbations of nearest stars. The most probable leaving velocity relative to the parent star is the minimal one. So one can expect the velocity distribution of interstellar particles relative the local cenrtroid of stars is similar to the velocity distribution of stars. The interstellar meteoroids flux is distorted by gravitational field of the Sun and its moving relative meteoroid cloud. The transformation of interstellar meteoroid flux density in the gravitational field of the Sun lead to the appearance of some areas at the celestial sphere with high concentrations of their radiants. It is the coincidence of the observed and the calculated radiant concentrations of interstellar meteoroids at the celestial sphere
Structure of sporadic meteor radiant distributions from radar observations
An analysis of sporadic meteor flux distributions over the celestial sphere is given. Symmetry of the radiant distribution relative to the plane crossing the ecliptic pole and the Earth's apex and antapex was identified. © 1995 Kluwer Academic Publishers
Tomographic method for meteor-flux determination from radar observations
Potentialities of the tomographic method are studied as this method used to determine the density distribution of the sporadic-meteor flux over the celestial sphere from radar observations with measuring radiowave-arrival angles. It is shown that the main features of the distributions obtained by this method are the same as those obtained by other methods but that the angular resolution is much higher. © 1997 MAHK Hayka /Interperiodica Publishing
Is the problem of sporadic meteoroids space distribution solving correct?
Flux density over the celestial sphere and meteoroid orbital element distributions are discussed. Corrected for selections of observations methods distributions has been compared. Sporadic meteoroid velocity distributions do not depend on minimum registered mass of meteoroids in mass interval 1-10-4 g and depend only on radiant elongation from the Earth's apex. Now there are not reliable sporadic distributions of flux densities over the celestial sphere or distributions of orbital elements confirmed by comparison of results obtained even two different method of observations