36 research outputs found

    Annual Crop Yield Variation, Child Survival and Nutrition among Subsistence Farmers in Burkina Faso.

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    Whether year to year variation in crop yields affects the nutrition, health, and survival of subsistence farming populations is relevant to the understanding of the potential impacts of climate change. However, the empirical evidence is limited. We examined the association of child survival with inter-annual variation in food crop yield and middle-upper arm circumference (MUAC) in a subsistence farming population of rural Burkina Faso. The study was of 44,616 children < 5 years of age included in the Nouna Health and Demographic Surveillance System, 1992-2012, whose survival was analysed in relation to the food crop yield in the year of birth (which ranged from 65% to 120% of the period average) and, for a subset of 16,698 children, to MUAC, using shared frailty Cox proportional hazards models. Survival was appreciably worse in children born in years with low yield (fully adjusted hazard ratio of 1.11 (95% confidence interval: 1.02, 1.20) for a 90th to 10th centile decrease in annual crop yield) and in children with small MUAC (hazard ratio 2.72 (95% confidence interval: 2.15, 3.44) for a 90th to 10th centile decrease in MUAC). These results suggest an adverse impact of variations in crop yields which could increase under climate change

    A multi-scalar perspective on health and urban housing: an umbrella review

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    With more than half the world’s population living in cities, understanding how the built environment impacts human health at different urban scales is crucial. To be able to shape cities for health, an understanding is needed of planetary health impacts, which encompass the human health impacts of human-caused disruptions on the Earth’s natural ecosystems. This umbrella review maps health evidence across the spatial scales of the built environment (building; neighbourhood; and wider system, including city, regional and planetary levels), with a specific focus on urban housing. Systematic reviews published in English between January 2011 and December 2020 were searched across 20 databases, with 1176 articles identified and 124 articles screened for inclusion. Findings suggests that most evidence reports on health determinants at the neighbourhood level, such as greenspace, physical and socio-economic conditions, transport infrastructure and access to local services. Physical health outcomes are also primarily reported, with an emerging interest in mental health outcomes. There is little evidence on planetary health outcomes and significant gaps in the research literature are identified. Based on these findings, three potential directions are identified for future research

    The 2018 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: shaping the health of nations for centuries to come

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    The Lancet Countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change was established to provide an independent, global monitoring system dedicated to tracking the health dimensions of the impacts of, and the response to, climate change. The Lancet Countdown tracks 41 indicators across five domains: climate change impacts, exposures, and vulnerability; adaptation, planning, and resilience for health; mitigation actions and health co-benefits; finance and economics; and public and political engagement. This report is the product of a collaboration of 27 leading academic institutions, the UN, and intergovernmental agencies from every continent. The report draws on world-class expertise from climate scientists, ecologists, mathematicians, geographers, engineers, energy, food, livestock, and transport experts, economists, social and political scientists, public health professionals, and doctors. The Lancet Countdown's work builds on decades of research in this field, and was first proposed in the 2015 Lancet Commission on health and climate change,1 which documented the human impacts of climate change and provided ten global recommendations to respond to this public health emergency and secure the public health benefits available (panel 1)

    Evaluating Housing Health Hazards: Prevalence, Practices and Priorities in Delhi's Informal Settlements

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    Housing quality is crucially linked to health and sustainability goals, yet there is limited research on informal housing and settlements where housing quality is poor, and the health risks are expected to be greatest. This paper describes the investigation of housing conditions in a low-income resettlement colony in Delhi. A novel transdisciplinary methodology to evaluate multiple housing health hazards and establish intervention priorities in participation with the community was developed. Findings from housing surveys and indoor environmental monitoring were contrasted with a participatory self-assessment—revealing the widespread prevalence of hazards and suboptimal housing conditions as well as substantial differences in priorities, and thus perspectives, between participants and researchers. Focus group discussions explored the findings and built consensus on priorities. Our findings uncovered how poor housing conditions affect daily practices and thus are likely to adversely affect socio-economic development and gender equality. We highlight limitations in current frameworks to assess housing hazards and argue that a transdisciplinary approach is vital to provide a holistic understanding and to develop effective interventions. These insights are crucial to inform inclusive solutions for adequate housing and human settlements that can support improved health and help achieve the sustainable development goals

    Climate action for health and wellbeing in cities: a protocol for the systematic development of a database of peer-reviewed studies using machine learning methods [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]

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    Home Browse Climate action for health and wellbeing in cities: a protocol for... ALL METRICS 99 VIEWS 11 DOWNLOADS Get PDF Get XML Cite Export Track Email Share ▬ STUDY PROTOCOL Climate action for health and wellbeing in cities: a protocol for the systematic development of a database of peer-reviewed studies using machine learning methods [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review] Kristine Belesova https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6160-50411, Max Callaghan https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8292-87582, Jan C Minx https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2862-01782, Felix Creutzig2, Catalina Turcu https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2663-25863, Emma Hutchinson1, James Milner1, Melanie Crane https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3058-22114, Andy Haines https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8053-46051, Michael Davies5, Paul Wilkinson1 Author details 1 Department of Public Health, Environments and Society and Centre on Climate Change and Planetary Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, WC1H 9SH, UK 2 Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change, Berlin, 10829, Germany 3 Bartlett School of Planning, University College London, London, WC1H 0QB, UK 4 Charles Perkins Centre, Sydney School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia 5 Bartlett School Environment, Energy & Resources, University College London, London, WC1H 0QB, UK Kristine Belesova Roles: Conceptualization, Data Curation, Investigation, Methodology, Supervision, Writing – Original Draft Preparation, Writing – Review & Editing Max Callaghan Roles: Data Curation, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Writing – Review & Editing Jan C Minx Roles: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Writing – Review & Editing Felix Creutzig Roles: Conceptualization, Investigation, Methodology, Software, Writing – Review & Editing Catalina Turcu Roles: Investigation, Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing Emma Hutchinson Roles: Investigation, Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing James Milner Roles: Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing Melanie Crane Roles: Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing Andy Haines Roles: Conceptualization, Funding Acquisition, Methodology, Supervision, Writing – Review & Editing Michael Davies Roles: Conceptualization, Funding Acquisition, Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing Paul Wilkinson Roles: Conceptualization, Funding Acquisition, Methodology, Supervision, Writing – Review & Editing Abstract Cities produce more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Action by cities is therefore crucial for climate change mitigation as well as for safeguarding the health and wellbeing of their populations under climate change. Many city governments have made ambitious commitments to climate change mitigation and adaptation and implemented a range of actions to address them. However, a systematic record and synthesis of the findings of evaluations of the effect of such actions on human health and wellbeing is currently lacking. This, in turn, impedes the development of robust knowledge on what constitutes high-impact climate actions of benefit to human health and wellbeing, which can inform future action plans, their implementation and scale-up. The development of a systematic record of studies reporting climate and health actions in cities is made challenging by the broad landscape of relevant literature scattered across many disciplines and sectors, which is challenging to effectively consolidate using traditional literature review methods. This protocol reports an innovative approach for the systematic development of a database of studies of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions implemented in cities, and their benefits (or disbenefits) for human health and wellbeing, derived from peer-reviewed academic literature. Our approach draws on extensive tailored search strategies and machine learning methods for article classification and tagging to generate a database for subsequent systematic reviews addressing questions of importance to urban decision-makers on climate actions in cities for human health and wellbeing

    From habits of attrition to modes of inclusion: enhancing the role of private practitioners in routine disease surveillance

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    Background:Private practitioners are the preferred first point of care in a majority of low and middle-income countries and in this position, best placed for the surveillance of diseases. However their contribution to routine surveillance data is marginal. This systematic review aims to explore evidence with regards to the role, contribution, and involvement of private practitioners in routine disease data notification. We examined the factors that determine the inclusion of, and the participation thereof of private practitioners in disease surveillance activities.Methods:Literature search was conducted using the PubMed, Web of Knowledge, WHOLIS, and WHO-IRIS databases to identify peer reviewed and gray full-text documents in English with no limits for year of publication or study design. Forty manuscripts were reviewed.Results: The current participation of private practitioners in disease surveillance efforts is appalling. The main barriers to their participation are inadequate knowledge leading to unsatisfactory attitudes and misperceptions that influence their practices. Complicated reporting mechanisms with unclear guidelines, along with unsatisfactory attitudes on behalf of the government and surveillance program managers also contribute to the underreporting of cases. Infrastructural barriers especially the availability of computers and skilled human resources are critical to improving private sector participation in routine disease surveillance.Conclusion:The issues identified are similar to those for underreporting within the Integrated infectious Disease Surveillance and Response systems (IDSR) which collects data mainly from public healthcare facilities. We recommend that surveillance program officers should provide periodic training, supportive supervision and offer regular feedback to the practitioners from both public as well as private sectors in order to improve case notification. Governments need to take leadership and foster collaborative partnerships between the public and private sectors and most importantly exercise regulatory authority where needed

    Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health: A structured approach to support the development and implementation of city policies for population and planetary health

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    Context: The multi-disciplinary and multi-partner CUSSH project (Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health) seeks to support cities to take transformative action towards population and planetary health goals. Rationale: As all cities are complex systems with unique contexts and priorities, our approach is to engage with partner cities in a participatory process to build a shared understanding of relevant systems that will inform the development and implementation of new city policies. Description: Six partner cities were selected to represent larger and smaller cities from across the global spectrum of income: London (UK) and Rennes (France) in Europe, Nairobi and Kisumu in Kenya, and Beijing and Ningbo in China. In each setting we are engaging stakeholders in a broadly similar structured approach that integrates evidence gathering and modelling, participatory engagement framework, and ongoing tracking and evaluation. In addition, we are developing a working theory of change in each setting to explain how and why the chosen policies may work. Achievements: Our city engagement to date has focused on indoor air pollution (Nairobi), green infrastructure (London) and GHG emissions (Rennes), where findings highlighted not only multiple pathways by which policy interventions could affect health, but also potential counter-intuitive influences and tensions, and synergistic opportunities for solving both sustainability and health problems

    Participatory Action Research as a Framework for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: A Pilot Study on Healthy, Sustainable, Low-Income Housing in Delhi, India

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    To tackle global challenges, research collaborations need to integrate multiple disciplinary perspectives and connect with local practices to find solutions that are sustainable and impactful. This paper discusses how participatory action research (PAR) is used as a framework for transdisciplinary collaboration to integrate different disciplines and identify healthy and sustainable housing solutions appropriate for local development practices and policy. By analyzing a transdisciplinary research collaboration investigating housing interventions for low‐income settlements in Delhi, reflections and recommendations are provided for other projects wishing to use a similar methodology. It is found that the PAR framework has successfully guided the integration of contrasting methods and improved the impact of research outcomes, resulting in the emergence of new shared practices. However, it proves to be challenging and requires heightened communication and engagement to achieve understanding between all disciplines and practices. It is recommend that focus is given to developing relationships and effective communication channels and that time should be preallocated for reflection. The work provides insights for integrating academic disciplines, the community, and relevant stakeholders in the cocreation of evidence that is paramount to formulate effective solutions to global challenges

    Developing a programme theory for a transdisciplinary research collaboration: Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Environmental improvement is a priority for urban sustainability and health and achieving it requires transformative change in cities. An approach to achieving such change is to bring together researchers, decision-makers, and public groups in the creation of research and use of scientific evidence. / Methods: This article describes the development of a programme theory for Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health (CUSSH), a four-year Wellcome-funded research collaboration which aims to improve capacity to guide transformational health and environmental changes in cities. / Results: Drawing on ideas about complex systems, programme evaluation, and transdisciplinary learning, we describe how the programme is understood to “work” in terms of its anticipated processes and resulting changes. The programme theory describes a chain of outputs that ultimately leads to improvement in city sustainability and health (described in an ‘action model’), and the kinds of changes that we expect CUSSH should lead to in people, processes, policies, practices, and research (described in a ‘change model’). / Conclusions: Our paper adds to a growing body of research on the process of developing a comprehensive understanding of a transdisciplinary, multiagency, multi-context programme. The programme theory was developed collaboratively over two years. It involved a participatory process to ensure that a broad range of perspectives were included, to contribute to shared understanding across a multidisciplinary team. Examining our approach allowed an appreciation of the benefits and challenges of developing a programme theory for a complex, transdisciplinary research collaboration. Benefits included the development of teamworking and shared understanding and the use of programme theory in guiding evaluation. Challenges included changing membership within a large group, reaching agreement on what the theory would be ‘about’, and the inherent unpredictability of complex initiatives

    Mapping global research on climate and health using machine learning (a systematic evidence map)

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    Climate change is already affecting health in populations around the world, threatening to undermine the past 50 years of global gains in public health. Health is not only affected by climate change via many causal pathways, but also by the emissions that drive climate change and their co-pollutants. Yet there has been relatively limited synthesis of key insights and trends at a global scale across fragmented disciplines. Compounding this, an exponentially increasing literature means that conventional evidence synthesis methods are no longer sufficient or feasible. Here, we outline a protocol using machine learning approaches to systematically synthesize global evidence on the relationship between climate change, climate variability, and weather (CCVW) and human health. We will use supervised machine learning to screen over 300,000 scientific articles, combining terms related to CCVW and human health. Our inclusion criteria comprise articles published between 2013 and 2020 that focus on empirical assessment of: CCVW impacts on human health or health-related outcomes or health systems; relate to the health impacts of mitigation strategies; or focus on adaptation strategies to the health impacts of climate change. We will use supervised machine learning (topic modeling) to categorize included articles as relevant to impacts, mitigation, and/or adaptation, and extract geographical location of studies. Unsupervised machine learning using topic modeling will be used to identify and map key topics in the literature on climate and health, with outputs including evidence heat maps, geographic maps, and narrative synthesis of trends in climate-health publishing. To our knowledge, this will represent the first comprehensive, semi-automated, systematic evidence synthesis of the scientific literature on climate and health