40 research outputs found


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    Our studies included some autochthonous and regional grape varieties grown in the Republic of North Macedonia. The autochthonous varieties were examined - White winter, Konchanka, Stanushina, Ohrid black and Ohrid white, and the regional varieties - Vranec, Prokupec, Smederevka, Zilavka and Zupljanka were examined. The tests were divided into three methodological units. The first method was applied to all varieties - data collection, history and comparison with other tests. The second method was performed on all varieties - ampelographic identification because we had samples from all varieties. In some of the varieties, the third method was performed, that is, genetic (DNA) identification was made in the period from 2010 to 2020 in different examination centers and at different times. The results are compared with the results of a study by Professor M. Aradhya of the USDA Research Center, Davis CA, USA. He has performed a wide range of genetic identification on a number of autochthonous varieties in Europe and Asia, including varieties in the Balkans. With the second method of examination - ampelographic identification according to O.I.V. descriptors we got the most realistic results. An ampelographic description of certain characteristics of the individual organs of the vine was performed and it was concluded that the varieties according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics belong to 2 groups: ecological-geographical group Black Sea varieties, subgroup Balcanica and ecological-geographical group Eastern varieties, subgroup Antasiatica


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    Our studies included some autochthonous and regional grape varieties grown in the Republic of North Macedonia. The autochthonous varieties were examined - White winter, Konchanka, Stanushina, Ohrid black and Ohrid white, and the regional varieties - Vranec, Prokupec, Smederevka, Zilavka and Zupljanka were examined. The tests were divided into three methodological units. The first method was applied to all varieties - data collection, history and comparison with other tests. The second method was performed on all varieties - ampelographic identification because we had samples from all varieties. In some of the varieties, the third method was performed, that is, genetic (DNA) identification was made in the period from 2010 to 2020 in different examination centers and at different times. The results are compared with the results of a study by Professor M. Aradhya of the USDA Research Center, Davis CA, USA. He has performed a wide range of genetic identification on a number of autochthonous varieties in Europe and Asia, including varieties in the Balkans. With the second method of examination - ampelographic identification according to O.I.V. descriptors we got the most realistic results. An ampelographic description of certain characteristics of the individual organs of the vine was performed and it was concluded that the varieties according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics belong to 2 groups: ecological-geographical group Black Sea varieties, subgroup Balcanica and ecological-geographical group Eastern varieties, subgroup Antasiatica


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    Rebo (Rigotti 107-3) is a vine variety that originates from Trentino, north Italy. It was selected by the researcher Rebo Rigotti by crossing the varieties Merlot x Terlodego at the agriculture and forest experimental station in S. Michele all’ Adige. According to the literature the idea of the breeder was to produce new variety that would be similar to Merlot but more resistant to cold climate conditions. Our idea to plant Rebo in Macedonia was to grow this variety on sites with higher altitude locations that are difficult for growing Merlot. The vineyard for this study is located in the north part of Macedonia on the mountain German near the town of Kriva Palanka, area typical for growing frost resistant varieties. In this research paper we analyzed the mechanical structure of the grape cluster and berries, the quantity of sugar and titratable acids in the grapes. In the wine we analyzed the quantity of total phenols, total anthocyanins, wine colour (CI;H), total flavan-3-ols and standard chemical analysis of the wine

    The Effects of the Summer Pruning Operations on the Winter Buds Productivity of cv. Vranec (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    The study presents the analysis of the influence of summer pruning operations (defoliation, cluster thinning) on the parameters of a potential productivity of winter buds at the vine variety Vranec grown near Veles in the period 2013-2015. For this research, four treatments were set: control, defoliation and two types of cluster thinning: 10 and 6 clusters per vine. From the obtained results it is found that there are no injuries in the main winter buds during the vegetation period and the potential fruitfulness is determined by higher coefficient, 1.38, which depends on the location along the cane. The yield at this variety will be formed mainly by clusters with size of 350-550 μm, followed by those with the length of 550-750 μm. The application of defoliation and regulation of the vine yield has a beneficial effect on increasing the rate of potential fruitfulness of winter buds, the number of buds with 2 and 3 clusters, increasing the inflorescences with a length of 350-550 μm and the appearance of those longer than 750 μm

    The effects of the summer pruning operations on the winter buds productivity of CV. Vranec (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    The study presents the analysis of the influence of summer pruning operations (defoliation, cluster thinning) on the parameters of a potential productivity of winter buds at the vine variety Vranec grown near Veles in the period 2013-2015. For this research, four treatments were set: control, defoliation and two types of cluster thinning: 10 and 6 clusters per vine. From the obtained results it is found that there are no injuries in the main winter buds during the vegetation period and the potential fruitfulness is determined by higher coefficient, 1.38, which depends on the location along the cane. The yield at this variety will be formed mainly by clusters with size of 350-550 mm, followed by those with the length of 550-750 mm. The application of defoliation and regulation of the vine yield has a beneficial effect on increasing the rate of potential fruitfulness of winter buds, the number of buds with 2 and 3 clusters, increasing the inflorescences with a length of 350-550 mm and the appearance of those longer than 750 mm


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    In R. Macedonia has many domestic (autochthonous) or domesticated varieties of vines. Many of them are similar to some varieties of from neighboring countries, and some of them are very different between them, and are also differ from the other varieties. It depends on heritable traits of their ancestors and their origins, from the centers of origin. They represent undiscovered source of many genes that are carriers of positive properties and predominantly transmitted to future generations. Many of them are unidentified and not known their exact origin. Therefore efforts are made with certain adequate methods to identify (ampelographic, ampelometric, DNA identification). In our research we covered several table and wine varieties of grapevine from different vineyards through R. Macedonia. In the trials used methods for determination of cytogenetic status according O.I.V. system of descriptors - (number of chromosomes, ploidy level, germination of pollen, meiosis, type and characteristics of the flower, etc.). We used statistical computer processing by (SPSS) program.Obtained are interesting results in terms of the structure of the flower and the cell division that indicate the similarity between them and their common origin

    Studying the content of starch correlated with resistance to low winter temperatures in some grapevine varieties

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    Cryoprotectants are known as substances that are used for protection of biological tissue from freezing damage. Among the most important cryoprotectants are carbohydrates such as glucose, fructose, sucrose raffinose, starch. Starch is a carbohydrate commonly found in the plant tissue, and its concentration is in close relationship with other carbohydrates. This study is about determination of the starch concentration in four Vitis vinifera varieties: Vranec and Smederevka (subconvarietas balcanica Negr.) and Cabernet sauvignon and Chardonnay (subconvarietas gallica Negr.). The concentration of starch in vines is related to their point of cold hardiness. The study shows that the concentration of starch in balcanica varieties is lower than in gallica varieties. Therefore, the Vranec and Smederevka grapevine varieties are not resistant to low temperatures against varieties Cabernet sauvignon and Chardonnay which are tolerant


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    In this paper, some bioactive antioxidants have been tested in several grape varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) present in R.N. Macedonia. Grapes are a source of various nutrients that are beneficial to the human body in many ways. A grape, as a raw material and its final processing - wine is a complex of many chemical substances and compounds that are responsible for many visible and sensory characteristics that are manifested in varieties (phenotypic). Those chemical compounds are; carbohydrates, organic acids, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, vitamins, polyphenols, minerals, nitrogen compounds, etc. Specifically, in our case, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and phenolic compounds (total phenols, anthocyanins, flavan-3-ol and antioxidant activity) were tested in several autochthonous grape varieties and one standard variety (Belo zimsko, Stanushina, Crn valandovski drenok, Crven valandovski drenok and Palieri as standard). The tested chemicals are of great importance in their consumption in the human diet. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, anti-mutation effects and reduce the risk of cardiovascular, degenerative and other chronic diseases. The most important for this group of compounds is that they determine the color, astringency, bitterness and some organoleptic and sensory characteristics of grapes and wine

    Compariosn of three Chardonnay clones (Vitis vinifera L.), growing in Skopje' vineyard region - R.Macedonia

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    Some agro-biological and technological characteristics were determined for three Chardonnay clones selections, including 95, 124 and 277, cultivated in the Skopje vineyard region, the R. Macedonia (during the period from 2006 to 2008). A certificated seedling material was introduced from France in 1999/2000, cultivated and studied at the vineyards of the Department of Viticulture and Oenology, Institute of Agriculture, Skopje. The aim of the study was to apply optimal agro-technical and ampelotechnical measures and to compare characteristics of the three Chardonnay clones (95,124,277) cultivated in the same agro-ecological conditions. Different values of the examined characteristics were observed because of the selection specification as well as the ecological conditions during the period of the study. It was found that the yield was most stable for the clone 277 with a coefficient of variable 14.4, and the biggest variation of 21.7 was noticed for the 124 clone. Considering the chemical composition, more significant variation was observed for sugar content in the grape must from the clone 277, while insignificant variations were noticed for total acids in the must of all clones studied. The content of alcohol in the wines ranged from 12.88 vol% in the clone 277 to 13.95 vol% in the clone 95 for the examined period, thus insignificant variations were found in the three clones. Wines from all three clones for the vintage 2006 had greater contents of total extract and, for the examined period, wines with most extract for the clones 95 (21,30 g/L) and 277 (21,20 g/L). The wine made from the 277 clone was with the highest wine-tasting rating of 17.97 points

    Influence of trellis system on productive and technological characteristics of variety Victoria in Strumica vine growing district

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    The data on productive and technological characteristics of Victoria variety grown on two trellis systems, pergola and espalier are shown in this paper. Mechanical composition of a bunch and a berry as well as chemical composition of the must were analysed. The results of investigation show that this variety has good results on either of the trellis systems, pergola and espalier in the Strumica vine growing district, the Republic of Macedonia. The Victoria's bunches from pergola are heavier and longer whereas the bunch and berries are wider, with uniform characteristics of berries and skin colour in comparison with bunches from espalier trellis system