815 research outputs found

    Face Recognition using Deep Learning and TensorFlow framework

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    Detecting human faces and recognizing faces and facial expressions have always been an area of interest for different applications such as games, utilities and even security. With the advancement of machine learning, the techniques of detection and recognition have become more accurate and precise than ever before. However, machine learning remains a relatively complex field that could feel intimidating or inaccessible to many of us. Luckily, in the last couple of years, several organizations and open-source communities have been developing tools and libraries that help abstract the complex mathematical algorithms in order to encourage developers to easily create learning models and train them using any programming languages. As part of this project, we will create a Face Detection framework in Python built on top of the work of several open-source projects and models with the hope to reduce the entry barrier for developers and to encourage them to focus more on developing innovative applications that make use of face detection and recognition

    Social Sciences theories and MIS : towards user-focused IS management

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    The concept of the IT sector user is not only limited but is also an object of fascination inInformation Systems Management (ISM). The present paper attempts to explore concepts regarding thisactor, considered as fickle and erratic by recent theoretical research such as the theory of human agency,through the lens of social science theories. Our approach, which does not claim to be exhaustive, focusesprimarily on research into ISM that has adopted social theories to develop its arguments. We explain thecontext of this research in order to shed new light on IS user activities. Our paper attempts firstly toprovide an overview of evolutions regarding the place of human beings in IS research, secondly, toidentify contributions made by certain IS studies that have harnessed social theories, and thirdly, toexplore potential future lines of research by pointing to a lack of interest in certain theories that webelieve could be useful in filling gaps in present IS research