46 research outputs found

    Regular Physical Exercise Modulates Iron Homeostasis in the 5xFAD Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Dysregulation of brain iron metabolism is one of the pathological features of aging and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss and cognitive impairment. While physical inactivity is one of the risk factors for AD and regular exercise improves cognitive function and reduces pathology associated with AD, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. The purpose of the study is to explore the effect of regular physical exercise on modulation of iron homeostasis in the brain and periphery of the 5xFAD mouse model of AD. By using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and a variety of biochemical techniques, we measured total iron content and level of proteins essential in iron homeostasis in the brain and skeletal muscles of sedentary and exercised mice. Long-term voluntary running induced redistribution of iron resulted in altered iron metabolism and trafficking in the brain and increased iron content in skeletal muscle. Exercise reduced levels of cortical hepcidin, a key regulator of iron homeostasis, coupled with interleukin-6 (IL-6) decrease in cortex and plasma. We propose that regular exercise induces a reduction of hepcidin in the brain, possibly via the IL-6/STAT3/JAK1 pathway. These findings indicate that regular exercise modulates iron homeostasis in both wild-type and AD mice

    Изучение влияния лечебно–профилактических паст на состояние гигиены полости рта

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    Метою дослідження було визначення стану гігієни ротової порожнини і вивчення впливу лікувально-профілактичних паст на стан гігієни, шляхом проведення порівняльного аналізу та вибору найбільш оптимальної лікувальнопрофілактичної пасти для підтримання хорошого рівня гігієни. Було проведено клінічні дослідження, в яких приймали участь 45 пацієнтів. Проведена оцінка стану гігієни порожнині рота. Пацієнти розділені на 3 групи по 15 у кожній. Першій групі пацієнтів були рекомендовані пасти с фторидом і комплексом триклозан/сополімер, другій групі рекомендована паста, яка містить такі основні компоненти, як розчинний фторид, стабілізоване олово та гексаметафостат, третя група використовувала зубну пасту, яка включає у склад кальцію гідроксіапатит. По закінченню строку використання зубних паст кожній групі пацієнтів була проведена повторна оцінка гігієни ротової порожнини.According to the data of WHO, all over the world 60-90 % of school-aged children and 100 % of adults have caries. Speaking generally, in whole, about 30 % of people at the age of 65-75 have no natural teeth. The development of such kind of diseases directly depends on: the hygiene of oral cavity, which is unsatisfactory for the most number of the patients, and on the correct prophylaxis/prevention, where the leading role is given to the medical prophylactic toothpastes. The main aim of the investigation was defining of the state of oral cavity hygiene and studying the influence of the therapeutic preventive pastes on the cavity hygiene condition by the means of comparative analysis and the choice of the optimum toothpaste for the support of the high level of the hygiene.Целью исследования являлось определение состояния гигиены полости рта и изучение влияния лечебно-профилактических паст на состояние гигиены полости рта, путем проведения сравнительного анализа и выбора наиболее оптимальной лечебно-профилактической пасты для поддержания хорошего уровня гигиены. Проведены клинические исследования, в которых принимало участие 45 человек. Проведена оценка состояния гигиены полости рта. Пациенты разделены на группы по 15 человек. Первой группе пациентов были рекомендованы пасты с фторидом и комплексом триклозан/сополимер, второй группе рекомендована паста которая содержит такие основные компоненты, как растворимый фторид, стабилизированное двухвалентное олово и гексаметафосфат, третья группа использовала зубную пасту, включающую в состав кальция гидроксиапатит. По истечению срока использования зубных паст каждой группе пациентов была проведена повторная оценка гигиены полости рта


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    The paper presents data on the role of vitamin D and calcium in the function of many human organs and tissues. Lifestyle, dietary preferences, and insufficient physical activity contribute to the high prevalence of vitamin D and calcium deficiencies in the adult population of Russia, causing different diseases and abnormalities. The authors have worked out recommendations for the preventive use of vitamin D and calcium in healthy population, give consumption rates for these substances, and describe the clinical and laboratory signs of vitamin D deficiency and indications for screening. They also propose treatment regimens for vitamin D deficiency and depict the signs of intoxication inoverdose. Particular emphasis is laid on the place of vitamin D and calcium in the therapy of osteoporosis

    Recommendations of the Neuroendocrinology Department of the Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism for the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease in Brazil

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    The study objective is to validate a mathematical model for prognosis of progression of the acute period of myocardial infarction.Materials and methods. We examined 135 patients with acute Q-wave myocardial infarction of the left ventricle aged between 34 and 88 years (mean age 66, standard deviation 12 years), among them 64 women and 71 men. For prognosis of the outcome of the acute period of myocardial infarction we used an approach based on intellectual data analysis (data mining) in combination with mathematical methods based on decision trees.Results. Using decision tree algorithms, we singled out laboratory parameters (attributes) which were subsequently used as input. Adequacy of classification of these attributes was determined by a contingency table. Accuracy of the obtained calculation results was 95.56 % demonstrating good agreement between the model and observed data. In a decision tree visualization, the most significant 8 laboratory parameters were determined. Significance of NO2  metabolite was 24.9 %, triglycerides – 16.7 %, urea – 14.8 %, erythrocytes – 11.2 %, alanine aminotransferase – 9.4 %, very low density lipoproteins – 9.4 %, creatinine – 8.5 %, prothrombin index – 5.1 %. In the Rules tab, only rules 4 and 9 can be used with confidence, because their confidence level approaches 100 %, and effect cost for the fact of death was 33.59 % and 32.03 %, respectively.Conclusion. Using a decision tree algorithm, we determined prognostically significant factors for progression of acute myocardial infarction. The following set of parameters predicts unfavorable outcome (death) with 95.56 % accuracy: NO2  < level 22.755 mmol/l, triglycerides ≥ 1.565 mmol/l, erythrocytes < 4.91 M/uL, alanine aminotransferase < 1.23 mmol/l, urea < 7.05 mmol/l, very low-density lipoproteins < 0.965 mmol/l, creatinine ≥ 91.55 µmol/l, NO2 level ≥ 22.755 mmol/l predicts a favorable outcome with 95.56 % accuracy

    DIDMOAD sindrom. Klinicheskiy razbor

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    Синдром Вольфрама ? аутосомно-рецессивное заболевание, связанное с гомозиготной или несколькими гетерозиготными мутациями в гене синдрома Вольфрама (WFS1), расположенном на коротком плече 4-й хромосомы в положении 16. Распространенность синдрома Вольфрама составляет 1 на 770 ООО населения в Великобритании и 1 на 100 000 населения в США . По некоторым данным, риск заболеваемости синдромом Вольфрама возрастает у детей, рожденных от родителей, состоящих в близкородственных связях. Синдром Вольфрама включён в этиологическую классификацию сахарного диабета в группу других генетических синдромов, сочетающихся иногда с сахарным диабетом

    In vivo imaging of oskar mRNA transport reveals the mechanism of posterior localization.

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    oskar mRNA localization to the posterior of the Drosophila oocyte defines where the abdomen and germ cells form in the embryo. Although this localization requires microtubules and the plus end-directed motor, kinesin, its mechanism is controversial and has been proposed to involve active transport to the posterior, diffusion and trapping, or exclusion from the anterior and lateral cortex. By following oskar mRNA particles in living oocytes, we show that the mRNA is actively transported along microtubules in all directions, with a slight bias toward the posterior. This bias is sufficient to localize the mRNA and is reversed in mago, barentsz, and Tropomyosin II mutants, which mislocalize the mRNA anteriorly. Since almost all transport is mediated by kinesin, oskar mRNA localizes by a biased random walk along a weakly polarized cytoskeleton. We also show that each component of the oskar mRNA complex plays a distinct role in particle formation and transport


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    The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence of low traumatic fractures, the factors influencing fractures in endogenous Cushing’s syndrome (CS) of various etiologies and their contributions into functional abilities and quality of life in patients with CS. Materials and methods: the retrospective data of patients, who had received treatment due to endogenous CS, (2001-2011), was evaluated. All enrolled patients underwent standard spinal radiographs in lateral positions of the vertebrae Th4-L4. Recent low traumatic non-vertebral fractures were recorded in the medical cards. Bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by DXA GE Lunar Prodigy. Serum samples on octeocalcin (OC), carboxyterminal cross-linked telopeptide of type I collagen (CTx), latenight cortisol in serum were assayed by electrochemiluminescence (ECLIA). 24h urinary free cortisol (24hUFC) was measured by an immunochemiluminescence assay (extraction with diethyl ether). Functional assessment was performed using «chair rising», «up and go» and «tandem» tests. Universal pain assessment tool (verbal descriptor scale, Wong-Baker facial grimace scale, activity tolerance scale), EQ-5D and ECOS-16 questionnaires were given to patients and they self-reported their conditions. Results: Among 215 patients, 178 were females and 37 males, median age 35 (Q25-Q75 27-48); 88patients (40,9%) had low traumatic fractures, including vertebral fractures in 76 cases (in 60 cases multiple vertebral fractures) and non-vertebral fractures in 27 cases (17 patients had rib fractures, 3 -fractures of metatarsal bones, 2 fractures of radius, 2 fractures of tibia and fibula, 1 humerus, 1 breastbone; 1 hip fracture). Patients with fractures had higher 24hUFC, late-night cortisol in serum, lower OC, Total Hip BMD, but did not differ in age, BMI, CTx or etiology of CS. After applying the logistic regression analysis (adjusted for sex, age, BMI, BMD, OC), the main predictor of fractures was late-night serum cortisol level (p=0,001). Patients with late-night serum cortisol higher than 597 nmol/l were more likely to have low traumatic fractures (Odds ratio 2,86 (95%CI 1,55-5,28) p=0,001). Patients with fractures suffered from more pain and reported worse functional abilities. They had slightly worse results in «tandem» test, but did not differ in other functional tests, which assessed mainly muscle power. Conclusions: Patients with CS have very high risk of low traumatic fractures. The severity of hypercortisolemia is the best predictor of low traumatic fractures in patients with CS. Patients with fractures sufferedfrom more severe pain and because of this they restricted their daily activity even more than patients with CS without fractures. Consequently, patients with higher levels of late-night serum cortisol need earlier preventive treatment for osteoporosis