203 research outputs found

    Electrical properties of CdTe near the melting point

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    A new experimental setup for the investigation of electrical conductivity (σ) in liquid and solid CdTe was built for a better understanding of the properties near the melting point (MP). The temperature dependence of σ was studied, within the interval 1,050-1,130°C, at defined Cd-partial pressures 1.3-1.6 atm, with special attention to the liquid-solid phase transition. We found that the degree of supercooling decreases with increasing Cd overpressure and reaches the lowest value at 1.6 atm without change of the melting temperature during heating

    Laser-induced transient currents in CdZnTe quasi-hemispherical radiation detector

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    Laser-induced transient currents were measured after applying pulsed or direct-current bias to a CdZnTe quasi-hemispherical radiation detector with gold contacts. The temporal evolution of current transients was analyzed to evaluate the dynamics of the space charge formation and its spatial distribution. The observed effects were explained by a model involving hole injection from positively biased contacts. Experimental results were complemented by numerical simulations, which supported the model. This paper discusses how the detected phenomena affect the detector performance and proposes an improved detector design

    High temperature mobility of CdTe

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    The Hall mobility of electrons μH is measured in CdTe in the temperature interval 450-1050°C and defined Cd overpressure in near-intrinsic conditions. The strong decrease of μH above 600°C is reported. The effect is explained within a model of multivalley conduction where both electrons in �1c minimum and in L1c minima participate. The theoretical description is based on the solution of the Boltzmann transport equation within the relaxation time approximation including the polar and acoustic phonon intravalley and intervalley scatterings. The �1c to L1c separation �E=0.29 - 10-4T (eV) for the effective mass in the L valley mL=0.35m0 is found to best fit the experimental data. Such �E is about four times smaller than it is predicted by first-principle calculations. © 2001 American Institute of Physics

    Education, knowledge, and symbolic form

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    This article aims to introduce Ernst Cassirer, and his philosophy of symbolic form, to education studies, and, in doing so, to challenge the widespread but deeply flawed views of knowledge and so-called knowledge-based education that have shaped recent education policy in England. After sketching the current educational landscape, and then some of the main lines of flight in Cassirer’s work, time is given to a comparison with Heidegger—a more familiar figure by far in Anglophone philosophy than Cassirer, and who contributed to the displacement of Cassirer—in order to illustrate more clearly Cassirer’s original contribution, in particular to the relationship between knowledge and time. Cassirer’s view of knowledge stands in marked and critical contrast to that which has shaped recent educational reform in England, as he sees knowledge as a productive and expressive matter, and repudiates what I call the ‘building-blocks’ picture of knowledge and the hierarchisation of subject areas

    Desafios e possibilidades na reorientação do processo de trabalho dos terapeutas ocupacionais nos núcleos ampliados de saúde da família e atenção básica em meio à pandemia da covid-19 / Challenges and possibilities in the reorientation of the work process of occupational therapists in the extended family health centers and basic care in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Contextualização: O trabalho dos profissionais dos Núcleos Ampliados de Saúde da Família e Atenção Básica (NASF-AB), durante a pandemia da Covid-19, objetiva reformular as práticas e garantir o cuidado à população. Processo de intervenção: Os terapeutas ocupacionais neste cenário necessitaram realinhar seus modos de produzir saúde. Análise crítica da prática: No município de Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE, as estratégias de reformulação da atuação se deram por meio remoto e presencial, utilizando-se desde teleatendimentos, redes sociais e divulgação de vídeos à realização de reuniões on-line com equipe das unidades de saúde. Síntese das considerações: Foi necessário se apropriar do evento, refletir, adaptar, para propor estratégias de continuidade do cuidado em saúde.Palavras-chave: Terapia Ocupacional. Atenção básica. Covid-19. Equipe multiprofissional. AbstractContextualization: The work of professionals from the Extended Family Health and Primary Care Centers, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, aims to reformulate practices and ensure care for the population. Intervention process: Occupational therapists in this scenario needed to realign their ways of producing health. Practice analysis: In the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE, the strategies for reformulating the performance took place remotely and in person, using call centers, social networks and the dissemination of videos to online meetings with staff from the health units. Summary of considerations: It was necessary to appropriate the event, reflect, adapt, in order to provide continuity of health care.Keywords: Occupational Therapy. Basic care. Covid-19. Multiprofessional team. ResumenContextualización: La labor de los profesionales de los Centros de Salud de la Familia Extendida y Atención Primaria (Nasf-AB), en el contexto de la pandemia Covid-19, tiene como objetivo reformular las prácticas y asegurar la atención a la población. Proceso de intervención: Los terapeutas ocupacionales en este escenario necesitaban realinear sus formas de producir salud. Análisis crítico de la práctica: En el municipio de Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE, las estrategias para reformular la actuación se llevaron a cabo de forma remota y presencial, utilizando call center, redes sociales y la difusión de videos a reuniones en línea con el personal de las unidades de salud. Resumen de consideraciones: Era necesario apropiarse del evento, reflexionar, adaptarse, para dar continuidad a la atención de salud.Palabras clave: Terapia Ocupacional. Cuidados básicos. COVID-19. Equipo multiprofesional


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    Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el perfil antropométrico con enfoque en indicadores de riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, índice de masa corporal, relación cintura / talla, índice de ahusamiento y pliegues cutáneos de estudiantes de un proyecto de surf social, inscritos en la red pública de docencia del municipio. de Río de Janeiro. Material y métodos: 109 estudiantes (entre 7-17 años), de un proyecto de surf social (73 niños y 36 niñas) estudiantes de la red de educación municipal de Río de Janeiro. Se conformaron los siguientes grupos: femenino y masculino de 7-12 años y femenino y masculino de 13-17 años. Variables medidas: masa corporal, talla, perímetro de cintura (CC), porcentaje de grasa corporal, IMC y relación cintura / talla (WHtR). Para el análisis estadístico se utilizaron frecuencias porcentuales. Para comparar grupos dentro, se utilizó la prueba Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, ajustada para comparaciones entre pares (corrección de Bonferroni). El nivel de significancia fue del 95%. Resultados: Solo el IMC mostró significación en la comparación entre grupos (IMC total de la muestra / grupo con sobrepeso 7-12 años> grupo 13-17 años p = 0,027); (NIÑAS con IMC / normal el grupo 7-12 años> 13-17 años p = 0,046); (NIÑOS con IMC / normal el grupo 13-17 años> 7-12 años p = 0,002); (NIÑOS con IMC / grupo de riesgo de sobrepeso 7-12 años> 13-17 años p = 0,002); (NIÑOS con IMC / sobrepeso el grupo 7-12 años> 13-17 años p = 0,002). Conclusión: Hubo una baja prevalencia de obesidad según las variables antropométricas utilizadas, y según el análisis del IMC de la muestra en este estudio, una tendencia hacia la reducción de peso con el aumento de la edad. Este hecho es importante porque la muestra es actividad física regular. Por tanto, los incentivos para promover la salud a través de proyectos sociodeportivos en el contexto de los hábitos alimentarios y las prácticas de actividad física son importantes para promover un estilo de vida saludable para todos los grupos de edad de la población
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