32 research outputs found

    Learning in large-scale spiking neural networks

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    Learning is central to the exploration of intelligence. Psychology and machine learning provide high-level explanations of how rational agents learn. Neuroscience provides low-level descriptions of how the brain changes as a result of learning. This thesis attempts to bridge the gap between these two levels of description by solving problems using machine learning ideas, implemented in biologically plausible spiking neural networks with experimentally supported learning rules. We present three novel neural models that contribute to the understanding of how the brain might solve the three main problems posed by machine learning: supervised learning, in which the rational agent has a fine-grained feedback signal, reinforcement learning, in which the agent gets sparse feedback, and unsupervised learning, in which the agents has no explicit environmental feedback. In supervised learning, we argue that previous models of supervised learning in spiking neural networks solve a problem that is less general than the supervised learning problem posed by machine learning. We use an existing learning rule to solve the general supervised learning problem with a spiking neural network. We show that the learning rule can be mapped onto the well-known backpropagation rule used in artificial neural networks. In reinforcement learning, we augment an existing model of the basal ganglia to implement a simple actor-critic model that has a direct mapping to brain areas. The model is used to recreate behavioural and neural results from an experimental study of rats performing a simple reinforcement learning task. In unsupervised learning, we show that the BCM rule, a common learning rule used in unsupervised learning with rate-based neurons, can be adapted to a spiking neural network. We recreate the effects of STDP, a learning rule with strict time dependencies, using BCM, which does not explicitly remember the times of previous spikes. The simulations suggest that BCM is a more general rule than STDP. Finally, we propose a novel learning rule that can be used in all three of these simulations. The existence of such a rule suggests that the three types of learning examined separately in machine learning may not be implemented with separate processes in the brain

    Biologically inspired methods in speech recognition and synthesis: closing the loop

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    Current state-of-the-art approaches to computational speech recognition and synthesis are based on statistical analyses of extremely large data sets. It is currently unknown how these methods relate to the methods that the human brain uses to perceive and produce speech. In this thesis, I present a conceptual model, Sermo, which describes some of the computations that the human brain uses to perceive and produce speech. I then implement three large-scale brain models that accomplish tasks theorized to be required by Sermo, drawing upon techniques in automatic speech recognition, articulatory speech synthesis, and computational neuroscience. The first model extracts features from an audio signal by performing a frequency decomposition with an auditory periphery model, then decorrelating the information in that power spectrum with methods commonly used in audio and image compression. I show that the features produced by this model implemented with biologically plausible spiking neurons can be used to classify phones in pre-segmented speech with significantly better accuracy than the features typically used in automatic speech recognition systems. Additionally, I show that this model can be used to compare auditory periphery models in terms of their ability to support phone classification of pre-segmented speech. The second model uses a symbol-like neural representation of a sequence of syllables to generate a trajectory of premotor commands that can be used to control an articulatory synthesizer. I show that the model can produce trajectories up to several seconds in length from a static syllable sequence representation that result in intelligible synthesized speech. The trajectories reflect the high temporal variability of human speech, and smoothly transition between successive syllables, even in rapid utterances. The third model classifies syllables from a trajectory of premotor commands. I show that the model is able to classify syllables online despite high temporal variability, and can produce the same syllable representations used by the second model. These two models can be connected in future work in order to implement a closed-loop sensorimotor speech system. Unlike current computational approaches, all three of these models are implemented with biologically plausible spiking neurons, which can be simulated with neuromorphic hardware, and can interface naturally with artificial cochleas. All models are shown to scale to the level of adult human vocabularies in terms of the neural resources required, though limitations on their performance as a result of scaling will be discussed

    CogSci2013: Experiment 2 Results

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    <p>Results from 80 runs of Experiment 2 from "Simultaneous unsupervised and supervised learning of cognitive functions in biologically plausible spiking neural networks". There are 15 PES, 15 hPES, and 10 control runs for transmission and binding.</p> <p>Code to analyze these data can be found at https://github.com/tbekolay/cogsci2013</p

    CogSci2013: Experiment 2 Optimization

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    <p>Results from 200 runs (plus 7 control runs) of Experiment 2 from "Simultaneous unsupervised and supervised learning of cognitive functions in biologically plausible spiking neural networks". These runs were used to optimize learning parameters.</p> <p>Code to analyze these data can be found at https://github.com/tbekolay/cogsci2013</p

    CogSci2013: Experiment 3 Results

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    <p>Results from 2 runs of Experiment 3 from "Simultaneous unsupervised and supervised learning of cognitive functions in biologically plausible spiking neural networks".</p> <p>Code to analyze these data can be found at https://github.com/tbekolay/cogsci2013</p