28 research outputs found

    The effects of the post-annealing temperature on the growth mechanism of Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+ ∂ thin films produced on MgO (1 0 0) single crystal substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD)

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    The effects of post-annealing temperature were investigated on Bi 2Sr2Ca1Cu2O8+ ∂ thin films deposited on MgO (1 0 0) substrates by pulsed laser deposition (PLD). The structural and superconducting properties of the films have been determined by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), temperature dependent resistivity (R-T), and DC magnetization measurements. The films which were deposited at 600 C were post-annealed in an atmosphere of a gas mixture of Ar (93%) and O2 (7%), at temperature ranging between 800 and 880 C. This resulted in films which exhibited a single phase of 2212 with a high crystallinity (FWHM ≈ 0.16) and texturing along the c-axis, perpendicular to the plane of the substrate. An optimum temperature of 860 C was found for the post-annealing thermal treatment. The critical temperature, TC, of the films was measured as 82 K and the critical current density, JC, was calculated as 3 × 107 A/cm2 for the film annealed at 860 C.Research Fund of Cukurova University (FEF2011D20

    Türkiye çövenlerinin (Gypsophila L. ve Ankyropetalum Fenzl spp.) ekonomik önemi, kullanım olanakları ve korunması üzerine düşünceler

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    Ülkemizde bir çok bitki ekonomik amaçlarla kullanılmaktadır. Bu makalede, Gypsophila L. ve Ankyropetalum Fenzl (Caryophyllaceae) cinslerine ait ekonomik açıdan önemli olan taksonlarının kullanım olanakları anlatılmaktadır. Bulguların bir kısmı yerel halkın tecrübelerine dayanarak geleneksel kullanımına ait olup tarafımızdan kaydedilmiş; bir kısmı da literatür bilgilerine dayanarak derlenmiştir. Gypsophila L. ve Ankyropetalum Fenzl cinslerine ait bazı türler ekonomik bakımdan oldukça önemlidir. Bu cinslerin saponin bakımından zengin ve ekonomik önemi olan taksonları halk arasında “Çöven” adıyla bilinmektedir. Bu taksonlardan tahin helvası, köpük helvası, lokum, otlu peynir ve çöven ekmeği yapımında; fabrikasyon olarak kimyasal temizleyici imalatı, yangın söndürücü imalatı, likör imalatı, sabun imalatı ve ticari saponin elde etmede yararlanılmaktadır. Tıbbi açıdan idrar söktürücü, balgam söktürücü, sivilce giderici etkileri olduğu belirtilen bu bitkiler kuyumculuk sektöründe temizleyici ve altın parlatmada amacıyla kullanılmakta ve yurt dışına ihraç edilmektedir. Bu kadar geniş kullanım alanına ve ticari öneme sahip olan bu taksonların büyük ölçüde doğadan toplanıyor olması, bu bitkiler için yok olma tehlikesini de beraberinde getirmektedir. Anahtar kelimeler: Çöven, Gypsophila L., Ankyropetalum Fenzl, Caryophyllaceae, Türkiy

    Decision types of Turkish Constitutional Court and legal consequences

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    YÖK Tez ID: 308654Birey hak ve hürriyetlerinin korunması ve hukuk devletinin gerçekleşmesi amacında en etkin mekanizma olarak görülen anayasa yargısı, geniş anlamda anayasaya uyulmasını sağlamak amacıyla yapılan her türlü yargı faaliyetini ya da anayasa hukuku problemlerinin anayasa yargısınca karara bağlanmasını ifade etmektedir. Temel görev olarak yasama işlemlerini denetleyen ve bunların anayasal çerçevede kalmasını sağlayan anayasa yargısına devlet ve toplum hayatı açısından önemli olduğu düşüncesi ile diğer başka görevler de verilmiştir. Verilen bu görevler genel olarak ülkeden ülkeye farklılık göstermekle birlikte bu görevlerin önemi nedeniyle verilen kararların hukuki sonuçları da önemli ve etkili olmaktadır. Bu nedenle çalışmamızda ülkemizde mevcut anayasal sistem uyarınca Anayasa Mahkemesine verilen görevler sonucunda verilen karar türleri ve bu kararların hukuki sonuçları incelenmektedir.Çalışmamız üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde genel olarak anayasa yargısı kavramı, tarihsel gelişimi, anayasa yargısı türleri incelendikten sonra 1982 Anayasası'na göre Türk Anayasa Mahkemesi'nin incelenmesine geçilmiştir.İkinci bölümde, Anayasa tarafından Anayasa Mahkemesine verilen görevler sonucunda Mahkemece verilen karar türlerine değinilmiştir. Bu bölümde, anayasaya uygunluk denetimi sonucu verilen karar türleri, Yüce Divan yargılaması sonucu verilen karar türleri, siyasi parti kapatma davası sonucu verilen karar türleri ve siyasi partilerin mali denetimi sonucu verilen karar türleri ayrı başlıklar altında incelenmiştir. Konu ile ilgili olarak örnek Anayasa Mahkemesi kararları değerlendirilmiştir. Anayasaya uygunluk denetiminin önemi nedeniyle anayasaya uygunluk denetimi kapsamında yapılan yargılama sırasında ilk inceleme ve usule ilişkin verilen kararlar, özellikle yürürlüğün durdurulması kararı ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca, Anayasa'da ve ilgili diğer mevzuatta bulunmamasına rağmen Anayasa Mahkemesinin kendi içtihatları ile oluşturduğu kararlar ve bu kararlara ilişkin olarak doktrinde yapılan tartışmalara yer verilmiştir.Çalışmamızın son bölümünde ise ikinci bölümde incelenen karar türlerinin yasama, yürütme ve yargı organları açısından doğuracağı hukuki sonuçlara değinilmiştir. Önemi nedeniyle anayasaya uygunluk denetimi sonucunda verilen esasa ilişkin kararların hukuki sonuçları ayrıntılı olarak incelenmiştir, bu konuda doktrinde yapılan tartışmalara ve yargı kararları ile Anayasa Mahkemesi kararlarına da yer verilmiştir.Constitutional jurisdiction which is considered to be the most active mechanism for the aim of protecting individual rights and freedoms and achieving constitutional state signifies any kinds of jurisdictional activity carried out to ensure adherence to the constitution and ensuring that constitutional law-related problems be resolved by constitutional jurisdiction. Constitutional jurisdiction which controls the legislative acts and ensures that these are within the constitutional framework as the main duty is assigned other tasks on the grounds that it is significant for the state and social life. Though these assignments vary by country in general, legal consequences of decisions made due to the significance of these assignments are both significant and effective. Therefore, types of decisions made on the basis of assignments given to the Constitutional Court in accordance with the existing constitutional system in our country and the legal consequences of such decisions are examined in this study.The study is composed of three sections. The first section deals with the notion of constitutional jurisdiction in general, its historical development, and types of constitutional jurisdiction and, passes on to the examination of Turkish Constiutional Court according to the Turkish Constitution of 1982.The second section deals with the types of decision made by the Court in conclusion of assignments given to the Constitutional Court by the Constitution. In this chapter, types of decision made as a result of Inspection of Compliance to the Constitution, types of decision made as a result of Supreme Court adjudication, types of decision made as a result of political party closure cases and types of decision made as a result of financial inspections on political parties were examined. And relevant examples of decisions by the Constitutional Court were reviewed. Decisions made in regard to the initial examination and procedures during the prosecution within the framework of inspection of compliance to constitution due to the significance of the Inspection of Compliance to the Constitution and especially the decisions on the stay of execution were examined in detail. Also, decisions which are not included in the Constitution or in other relevant legislations but which the Constitutional Court has formed by its own judicial opinion and discussions on these decisions in the doctrine were included.The last part of our study deals with the consequences of the types of decisions examined in the second part in terms of legislative, executive and judicial bodies. Legal consequences of decisions based on the conclusions from the inspection of compliance to constitution were examined due to its significance and discussions on this matter in the doctrine and adjudications and Constitutional Court decisions were included

    Oda sıcaklığında magnetik maddelerin mıknatıslanmasını ölçebilen bir magnetometre yapımı kalibrasyonu ve ön ölçümler

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    TEZ303Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1986.Kaynakça (s. 73-76) var.v, 76 s.; 30 cm.

    Bazı magnetik maddelerin A. C. alanda ölçülen lineer olmayan duygunlukları

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    TEZ864Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1990.Kaynakça (s. 114-119) var.121 a. ; 30 cm.

    A theoretical model for the non-linear susceptibility of the antiferromagnetic systems

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    In this study, we have developed a general theoretical model, based upon the simple mean field model of Neel, for the non-linear response of an antiferromagnetic system. The results indicate that the odd order derivatives, (d2n+1ma)0=(d2n+1mb)0(d^{2n + 1}m_a)_0 = (-d^{2n + 1}m_b)_0, where n=1,2,3......, will diverge and the even order derivatives, (d2nma)0=(d2nmb)0(d^{2n}m_a)_0 = (d^{2n}m_b)0 will vanish due to the symmetry of two sublattices, -a'' and -b'', forming the antiferromagnet. This model also supports our experimental results performed on two antiferromagnetic samples, namely, Cs2MnCl4.2H2OCs_2MnCl_4.2H_2O and MnCl2.4H2OMnCl_2.4H_2O [1].In this study, we have developed a general theoretical model, based upon the simple mean field model of Neel, for the non-linear response of an antiferromagnetic system. The results indicate that the odd order derivatives, (d2n+1ma)0=(d2n+1mb)0(d^{2n + 1}m_a)_0 = (-d^{2n + 1}m_b)_0, where n=1,2,3......, will diverge and the even order derivatives, (d2nma)0=(d2nmb)0(d^{2n}m_a)_0 = (d^{2n}m_b)0 will vanish due to the symmetry of two sublattices, -a'' and -b'', forming the antiferromagnet. This model also supports our experimental results performed on two antiferromagnetic samples, namely, Cs2MnCl4.2H2OCs_2MnCl_4.2H_2O and MnCl2.4H2OMnCl_2.4H_2O [1]

    Physical properties of melt-cast annealed Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca3Cu4O12Bi_{1.6}Pb_{0.4}Sr_2Ca_3Cu_4O_{12} compound

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    A Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca3Cu4O12Bi_{1.6}Pb_{0.4}Sr_2Ca_3Cu_4O_{12} compound was produced by melt-casting method. The microstructure of the sample was studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Phase analysis was carried out by X-ray diffraction patterns and EDAX. The electrical resistance exhibites the existance of a superconducting phase with an onset temperature TcT_c at 110 K along with a minor phase with an onset TcT_c at 80 K. It has been found that the superconducting phase temperature TcT_c increases with increasing sintering temperature.A Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2Ca3Cu4O12Bi_{1.6}Pb_{0.4}Sr_2Ca_3Cu_4O_{12} compound was produced by melt-casting method. The microstructure of the sample was studied by Scanning Electron Microscopy. Phase analysis was carried out by X-ray diffraction patterns and EDAX. The electrical resistance exhibites the existance of a superconducting phase with an onset temperature TcT_c at 110 K along with a minor phase with an onset TcT_c at 80 K. It has been found that the superconducting phase temperature TcT_c increases with increasing sintering temperature

    Rosa damascena Mill.' nın Türkiye' de Varyasyonu

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    The main goal in this study is to reveal genotypic diversity of R. damascena taking advantage of the morphological, phenological and ecological features and to determine economically usage areas of the species after the genotypes are identified. According to the results of the studies it has been determined that there are about 20 cultural forms belong to this species. Systematically three varieties (R. damascena Mill. var. trigintipetala Dieck, R. damascena Mill. var. semperflorens (Loisel. et Michel ) Rowley, R. damascena Mill. var. versicolor West. ) identified in Turkey. Their definitions and diagnosis keys are given in the paper. The taxa are new records for the flora of Turkey. Genotypes belong to var. trigintipetala are usually grown for the production of industrial oil. Since it’s indicated in this varieties systematic definition that this variety has no glandular hairs on its pedicels, systematic problems become a current issue. It is determined that some genotypes of var. semperflorens also grown for oil production in Isparta’s rose gardens. It’s flowers are used for landscaping and household needs such as food and cosmetic through the country. Var. versicolor’s production aim is mainly for landscaping. The mentioned taxa are the local, redolent and old garden roses of Turkey. Reasons of variations and the ancestors of genotypes are unknown so that definitions and classifications of the genotypes will be made later. The rooting performance of cuttings, the success of adaptation, flower analysis and genotypes vary depending on the habitat and maintenance condition

    Improvement of High T-c Phase Formation in BPSCCO Superconductor by Adding Vanadium and Substituting Titanium

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    WOS: 000289850500010We have produced the (BiPb)(2)V (x) Sr2Ca3Cu4-y Ti (y) O12+delta with x=0.1 and y=0.050,0.10,0.2 and 0.3 compounds by melt-quenching method. Structural and superconducting properties of the produced samples were investigated by Scanning Electron Microscopy, X-ray diffraction patterns, electrical resistance measurements and dc-magnetic hysteresis loop measurements. The pure high-T (c) phase (2223) is nearly found with Ti substitution for x=0.05 and 0.10. The onset critical temperature (T (c).(onset)) of the samples increases up to 111 K with doping up to x=0.20. In addition, considerable large values of the critical current densities (J (c)), calculated from the hysteresis loop measurements by using Bean's critical state model are obtained for the samples in the same doping range. Our data have indicated that J (c) decreases with increasing temperature and Ti concentration.Cukurova University, Adana, TurkeyCukurova University [FEF2009D11]This work is supported by Research Fund of Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey, under grant contracts no: FEF2009D11