213 research outputs found

    Mining Industry of Prikamye: on the Question of the Formation of Historiographic Tradition

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    Some problems of the tradition of studying the mining industry of Prikamye in the context of the economic policy of the state in the pre-revolutionary period of Russian historiography (the second half of the 18th - early 20th centuries) are considered. The relevance of the study is due, in particular, to the tercentenary of the publication on December 21 (10), December 1719 by Peter I of Berg-Privilege, which for the first time established the legal foundations of mining in Russia, as well as the need to describe the latest trends and results of the interaction of physical nature and the human community, which are of contradictory character. The main attention is paid to the analysis of those works of encyclopedic scientists, participants in academic expeditions, historians, geographers, economists, statisticians, mining engineers and representatives of other fields of knowledge that contain information at the regional level. It is concluded that the study of the mining industry and its impact on the natural and social environment began in parallel with the further development of resources in the second half of the 18th century, mainly Prikamye, the Urals and Siberia and, as a result, the emergence of new factory settlements. It is shown that the works of scientists were of an interdisciplinary nature, had a pronounced practical orientation and were largely determined by the need to ensure the fiscal interests of the empire. It is alleged that a complex of fundamental and applied problems was raised, which determined the content of research in the subsequent period

    Early Soviet Regional History in the Fates of Compatriots Through the Example of G.K. Ozhigov’s Biography

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    The early Soviet period in the life of Grigory Kondratievich Ozhigov (Ozhegov) (1878-1935) is reconstructed within the author’s paper. A native of a Vyatka peasant family, a worker at the Izhevsk defense factories, a Socialist-Revolutionary militant, as well as a member of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the first convocation, who was at party work in the Baltic States and Finland, Orzhigov had a varied career The authors through their work have introduced into scientific use new sources analyzed in the context of the theory of social adaptation, through anthropological approach as well as historical-biographical methodology. Of greatest interest are the materials of the: Revolutionary Civil Council of Izhevsk (1918), Soviet commissions on the affairs of former Red Guards and Red partisans (the 1930s), and the autobiography and memoirs of G.K. Ozhigov himself . The documents of the private origin fund of the Ozhigov family are stored in the Central State Archive of the Udmurt Republic, and are of a complex nature. The study of the biography of Ozhigov, who had turned out to be among the most revolutionary-minded citizens, as shown in other empirical material, does explain why he supported the left-wing radical societal project in Udmurtia. A region by the beginning of modern times which has been the largest agrarian and industrial region of Russia, while largely preserving its traditional way of life

    Emotional content overrides spatial attention

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    Spatial attention is our capacity to attend to or ignore particular regions of our spatial environment. However, some classes of stimuli may be able to override our efforts to ignore them. Here we assessed the relationship between involuntary attentional capture with emotional images and spatial attention at early stages of perceptual processing. Multiple scenes of unpleasant and neutral content were displayed in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) streams that elicited the steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP), a neural marker of selective attention at early visual areas. In a spatial cueing task, participants were cued to covertly attend to RSVP streams presented at 4 and 6 Hz presentation rates in the left and right visual hemifields. The task was to detect square targets occasionally displayed within the image streams, responding only to those appearing on the cued side. The RSVP streams were always neutral pictures in one visual hemifield but would unpredictably switch from neutral to aversive content in the other visual hemifield. We found that SSVEP amplitude was consistently modulated by a change in emotional valence of image streams, regardless of whether the change in content occurred in the attended or unattended spatial location, reflecting an automatic sensory amplification for affective stimuli. The present data provide further evidence in support that emotional images can attract visual processing resources independently of spatial attention allocation, and are consistent with sustained sensory facilitation of early visual areas through re-entrant feedback projections from higher-order cortical areas involved in the extraction of affective information

    Personal and reactive anxiety and quality of life of students of medical university

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    The article discusses personal and reactive anxiety, their impact on the quality of life of students of 3-4 courses of a medical university.В статье рассматриваются личностная и реактивная тревожность, их влияние на качество жизни студентов 3 – 4 курсов медицинского университета

    Affective Bias without Hemispheric Competition: Evidence for Independent Processing Resources in Each Cortical Hemisphere

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    We assessed the extent of neural competition for attentional processing resources in early visual cortex between foveally presented task stimuli and peripheral emotional distracter images. Task-relevant and distracting stimuli were shown in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) streams to elicit the steady-state visual evoked potential, which serves as an electrophysiological marker of attentional resource allocation in early visual cortex. A taskrelated RSVP stream of symbolic letters was presented centrally at 15 Hz while distracting RSVP streams were displayed at 4 or 6 Hz in the left and right visual hemifields. These image streams always had neutral content in one visual field and would unpredictably switch from neutral to unpleasant content in the opposite visual field. We found that the steady-state visual evoked potential amplitude was consistently modulated as a function of change in emotional valence in peripheral RSVPs, indicating sensory gain in response to distracting affective content. Importantly, the facilitated processing for emotional content shown in one visual hemifield was not paralleled by any perceptual costs in response to the task-related processing in the center or the neutral image stream in the other visual hemifield. Together, our data provide further evidence for sustained sensory facilitation in favor of emotional distracters. Furthermore, these results are in line with previous reports of a “different hemifield advantage” with lowlevel visual stimuli and are suggestive of independent processing resources in each cortical hemisphere that operate beyond lowlevel visual cues, that is, with complex images that impact early stages of visual processing via reentrant feedback loops from higher order processing areas

    Impacto das abordagens pedagógicas no resultado da socialização de crianças pré-escolares

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    The article actualizes the problem of preschool children’s establishment as socialized individuals in the context of the study of pedagogical and psychological aspects of socialization. The process of effective child socialization is examined based on implementing the methodological approaches (genetic, cultural-historical, axiological, gender) and principles (of the development, integrity, and reciprocity of social and interpersonal relationships) providing for a multivariant resolution of the problem. The study addresses the conditions for a child’s introduction to society in their interaction with the world as an active subject of the social situation of development in a child-adult event community in which adults become initiators and participants in innovative transformations of children’s social world. The results of the study conducted in the form of a comprehensive verification pedagogical experiment are intended for studying the multifactorial nature of the dynamic process of “extracurricular” achievements (socialization) of preschool children in the conditions of preschool educational organizations.El artículo actualiza el problema del establecimiento de los niños en edad preescolar como individuos socializados en el contexto del estudio de los aspectos pedagógicos y psicológicos de la socialización. Se examina el proceso de socialización infantil efectiva a partir de la implementación de enfoques metodológicos y principios que permitan una resolución multivariante del problema. El estudio aborda las condiciones para la introducción de un niño a la sociedad en su interacción con el mundo como sujeto activo de la situación social del desarrollo en una comunidad de eventos de niños y adultos en la que los adultos se convierten en iniciadores y participantes en transformaciones innovadoras del mundo social de los niños. Los resultados de este experimento pedagógico de verificación integral tienen como objetivo estudiar la naturaleza multifactorial del proceso dinámico de logros “extracurriculares” (socialización) de niños en edad preescolar en las condiciones de las organizaciones educativas preescolares.O artigo atualiza o problema do estabelecimento de crianças pré-escolares como indivíduos socializados no contexto do estudo dos aspectos pedagógicos e psicológicos da socialização. O processo de socialização infantil efetiva é examinado com base na implementação de abordagens metodológicas (genéticas, histórico-culturais, axiológicas, de gênero) e princípios (do desenvolvimento, integridade e reciprocidade das relações sociais e interpessoais) proporcionando uma resolução multivariada do problema. O estudo aborda as condições para a introdução de uma criança à sociedade em sua interação com o mundo como um sujeito ativo da situação social de desenvolvimento em uma comunidade de eventos criança-adulto em que os adultos se tornam iniciadores e participantes em transformações inovadoras do mundo social infantil. Os resultados do estudo realizado na forma de uma experiência pedagógica de verificação abrangente pretendem estudar a natureza multifatorial do processo dinâmico de realizações “extracurriculares” (socialização) de crianças pré-escolares nas condições de organizações educacionais pré-escolares

    Клинико-эпидемиологическая характеристика вирусных диарей у детей

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    Viral intestinal infections play an important role in infectious diseases in children of different ages.Aim of this study was to investigate the etiological structure and characteristics of viral diarrhea in hospitalized children in 2009–2013.Materials and Methods: 5535 children’s medical histories were analyzed, in which algorithm survey polymerase chain reaction using primers production «AmpliSens ® Rotavirus / Norovirus / Astrovirus-FL» or «OCI screen AmpliSens ® -FL», «AmpliSens ® Enterovirus-FL» production «InterLabService» (Moscow) was included.Results: we found that with using the polymerase chain reaction etiologic diagnosis was deciphered in 3241 cases (59,8%) and the part of diarrhea of viral genesis of decrypted acute intestinal infections was 77,35 %. Results have shown that the virus diarrhea predominantly affects children under 3 years old (45%). Revealed the prevalence of rotavirus infection (40,44%) also a high proportion of norovirus gastroenteritis (21,18%) have been founded. We found that rotavirus have the first place in importance in the age group of children up to 6 years (56%); however in patients of school age the first place was the norovirus (45,2%). The incidence of rotavirus infection remained high throughout the study period (44,6-58,9%), incidence of norovirus gastroenteritis increased from 24 % in 2010 to 32% in 2012 . In most cases (82%) of viral gastroenteritis was moderate, major complication was dehydration syndrome of 1–2 stage.Conclusion: results have proved that using of modern methods of diagnosis help to decrypt at least 60% of cases of infectious diarrhea, and the main etiological agents are rotaviruses and noroviruses . Our results are fully consistent with the data on the epidemiology in foreign sources of acute intestinal infections in children prior to mass vaccination rotavirus.Вирусные кишечные инфекции играют важную роль в инфекционной заболеваемости у детей различного возраста.Цель: изучение этиологической структуры и особенностей течения вирусных диарей у госпитализированных детей в 2009–2013 гг.Материалы и методы: проанализированы истории болезни 5535 детей, в алгоритм обследования которых была включена полимеразная цепная реакции с использованием праймеров производства «АмплиСенс® Rotavirus/Norovirus/Astrovirus-FL» или «АмплиСенс® ОКИ скрин-FL», «АмплиСенс® Enterovirus-FL» производства «Интерлабсервис» (Москва).Результаты: установлено, что при использовании полимеразной цепной реакции диагноз был этиологически расшифрован у 3241 (59,8%), а доля диарей вирусного генеза среди расшифрованных острых кишечных инфекций составила 77,35%. Показано, что вирусными диареями страдают преимущественно дети до 3-летнего возраста (45%). Выявлено преобладание ротавирусной инфекции (40,44%), также была высока доля норовирусных гастроэнтеритов (21,18%). Установлено, что ротавирус является первым по значимости в возрастной группе детей до 6 лет (56%), у пациентов школьного возраста на первом месте оказался норовирус (45,2%). Заболеваемость ротавирусной инфекцией оставалась высокой на протяжении всего периода исследования (44,6–58,9%), частота выявления норовирусных гастроэнтеритов возросла с 24% в 2010 г. до 32% в 2012 г. В большинстве случаев (82%) вирусные гастроэнтериты протекали в среднетяжелой форме, основным осложнением был синдром дегидратации 1–2 степени.Заключение: доказано, что при использовании современных методов диагностики расшифровывается не менее 60% случаев инфекционных диарей, а основными этиологическими агентами являются ротавирусы и норовирусы. Полученные нами результаты полностью согласуются с данными зарубежных источников по эпидемиологии ОКИ у детей до начала массовой вакцинопрофилактики ротавирусной инфекции

    Астровирусные гастроэнтериты у детей

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    The article provides a detailed analysis of modern publications focused on a studies an astrovirus gastroenteritis. Based on our own examination of 3470 children with acute intestinal infections aged from 1 month to 1 8 years old, who were treated at the Children's Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases, FMBA of Russia, St. Petersburg, from May 201 7 to July 2018 a detailed description of the characteristic epidemiological, clinical and laboratory features of the disease is given. It was shown, that astroviruses remain a significant causative agent of acute intestinal infections in children, accounting for 1.36% of all cases of disease. Among the combined forms of astrovirus infection, associations with rotaviruses, noroviruses and campylobacter spp. are most common. It was established, that the disease is more often observed in boys aged 1 to 3 years. Clinical course of astrovirus infection in children is characterized by an acute or gradual onset with repeated vomiting, moderate intoxication and symptoms of gastroenteritis. Due to the lack of pathognomonic clinical and laboratory features of the course of viral gastroenteritis, diagnosis is necessary using laboratory methods including molecular genetic research methods.В статье проводится подробный анализ современных публикаций, посвящённых результатам исследования астровирусной кишечной инфекции. На основании собственного обследования 3470 детей с ОКИ в возрасте от 1 месяца до 1 8 лет, проходивших лечение в клинике ФГБУ ДНКЦИБ ФМБА России в период с мая 2017 по июль 2018 гг., дается подробное описание характерных эпидемиологических, клинических и лабораторных особенностей заболевания.Выявлено, что астровирусы являются одними из значимых возбудителей ОКИ у детей, составляя 1,36% всех случаев заболеваний. Среди сочетанных форм астровирусной инфекции наиболее часто встречаются ассоциации с ротавирусами, норовируса-ми и кампилобактериями. Установлено, что заболевание чаще отмечается у мальчиков в возрасте от 1 до 3 лет, в клинической картине астровирусной инфекции у детей преобладает острое или постепенное начало с повторной рвоты, проявлениями умеренной интоксикации и симптомами гастроэнтерита. В связи с отсутствием патогномоничных клинико-лабораторных особенностей течения астровирусного гастроэнтерита, необходима диагностика с помощью лабораторных, в том числе молекулярно-генетических методов исследования

    Особенности течения менингоэнцефалита у ребенка со смешанной бактериальной инфекцией (клинический случай)

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    In the past decade the proportion of mixed infections has increased. The clinical aspects of mixed infections can be atypical, and the course of the disease depends on the type of pathogen-associants, their biological properties, relationships with each other and with the host. A clinical case, showing the possibility of mixed associations of Yersinia ana Listeria infections, caused the meningoencephalitis, is given. It is described the experience of the authors on neuroinfection diseases, according to which, a parallel study of blood and cerebrospinal fluid in molecular-genetic, serological as well as immunohistochemical diagnostic methods is required for the detection of mixed infection or co-infection in order to clarify the etiology of the disease.В последние десятилетия увеличился удельный вес смешанных (микст-) инфекций. Клинические проявления микст-инфекций, как правило, нетипичны, а течение заболевания зависит от вида возбудителей-ассоциантов, их биологических свойств, взаимоотношений друг с другом и с организмом хозяина. Представлен клинический случай, свидетельствующий о возможных микст-ассоциациях иерсиниозной и листериозной инфекций, вызвавших менингоэнцефалит. Описан опыт авторов по нейроинфекционным заболеваниям, согласно которому для уточнения этиологии необходимо параллельное исследование крови и цереброспинальной жидкости как молекулярно-генетическими, серологическими, так и иммуногистохимическими методами диагностики для обнаружения микст-инфекции или сопутствующей инфекции