7 research outputs found

    Black sea aquaculture: Legacy, challenges & future opportunities

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    Responsible aquaculture, the farming of aquatic organisms, is a sustainable strategic sector for land and coastal communities. It significantly contributes to food security and enhancement of economic development; it provides employment opportunities and often contributes to the ecological services provided by the environment. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the contribution of aquaculture to the global food security is widely demonstrated by an astounding industry growth of 7.5% per year since 1970. In 2018, aquaculture reached the all-time highest production of 114.5 million tonnes in live weight with a total farm gate sale value of USD 263.6 billion. This makes aquaculture a key player within the Blue Growth concept and a strong contributor to some of its key Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This is particularly true in geographical areas where dependence of local economies on fishery products is high, and yet access to sustainable landings is hampered by ecological barriers. One such area is represented by the Black Sea basin. Whilst the Black Sea annual capture fishery production has varied considerably since 1990 and its current landings are significant, growing attention is currently given to boost aquaculture development along the Black Sea bordering countries, with marine aquaculture being considered as an important contributor to the total fisheries production. Nonetheless, aquaculture development in this region is not homogenous and its development has, so far, been limited by environmental, economic, social, and more generally governance issues. This paper, for the first time, attempts to provide a comprehensive fresh outlook of the aquaculture sector in the Black Sea, stressing the importance of regional cooperation as an essential pillar to support the sustainable development of the industry. The paper addresses aquaculture in the Black Sea from different perspectives: it outlines the key characteristics of the Black Sea environment; it discusses the most common farmed aquatic species and the potential for new ones; it frames the national approaches to aquaculture development, sharing information about success stories, while shedding light on the main challenges and priorities ahead. This collective endeavour will represent a helpful contribution to Black Sea riparian countries to answer the many questions they have, and expectations they hold from the aquaculture sector.Additional co-authors: Dilek Fidan, Linda Fourdain, Marco Frederiksen, Archil Guchmanidze, Housam Hamza, Jessica Harvey, Magda Nenciu, Galin Nikolov, Victor Niţă, Muhammed Doğan Özdemir, Elitsa Petrova-Pavlova, Gabriel Popescu, Ferit Rad, Şafak Seyhaneyildiz Can, John A. Theodorou, Behnan Thomas, Nicolò Tonachella, Ekaterina Tribilustova, Irina Yakhontova, Ahmet Faruk Yesilsu, Güzel Yücel-Gie

    Cypermethrin’in kalkan balığı (scophthalmus maximus, linnaeus, 1758) spermatozoası üzerine etkilerinin in vivo ve in vitro değerlendirilmesi

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    Bu çalışmada, sentetik pyrethroid olan cypermethrinin (CYP) in vivo ve in vitro uygulamaları sonrası kalkan balığı (Schopthalmus maximus) spermatozoasına sperm kinematikleri (MOT, PM, VCL, VSL, VAP, LIN, STR, ALH, BCF), oksidatif stres biyobelirteçleri (MDA, GSH, SOD, CAT, GPx ve LPO) ve gonadlarda histopatolojik değişiklikler üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Karadeniz bölgesinde tarımsal faaliyetlerde ve fındık tarımında kullanılan sentetik pyrethroidlerin kullanımı kalkan balığı üreme dönemini kapsamaktadır. Bu amaçla CYP'in azalan kalkan balığı stoklarına etki eden çevresel faktörlerden biri olabileceği in vivo ve in vitro çalışmalarla ortaya koyulmuştur. Doğal üreme sezonunda kuluçkahane orjinli kalkan balıkları kullanılarak in vivo çalışmada iki farklı (0,187 ve 0,218 ppb) ve in vitroda üç farklı (1,025, 2,05 ve 4,1 ppb) CYP konsantrasyonu kullanılmıştır. Kontrol gruplarına CYP uygulanmamıştır. In vivo ve in vitro çalışmalarda sperm motilite, progressive motilite, eğrisel hareket hızı, doğrusal hareket hızı, ortalama hızı, doğrusallık ve yatay yer değiştirme özellikleri değerlerinde CYP konsantrasyonlarına bağlı azalma önemli bulunmuştur (p0,05). Ayrıca oksidatif stres çalışmasında kalkan spermindeki antioksidanlardan glutatyon, glutatyon peroksidaz, süperoksit dismutaz ve katalaz aktivitelerinde artış tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan karşılaştırmada her 3 grupta da spermatid ve spermatozoaların seminiferous tübüllerinde bulunduğu tespit edilmiş ve gruplar arası farklılık gözlenmemiştir. Elde edilen veriler değerlendirildiğinde, artan CYP konsantrasyonlarının kalkan balığı spermatozoasına önemli düzeyde etki ettiğini göstermiştir (p0,05).In this study, effects of in vivo and in vitro administration of cypermethrin (CYP), a synthetic pyrethroid, on sperm kinematics (MOT, PM, VCL, VSL, VAP, LIN, STR, ALH, BCF), oxidative stress biomarkers (MDA, GSH, SOD, CAT, GPx and LPO) and also histopathological changed in gonads were investigated in spermatazoa of turbot (Schopthalmus maximus). Synthetic pyrethroid pesticide is commonly used in not only agricultural activities but also hazelnut growing in the Black Sea region during reproduction period of turbot. In this sense, in vivo and in vitro studies have shown that CYP could be one of the environmental factors affecting decreasing turbot stocks. Broodstock was supplied from culture origin and used in spawning season, additionally, two (0.187 and 0.218 ppb) and three (1.025, 2.05 and 4.1 ppb) different CYP concentrations were performed for in vivo and in vitro studies, respectively. Control groups were not exposed CYP. In vivo and in vitro studies, significant reductions were found in sperm motility, progressive motility, curvilinear velocity, linear motion velocity, mean velocity, linearity, and horizontal displacement properties depend on CYP concentrations (p0.05). Besides, activities of glutathione, glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase which are oxidative stress biomarkers, increased. In terms of histological alterations, it was determined that spermatid and spermatozoa were found in seminiferous tubules in all 3 groups and no difference was observed between the groups. According to obtained results, sperm kinematics was affected significantly with increased the dose levels of CYP (p0.05)

    Farklı bitki ekstraktlarının su ürünleri işletme hijyenindeki etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Bu tezde antimikrobiyal etkiye sahip üç farklı bitki ekstraktı (nane, kekik, karanfil) kullanılmıştır. Disk Difüzyon Yöntemi ile mikroorganizmaların oluşturduğu zon çapları belirlenmiştir. Çıkan sonuçlar üzerinden Minimum İnhibisyon Konsantrasyonu Yöntemi (MIC) kullanılarak bitki ekstraktlarının minimum ve maksimum değerleri hesaplanmış, işletmede dört farklı alanda uygulanarak işletme hijyeninin kalitesi üzerine etkisi araştırılmıştır. Ürünün işletmeye girişinden çıkışına kadar olan süreçte hijyenik kalite önem taşımaktadır. İşletme hijyeninde kullanılan kimyasalların maliyetli oluşu, uygulama sonrasında kalıntı oluşturarak insan sağlığını tehdit etmesi işletme sahipleri ve yetkili kişileri zarar vermeyen, doğal ve düşük maliyetli ürün arayışına itmiştir. Çalışmanın önemi bu noktada belli olmaktadır. Kullanılan bitki ekstraktlarının düşük maliyetli olması, kolay temin edilebilmesi ve en önemlisi insan sağlığına zarar vermemesi dikkatleri üzerinde toplamaktadır. Çalışmada farklı bitki ekstraktları kullanılması, uygulama alanlarında mikroorganizma türleri üzerinde hangi ekstraktın etkili olduğunun belirlenmesini sağlamıştır. Yapılan çalışmanın sonucunda uygulanan minimum ve maksimum konsantrasyondaki bitki ekstraktlarından karanfilin eldivenlerde bulunan mikroorganizmalar üzerindeki farklılığı anlamlı (p<0.05) bulgulanmıştır. Tezgahlar üzerinde bulunan mikroorganizmalara uygulanan nane ekstraktının farklılığı anlamlı (p<0.05) olarak saptanmıştır. Kekik ekstraktının bazı mikroorganizmalar üzerinde farklılığı anlamlı (p<0.05) çıksa da diğer droglar kadar etkili bulunmamıştır. Kasalarda üç ekstraktın eşit dağılım gösterdiği ve plastik tabaklarda karanfil ekstraktı farklılığının anlamlı (p<0.05) olduğu saptanmıştır


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    This study was performed to determine the presences of Listeria species in three fish processing factories in İzmir, Turkey. Gilt head seabream (Sparus aurata) has been processed in three factories and exported as frozen to other foreign countries. Listeria spp. expecially Listeria monocytogenes can be a point under consideration of fish processing factories while exporting. For this purpose; A total of 300 samples were examined for Listeria spp in three fish processing factories to determine the contamination levels of fish processing factories with Listeria spp. Samples were taken from units of fish processing factories such as (boxes, processing tables, floors) and equipments (processing coats, gloves) and also processed products (frozen fish). According to the results of this study, Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from 21 or 7% of the samples Listeria ivanovi was isolated from 15 or 5% of the samples and Listeria welshimeri/innocua was isolated from 2 or 0.6% of the samples collected from three factories. Listeria welshimeri/innocua was only isolated from the processing coats (2 or 11%) in factory A. However, Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from boxes (1 or 6%), processing tables (2 or 11%), floor (4 or 22%), processing coats (3 or 17%), gloves (6 or 33%) and frozen fish (5 or 50%) samples taken from the factory C. Except for frozen fish, Listeria ivanovi was isolated from boxes (7 or 39 %), processing tables (3 or 17%), floor (3 or 17%), processing coats (1 or 6 %) and gloves (1 or 6%) taken from the factory B. The incidence of Listeria spe-cies in the production line of fish processing factories points out that contamination can occur during fish pro-cessing stage. Therefore, Listeria spp. must be con-trolled during processing of fishery products. Proper cleaning and sanitation programme of fish processing factories must be applied. Samples must be taken and examined regularly from every units and equipments of fish processing factories to avoid the contamination and spread of Listeria spp in fish processing factories. Cleaning of fish processing equipments and fish pro-cessing units could be very important in order to avoid the occurrence of cross contamination of the fishery products. It must be taken hygienic precautions because of the contamination of Listeria spp. Besides HACCP plan must be applied to prevent recontamination of Lis-teria species to fishery products and it must be also ap-plied to eradicate Listeria species from the fish pro-cessing factories.This study was performed to determine the presences of Listeria species in three fish processing factories in İzmir, Turkey. Gilt head seabream (Sparus aurata) has been processed in three factories and exported as frozen to other foreign countries. Listeria spp. expecially Listeria monocytogenes can be a point under consideration of fish processing factories while exporting. For this purpose; A total of 300 samples were examined for Listeria spp in three fish processing factories to determine the contamination levels of fish processing factories with Listeria spp. Samples were taken from units of fish processing factories such as (boxes, processing tables, floors) and equipments (processing coats, gloves) and also processed products (frozen fish). According to the results of this study, Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from 21 or 7% of the samples Listeria ivanovi was isolated from 15 or 5% of the samples and Listeria welshimeri/innocua was isolated from 2 or 0.6% of the samples collected from three factories. Listeria welshimeri/innocua was only isolated from the processing coats (2 or 11%) in factory A. However, Listeria monocytogenes was isolated from boxes (1 or 6%), processing tables (2 or 11%), floor (4 or 22%), processing coats (3 or 17%), gloves (6 or 33%) and frozen fish (5 or 50%) samples taken from the factory C. Except for frozen fish, Listeria ivanovi was isolated from boxes (7 or 39 %), processing tables (3 or 17%), floor (3 or 17%), processing coats (1 or 6 %) and gloves (1 or 6%) taken from the factory B. The incidence of Listeria spe-cies in the production line of fish processing factories points out that contamination can occur during fish pro-cessing stage. Therefore, Listeria spp. must be con-trolled during processing of fishery products. Proper cleaning and sanitation programme of fish processing factories must be applied. Samples must be taken and examined regularly from every units and equipments of fish processing factories to avoid the contamination and spread of Listeria spp in fish processing factories. Cleaning of fish processing equipments and fish pro-cessing units could be very important in order to avoid the occurrence of cross contamination of the fishery products. It must be taken hygienic precautions because of the contamination of Listeria spp. Besides HACCP plan must be applied to prevent recontamination of Lis-teria species to fishery products and it must be also ap-plied to eradicate Listeria species from the fish pro-cessing factories