322 research outputs found

    Double stream cyclotron maser

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    Electrically pumped, relativistic, free electron wave generators

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    Effect of electron beam temperature on the gain of a collective free electron laser

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    Stimulated raman scattering by an intense relativistic electron beam subjected to a rippled electric field

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    Measurements of amplification and phase shift (wave refractive index) in a free-electron laser

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    Permanent magnet helical wiggler for free electron laser and cyclotron maser applications

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    Microwave radiation from a tuneable circular free electron laser

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    Cerenkov-electrooptic shutter--a subnanosecond intense, relativistic electron beam diagnostic

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    Stark broadening induced by the intense electric field of a pulsed relativistic magnetron

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    Microwave emission from pulsed, relativistic e-beam diodes. II: The multiresonator magnetron

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