18 research outputs found

    Deformációs szalagok porózus, szemcsés kőzetekben

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    Rövid áttekintés a deformációs szalagokról irodalmi adatok és hazai példák alapjá

    Combined analysis of faults and deformation bands reveals the Cenozoic structural evolution of the southern Bükk foreland (Hungary)

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    A combination of fault slip data and deformation band analysis allows the separation of 8 deformation phases (D1–D8) in the southern foreland of the Bükk Mts., NE Hungary. The newly defined D1 phase is characterised by NE–SW compression which is hard to integrate into the Cenozoic evolution of the area. The D2a is also a new stress state which was a NE–SW syn-sedimentary extension of Late Oligocene age. The coeval D2b stress state is characterised byNW–SE compression andwas responsible for the (partly syn-sedimentary) tilting and erosion of the Oligocene sediments during Late Oligocene to earliest Miocene. D3 corresponds to E–Wcompression and perpendicular extension. Itwas followed by NE–SW (D4) andWNW–ESE extension (D5) which corresponds to the main rifting phases of the Pannonian Basin system from the late Early to Mid-Miocene (17.3–15Maand 15–11.6 Ma, respectively). It was interrupted by a short inversion (D6) of NE–SW to ENE–WSW compression at latest Mid- Miocene to earliest Late Miocene. Extension and major tilting were renewed in the early Late Miocene (D7). D8 shows NW–SE compression during latest Miocene to Pliocene when the Bükk Mts. started to be uplifted. Deformation bands were formed during several of the established tectonic phases. Combined analysis of deformation bands and fault slip data permitted the unraveling of the evolution of deformation bands in connection with deformation mechanism, burial depth and cumulative displacement. We suggest that the less destructive type of deformation bands is the oldest ones, and were formed at the shallowest burial and accumulated the smallest total displacement. The more cataclastic the deformation bands are, the greater the total displacement and deeper burial depth that can be observed. With progressive burial and/or displacement, deformation bands evolved into discrete fault slip surface

    Deformation band formation as a function of progressive burial : Depth calibration and mechanism change in the Pannonian Basin (Hungary)

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    Deformation bands (DB) are ubiquitous structural elements that can be found in Miocene pre- and syn-rift sediments of the extensional Pannonian Basin, central Europe. Across the field sites we see examples of disaggregation to cataclastic DB sets and evidence of frequent reactivation by discrete faulting. Thin section analysis, cross-cutting relationships and well-defined time constraints of analysed brittle structures demonstrate that with increased burial depth, DB deformation mechanisms progressed from granular flow to cataclasis. The DB sets were classified into 10 deformation phases based on formerly published independent fault-slip analysis and structural mapping. Subsidence curves were constructed for each stratigraphic level involved in deformation and were used along with the intersection of deformation episodes to calculate the depth intervals of DB generations and subsequent structural elements. The DB formation depths obtained were transferred to the depth range of the related mechanisms. This combined methodology permits a more quantitative approach to determine the changes in the deformation mechanisms with depth. Our results show that granular flow (disaggregation bands) dominates down to 100–150 m as the earliest deformation structure, followed by weak then moderate cataclasis. The transition between weak and moderate cataclasis is at approximately 300 ± 100 m for host rock rich in feldspar or fragile tuffitic components and from around 900 ± 100 m in quartz-rich sediments. In addition, deformation by frictional sliding concentrates on discrete fault planes at the margin of cataclastic bands or on new fracture planes from ∼500 ± 100 m in volcanoclastic or feldspar rich host rocks, and 1000 ± 100 m in quartz-rich host rocks. We suggest that burial-induced diagenetic processes is dependent on subsidence history, and partly in connection with regional fluid migration path, control the transition from moderate or advanced cataclasis to discrete fault slip. All these changes affect the pore structure and porosity that contribute to rheological changes, and hence change in deformation mechanism of coeval fracturing events

    Cenozoic structural evolution of the southwestern Bükk Mts. and the southern part of the Darnó Deformation Belt (NE Hungary)

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    Extensive structural field observations and seismic interpretation allowed us to delineate 7 deformation phases in the study area for the Cenozoic period. Phase D1 indicates NW—SE compression and perpendicular extension in the Late Oligocene—early Eggenburgian and it was responsible for the development of a wedge-shaped Paleogene sequence in front of north-westward propagating blind reverse faults. D2 is represented by E—W compression and perpendicular extension in the middle Eggenburgian—early Ottnangian. The D1 and D2 phases resulted in the erosion of Paleogene suites on elevated highs. Phase D2 was followed by a counterclockwise rotation, described in earlier publications. When considering the age of sediments deformed by the syn-sedimentary D3 deformation and preliminary geochronological ages of deformed volcanites the time of the first CCW rotation can be shifted slightly younger (~17—16.5 Ma)than previously thought (18.5—17.5 Ma). Another consequence of our new timing is that the extrusional tectonics of the ALCAPA unit, the D2 local phase, could also terminate somewhat later by 1 Myr. D4 shows NE—SW extension in the late Karpatian—Early Badenian creating NW—SE trending normal faults which connected the major NNE—SSW trending sinistral faults. The D5 and D6 phases are late syn-rift deformations indicating E—W extension and NW—SE extension, respectively. D5 indicates syn-sedimentary deformation in the Middle Badenian—early Sarmatian and caused the synsedimentary thickening of mid-Miocene suites along NNE—SSW trending transtensional faults. D5 postdates the second CCW rotation which can be bracketed between ~16—15 Ma. This timing is somewhat older than previously considered and is based on new geochronological dates of pyroclastite rocks which were not deformed by this phase. D6 was responsible for further deepening of half-grabens during the Sarmatian. D7 is post-tilt NNW—SSE extension and induced the deposition of the 700 m thick Pannonian wedge between 11.6—8.92 Ma in the southern part of the study area

    Nemzetközi Rendészeti Figyelő III.

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    Recensions of foreign special literature, made by students of the Doctoral School of Law Enforcement, call attention to several papers which present coherences coming seldom into the interest circle of law enforcement literature. The presentation of the policeman in fiction books and its effect on acceptance of law enforcement by the society belong absolutely to this special category. The criminalistic approach of the protection of wildlife, that can support ecoconcious perspective of behaviour, is similarly special. The COVID-19 world pandemics is further a constant topic of law enforcement, but in a new approach, as it gives a warning on contradictions between special legal order and the protection of human rights. Beside exceptional topics you can read about recurrent questions of law enforcement literature, the general preventive effects of punishment, the newest forms of zero tolerance strategy, the consequences of militarisation of law enforcement, legal consequences replacing traditional criminal prosecution, or about algorithms forecasting dangers of violent actions.A Rendészettudományi Doktori Iskola hallgatói által készített recenziók a külföldi szakirodalomból több olyan tanulmányra hívják fel a figyelmet, amelyek – a hagyományos témák mellett – olyan összefüggésekre mutatnak rá, melyek ritkán kerülnek a rendvédelmi szakirodalom érdeklődési körébe. A rendőr személyiségének szépirodalmi ábrázolása, és annak a rendészeti igazgatás társadalmi elfogadottságára gyakorolt hatása feltétlenül ebbe a kivételezett tartományba sorolható. Hasonlóan egyedi a vadvilág védelmének kriminológiai megközelítése, ami hozzájárulhat a környezettudatos magatartás erősödéséhez. A COVID-19 világjárvány továbbra is visszatérő tematikája a rendészetnek, azonban ezúttal új megközelítésben, mert a különleges jogrend és az emberi jogok védelme között feszülő ellentmondásokról kapunk figyelmeztetést. A kivételek mellett olvashatunk a rendészeti szakirodalom visszatérő kérdéseiről, a büntetések általános megelőzést szolgáló hatásairól, a zéró tolerancia stratégiájának legújabb megjelenéseiről, a rendészet militarizálódásának következményeiről, a hagyományos büntető felelősségre vonást helyettesítő jogkövetkezményekről, avagy az erőszakos cselekmények veszélyeit előre jelző algoritmusokról

    Efficacy of prenatal ultrasonography in diagnosing urogenital developmental anomalies in newborns.

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    BACKGROUND: Showing a prevalence rate of 0.5-0.8%, urogenital malformations discovered in newborns is regarded relatively common. The aim of this study is to examine the efficacy of ultrasound diagnostics in detecting developmental disorders in the urogenital system. METHODS: We have processed the prenatal sonographic and postnatal clinical details of 175 urogenital abnormalities in 140 newborns delivered with urogenital malformation according to EUROCAT recommendations over a 5-year period between 2006 and 2010. The patients were divided into three groups; Group 1: prenatal sonography and postnatal examinations yielded fully identical results. Group 2: postnatally detected urogenital changes were partially discovered in prenatal investigations. Group 3: prenatal sonography failed to detect the urogenital malformation identified in postnatal examinations. Urogenital changes representing part of certain multiple disorders associated with chromosomal aberration were investigated separately. RESULTS: Prenatal sonographic diagnosis and postnatal results completely coincided in 45%, i.e. 63/140 of cases in newborns delivered with urogenital developmental disorders. In 34/140 cases (24%), discovery was partial, while in 43/140 patients (31%), no urogenital malformation was detected prenatally. No associated malformations were observed in 108 cases, in 57 of which (53%), the results of prenatal ultrasonography and postnatal examinations showed complete coincidence. Prenatally, urogenital changes were found in 11 patients (10%), whereas no urogenital disorders were diagnosed in 40 cases (37%) by investigations prior to birth. Urogenital disorders were found to represent part of multiple malformations in a total of 28 cases as follows: prenatal diagnosis of urogenital malformation and the findings of postnatal examinations completely coincided in three patients (11%), partial coincidence was found in 22 newborns (79%) and in another three patients (11%), the disorder was not detected prenatally. In four newborns, chromosomal aberration was associated with the urogenital disorder; 45,X karyotype was detected in two patients, trisomy 9 and trisomy 18 were found in one case each. CONCLUSION: In approximately half of the cases, postnatally diagnosed abnormalities coincided with the prenatally discovered fetal urogenital developmental disorders. The results have confirmed that ultrasonography plays an important role in diagnosing urogenital malformations but it fails to detect all of the urogenital developmental abnormalities

    Cenozoic structural evolution of the southwestern Bükk Mts. and the southern part of the Darnó Deformation Belt (NE Hungary)

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    Extensive structural field observations and seismic interpretation allowed us to delineate 7 deformation phases in the study area for the Cenozoic period. Phase D1 indicates NW–SE compression and perpendicular extension in the Late Oligocene–early Eggenburgian and it was responsible for the development of a wedge-shaped Paleogene sequence in front of north-westward propagating blind reverse faults. D2 is represented by E–W compression and perpendicular extension in the middle Eggenburgian–early Ottnangian. The D1 and D2 phases resulted in the erosion of Paleogene suites on elevated highs. Phase D2 was followed by a counterclockwise rotation, described in earlier publications. When considering the age of sediments deformed by the syn-sedimentary D3 deformation and preliminary geochronological ages of deformed volcanites the time of the first CCW rotation can be shifted slightly younger (~17–16.5 Ma) than previously thought (18.5–17.5 Ma). Another consequence of our new timing is that the extrusional tectonics of the ALCAPA unit, the D2 local phase, could also terminate somewhat later by 1 Myr. D4 shows NE–SW extension in the late Karpatian–Early Badenian creating NW–SE trending normal faults which connected the major NNE–SSW trending sinistral faults. The D5 and D6 phases are late syn-rift deformations indicating E–W extension and NW–SE extension, respectively. D5 indicates syn-sedimentary deformation in the Middle Badenian–early Sarmatian and caused the synsedimentary thickening of mid-Miocene suites along NNE–SSW trending transtensional faults. D5 postdates the second CCW rotation which can be bracketed between ~16–15 Ma. This timing is somewhat older than previously considered and is based on new geochronological dates of pyroclastite rocks which were not deformed by this phase. D6 was responsible for further deepening of half-grabens during the Sarmatian. D7 is post-tilt NNW–SSE extension and induced the deposition of the 700 m thick Pannonian wedge between 11.6–8.92 Ma in the southern part of the study area

    Evolution of deformation mechanism and fluid flow in two pre-rift siliciclastic deposits (Pannonian Basin, Hungary)

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    Distinct stages of deformation and fluid flow-related diagenetic alterations are recorded in Lower Miocene sandstone and conglomerate of the Pannonian Basin, Central Europe. Multiple generations of structural elements (deformation bands, calcite dominoes and veins) as well as host rocks were investigated using petrographical, elemental and stable isotope geochemical methods together with fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry. The integration of acquired structural and diagenetic data into a subsidence model constrains the spatial and temporal evolution of deformation mechanisms and diagenetic processes. The six investigated sites represent central and marginal areas during both the pre-rift and syn-rift phases of basin evolution. The elements of pre-rift phases were preserved at the eastern margin, where eogenetic calcite precipitated in the host rocks and in the early types of deformation bands. Their δ18OPDB isotope values from −4.3‰ to −1.9‰ paired with δ13CPDB isotope values from −3.8‰ to 1.8‰ refer to precipitation from connate marine and mixed marine and meteoric pore water. The syn-rift phases are represented by eogenetic calcite and start of shallow mesogenetic diagenetic alterations in marginal position as well as in the basin centre. The δ18OPDB and δ13CPDB isotope ratios in these calcites yielded values from −15.2‰ to −5.7‰ and from to −18.5‰ to -–1.6‰, respectively. The gradual depletion in heavy isotopes shows positive covariance as the deformation progressed in time. This trend is attributed to an increasing proportion of deeply circulating meteoric fluid. The sporadic fluid inclusion data confirm meteoric fluid contribution to certain carbonate cement phases. The distinguished calcite generations in pre-rift and syn-rift structural elements and host rocks were mainly related to the phases of intense subsidence that, together with the increased rift-related heat flow, warmed up the circulating fluids. The isotope values deviating from the general trend allow the recognition of local source of light carbon contribution to basin-wide fluid-flow evolution, and cannot be tied to the switch in tectonic settings from pre-rift compression to syn-rift extension