5 research outputs found

    Kooperative Errichtung der Offshore-Windenergie : Konzeptionelle Entwicklung einer lieferketten- und projektübergreifenden Logistikgestaltung

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    In this thesis, the topic of planning and control in the network of the construction phase of offshore wind energy is considered. The needs of the industry for change and optimisation motivate a scientific discourse that goes beyond existing boundaries. The result of this work comprises the proof of the efficiency increase potentials by resource and information sharing in the construction phase of offshore wind energy by means of simulation, the definition of the requirements for a solution approach for the collaborative design and cooperative execution of the construction, a concept for the realization of these potentials, as well as the empirically supported development of the success factors for the implementation of the developed approach in practice

    Cooperative construction of offshore wind energy : Conceptional development of a supply chain and cross-project logistics design

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    In this thesis, the topic of planning and control in the network of the construction phase of offshore wind energy is considered. The needs of the industry for change and optimisation motivate a scientific discourse that goes beyond existing boundaries. The result of this work comprises the proof of the efficiency increase potentials by resource and information sharing in the construction phase of offshore wind energy by means of simulation, the definition of the requirements for a solution approach for the collaborative design and cooperative execution of the construction, a concept for the realization of these potentials, as well as the empirically supported development of the success factors for the implementation of the developed approach in practice

    Simulation Based Investigation of the Impact of Information Sharing on the Offshore Wind Farm Installation Process

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    In the recent decades, the introduction of a sustainable and green energy infrastructure, and, by this, the reduction of emissions caused by fossil energy generation, has been focused on by industry-oriented nations worldwide. Among the technologies of renewable energy generation, wind energy has the highest deployment rate, due to the high wind resource availability and the high technology maturity reached mainly by the onshore installation of wind turbines. However, the planning and the installation of offshore wind farms are a challenging task, because of harsh weather conditions and limited resource availability. Due to the current practice of decentralised information acquisition by the supply chain partners, we investigate the impact of sharing information on the installation process of offshore wind farms by means of a simulation model. Therefore, relevant information items will be identified in order to improve the installation process

    Design of a robotic system for emptying sea containers

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    Die Entladung von Seecontainern erfolgt in der Regel manuell. Die körperlich anstrengende und monotone Arbeit führt hierbei zu einer hohen Mitarbeiterfluktu-ation. Autonome Entladesysteme konnten sich zur Re-duktion dieses Unsicherheitsfaktors bisher jedoch nicht etablieren. Der Beitrag geht auf die Rahmenbedingun-gen und den Prozess der Containerentladung ein. Dazu werden grundlegende Anforderungen beschrieben. Da-rauf basierend wird ein alternativer Ansatz für die au-tomatisierte Entladung von Seecontainern vorgestellt, wobei einige neu entwickelten Subsysteme detailliert beschrieben werden.Unloading of sea containers is usually done manually. The physically strenuous and monotonous work leads to a high employee turnover. Autonomous unloading systems have not yet been able to establish to reduce this uncertainty factor. This article deals with the gen-eral conditions and the process of container unloading. Therefore basic requirements are described and an al-ternative approach for the automated unloading of sea containers is presented, whereby some of the newly de-veloped subsystems are described in more detail