78 research outputs found

    À la recherche d’une philosophie publique postlibérale : Le républicanisme civique de Michael J. Sandel

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    Dans Democracy’s Discontent, Michael J. Sandel démontre, comme nul autre défenseur contemporain du républicanisme civique, l’ampleur de l’appauvrissement de la vie politique lorsque l’idéal républicain est éclipsé par le libéralisme procédural. On ne saurait douter de l’apport du républicanisme de M. Sandel comme instrument de critique sociale, grâce auquel est dévoilée l’indigence morale et civique de la société libérale moderne. Mais sa théorie sociale offre-t-elle vraiment un remède contre les maux du libéralisme? Pour répondre à cette question, il faut établir plus justement que ne le fait M. Sandel le rapport entre théorie et pratique. L’article tente de préciser ce qui fait la force de la démarche de cet auteur et d’évaluer de façon critique son interprétation du rapport entre théorie et pratique.Among contemporary defenders of civic republicanism, Michael J. Sandel, in Democracy's Discontent, offers a uniquely ambitious account of why we pay a very high price, with respect to the quality of political life, when civic republican ideals come to be eclipsed by procedural liberalism. There can be no questioning the power of M. Sandel's republicanism as social criticism, exposing the moral and civic "thinness" of modern liberal society. But can his social theory offer a feasible remedy to liberalism's ills? To answer the latter question, one requires a clearer account of the relationship between theory and practice than M. Sandel himself supplies. The purpose of this article is to summarize what is most compelling in Sandelian social critique, and to try to pin him down on how he interprets the theory-practice relation

    Three Versions of the Politics of Conscience: Hobbes, Spinoza, Locke

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    The organizers of this symposium have posed the question: is the idea of conscience fundamentally rooted in religious commitments? This question inevitably draws us back to the seventeenth century, for that is when the discourse of conscience ultimately originated. And when we consult the most important sources from that epoch, we get, I believe a clear answer to the question, although it may not be the answer that the organizers of the symposium anticipated when they conceived the theme of this gathering

    The Liberal Regime

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    The Liberal Regime

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    Recursos cívicos en una sociedad liberal: versiones «densas» y «tenues» del liberalismo

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    Dialogue with Six Critics

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    LECTURES ONKANTSPoliticalPhilosophy

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    Comment on Solum

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