155 research outputs found

    In-situ monitoring for CVD processes

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    Aiming towards process control of industrial high yield/high volume CVD reactors, the potential of optical sensors as a monitoring tool has been explored. The sensors selected are based on both Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and tunable diode laser spectroscopy (NIR-DLS). The former has the advantage of wide spectral capability, and well established databases. NIR-DLS spectroscopy has potentially high sensitivity, laser spatial resolution, and the benefits of comparatively easier integration capabilities-including optical fibre compatibility. The proposed technical approach for process control is characterised by a 'chemistry based' feedback system with in-situ optical data as input information. The selected optical sensors continuously analyze the gas phase near the surface of the growing layer. The spectroscopic data has been correlated with process performance and layer properties which, in turn establish data basis for process control. The new process control approach is currently being verified on different industrialised CVD coaters. One of the selected applications deals with the deposition of SnO2 layers on glass based on the oxidation of (CH3)2SnCl2, which is used in high volume production for low-E glazing

    Artenreiche Landwirtschaft auf Kirchengrund. Chancen gelebter Schöpfungsverantwortung. Eine Handreichung zur Umsetzung von Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf kircheneigenem Land

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    Die Handreichung setzt sich mit den Potenzialen und konkreten Möglichkeiten von Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf kircheneigenem Land auseinander. In einer kurzen theologischen Zusammenschau wird zunächst der Biodiversitätsschutz als Aufgabe gelebter christlicher Schöpfungsverantwortung identifiziert. Im Anschluss daran werden mögliche Handlungsschritte für eine Umsetzung entsprechender Maßnahmen vorgestellt. Dabei werden sowohl die Fragen nach dem Zuständigkeitsbereich sowie nach Kooperations- und Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten geklärt als auch einzelne Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Artenvielfalt detailliert und praxisnah beschrieben. Am Ende der Handreichung lassen sich mehrere Beispiele für bereits bestehende und vorbildliche Realisierungen von Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf kircheneigenem Land finden. Darüber hinaus werden auf den letzten Seiten Ansprechpartner und unterstützende Instanzen genannt

    Sub-100 femtosecond pulses from a SESAM modelocked thin disk laser

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    We present the first passively modelocked thin disk laser (TDL) with sub-100-fs pulse duration using the broadband sesquioxide gain material Yb:LuScO3 and an optimized SEmiconductor Saturable Absorber Mirror (SESAM). In this proof-of-principle experiment, we obtained 5.1W of average power at a repetition rate of 77.5MHz and a pulse duration of 96fs. We carefully explored and optimized the different parameters on the soliton pulse formation process for the generation of short pulses. In particular, SESAMs combining fast recovery time, high modulation depth and low nonsaturable losses proved crucial to achieve this result even though they are expected to only play a minor role in soliton modelocking. To our knowledge, these are the shortest pulses ever obtained with a modelocked TDL, reaching for the first time the sub-100-fs milestone. This result opens the door to sub-100-fs oscillators with substantially higher power levels in the near futur

    The D9N, N291S and S447X variants in the lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene are not associated with Type III Hyperlipidemia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Type III hyperlipidemia (Type III HLP) is associated with homozygosity for the ε2 allele of the APOE gene. However only about 10% of ε2 homozygotes develop Type III HLP and it is assumed that additional genetic and/or environmental factors are required for its development. Common variants in the LPL gene have been proposed as likely genetic co-factors.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The frequency of the LPL SNPs D9N, N291S and S447X in 100 patients with hyperlipidemia and APOE2/2 genotype has been determined and compared to that in healthy blood donors and patients with hyperlipidemia.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were no statistically significant difference in the frequencies of the variants between APOE2/2 patients and controls.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It is unlikely that the D9N, N291S or S447X variants in the LPL gene play an important role in the development of Type III HLP.</p

    Microtome-integrated microscope system for high sensitivity tracking of in-resin fluorescence in blocks and ultrathin sections for correlative microscopy

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    Many areas of biological research demand the combined use of different imaging modalities to cover a wide range of magnifications and measurements or to place fluorescent patterns into an ultrastructural context. A technically difficult problem is the efficient specimen transfer between different imaging modalities without losing the coordinates of the regions-of-interest (ROI). Here, we report a new and highly sensitive integrated system that combines a custom designed microscope with an ultramicrotome for in-resin-fluorescence detection in blocks, ribbons and sections on EM-grids. Although operating with long-distance lenses, this system achieves a very high light sensitivity. Our instrumental set-up and operating workflow are designed to investigate rare events in large tissue volumes. Applications range from studies of individual immune, stem and cancer cells to the investigation of non-uniform subcellular processes. As a use case, we present the ultrastructure of a single membrane repair patch on a muscle fiber in intact muscle in a whole animal context

    Post-imperialism, postcolonialism and beyond: towards a periodisation of cultural discourse about colonial legacies

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    Taking German history and culture as a starting point, this essay suggests a historical approach to reconceptualising different forms of literary engagement with colonial discourse, colonial legacies and (post-) colonial memory in the context of Comparative Postcolonial Studies. The deliberate blending of a historical, a conceptual and a political understanding of the ‘postcolonial’ in postcolonial scholarship raises problems of periodisation and historical terminology when, for example, anti-colonial discourse from the colonial period or colonialist discourse in Weimar Germany are labelled ‘postcolonial’. The colonial revisionism of Germany’s interwar period is more usefully classed as post-imperial, as are particular strands of retrospective engagement with colonial history and legacy in British, French and other European literatures and cultures after 1945. At the same time, some recent developments in Francophone, Anglophone and German literature, e.g. Afropolitan writing, move beyond defining features of postcolonial discourse and raise the question of the post-postcolonial

    Позиционный электропривод механизма перемещения

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    Объектом исследования является позиционный асинхронный электропривод механизма горизонтального перемещения груза. Цель работы – исследовать основные характеристики асинхронного электропривода с трехконтурной системой управления положением вала двигателя. В процессе исследования проводились выбор асинхронного двигателя для механизма перемещения, расчет параметров двигателя, его статических и динамических характеристик, выбор преобразователя частоты, синтез трехконтурной системы управления следящим электроприводом на базе регулируемого с векторным управлением.The object of the study is a positional asynchronous electric drive mechanism for the horizontal movement of cargo. The purpose of the work is to investigate the basic characteristics of an asynchronous electric drive with a three-circuit control system for positioning the motor shaft. In the process of research, the choice of an asynchronous motor for the displacement mechanism, calculation of the engine parameters, its static and dynamic characteristics, choice of a frequency converter, synthesis of a three-circuit control system for a servomotor drive based on an adjustable vector control were made