37 research outputs found

    Levodopa Plus Occlusion Therapy versus Occlusion Therapy Alone for Children with Anisometropic Amblyopia

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    Purpose: This study aimed to compare the effects of short-term administration of levodopa plus occlusion therapy versus occlusion therapy alone in preschool children with hyperopic anisometropic amblyopia. Methods: This comparative interventional study included 40 eligible preschool children aged 6 to 7 years with hyperopic anisometropic amblyopia. The primary outcome measure was the logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution (logMAR) best-corrected visual acuity recorded at baseline, 3 weeks after the treatment initiation and 12 weeks after the treatment termination. The results were compared between the two groups. Results: No statistically significant intergroup difference was observed in baseline logMAR visual acuities (P = 0.92). The mean logMAR visual acuities of the amblyopic eyes were significantly better in both groups three weeks after the treatment initiation than the baseline (P < 0.01 in both groups). At 12 weeks after treatment termination, the logMAR visual acuities of the amblyopic eyes were significantly better than the baseline values (P < 0.001 in the placebo group and P = 0.09 in the levodopa group). Intergroup comparisons revealed no statistically significant difference in visual acuities 3 weeks after the treatment initiation (P = 0.11) and 12 weeks after the treatment termination (P = 0.10). Twelve weeks after the treatment termination, visual acuities regressed 0.037 logMAR in the placebo group and 0.042 logMAR in the levodopa group. These regression rates were not significantly different (P = 0.89). Conclusion: The results of this study provide evidence that adding short-term administration of levodopa to occlusion therapy in hyperopic anisometropic amblyopia offers no additional benefit in visual outcomes and provides no advantage in terms of the regression rate

    Seasonality of Acute Retinal Necrosis

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    Purpose: To study the seasonal variability in the occurrence of acute retinal necrosis (ARN) in a series of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-positive patients. Methods: Consecutive patients clinically diagnosed with ARN and a positive PCR result of aqueous humor during a seven-year period were studied retrospectively. Patients’ demographics, causative viral agent(s), and the date of disease onset were extracted from medical records. Results: Twenty eyes of 20 patients were enrolled; the mean age at presentation was 39.6 ± 14.4 (range, 6–62) years. Nine patients were female. The most common causative agent was varicella-zoster virus in 16 patients (80%), followed by herpes simplex virus in two patients (10%). The disease onset was in winter in 10 patients (50%), and the highest incidence was in February (five patients, 25%). The cumulative occurrence of ARN was significantly higher in the first half of the year (winter and spring) compared to the second half of the year (summer and fall) (P = 0.030). In general, seasons with a high incidence of ARN were preceded by cold seasons. Conclusion: In our series, we observed seasonal variability in the incidence of ARN, with the highest incidence during winter and spring. However, further epidemiologic studies in different geographical areas are required to elucidate the true seasonal nature of ARN

    Explicando los efectos económicos y ambientales de la calidad de vida sobre la retención de la población en residencias rurales

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    The objective of this study was to explaining the economic and environmental effects of quality of life on the retention of population in rural residences. This shows an applied research, and in terms of nature and methods, it is considered as a descriptive-analytical one. For the purpose of data collection, field studies and library studies have been conducted. To this end, an index questionnaire based on the Likert Scale was prepared and randomly distributed among the villagers. The population of the study includes 2570 individuals; however, using the Cochran’s formula, the sample size of the study was determined as 356 individuals. The collected questionnaires have been analyzed through descriptive statistics, T-test and, multivariate regression. Results show that structural equations, with a value of over 0.05 and t-statistic of 1.072, the effect of the financial aspect of life quality on retention of population is recorded. In addition, the results have also manifested that the environmental aspect of quality of life is also effective on the former with a value of 0.05 and t-statistic of 2.017, which is higher than the critical value of 1.96. Finally, it can be concluded that the environmental aspect of life-quality is significantly effective on retention of population in rural residences; however, considering the obtained path coefficient of 0.208, it is concluded that the economic aspect of life quality is not of any known significant effects on retention of population in rural areas.El objetivo de este estudio fue explicar los efectos económicos y ambientales de la calidad de vida en la retención de población en residencias rurales. Comprende una investigación aplicada, y en términos de naturaleza y métodos, se considera descriptivo-analítico. Con el fin de recopilar datos, se han realizado estudios de campo y estudios de biblioteca. Para ello, se preparó un cuestionario índice basado en la Escala Likert y se distribuyó aleatoriamente entre los pobladores. La población del estudio incluye 2570 individuos; sin embargo, utilizando la fórmula de Cochran, el tamaño de la muestra del estudio se determinó como 356 individuos. Los cuestionarios recogidos se han analizado mediante estadística descriptiva, prueba T y regresión multivariante. Los resultados muestran que las ecuaciones estructurales, con un valor superior a 0.05 y un estadístico t de 1.072, se registra el efecto del aspecto financiero de la calidad de vida sobre la retención de la población. Además, los resultados también han manifestado que el aspecto ambiental de la calidad de vida también es efectivo en el primero con un valor de 0,05 y un estadístico t de 2,017, que es superior al valor crítico de 1,96. Se puede concluir que el aspecto ambiental de la calidad de vida es significativamente efectivo en la retención de la población en las residencias rurales; sin embargo, considerando el coeficiente de trayectoria obtenido de 0,208, se concluye que el aspecto económico de la calidad de vida no tiene efectos significativos conocidos sobre la retención de la población en las zonas rurales

    Occupational Therapy Interventions Effect on Mathematical Problems in Students with Special Learning Disorders

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    Objectives: Dyscalculia is specific learning disabilities affecting the acquisition of mathematic skills in an otherwise normal child. The aim of this study was investigation of occupational therapy interventions effect on mathematical problems in students with special learning disorders. Methods: 40 students with dyscalculia (2-5 grades) were selected and divided through randomized permuted blocks method into two groups 20 persons as intervention group and the others as the control group. Initially both of groups were administered by the &quot;Iran Key math Test&quot;. Then intervention group received occupational therapy interventions for 20 sessions individually and two groups were administered by the Test again. Data was analyzed by using Paired and Independent t-tests. Results: By the paired sample t-test the mean of total marks of Iran Key math Test demonstrated statistically significant difference in both of groups (P<0.05), but the measure of difference in intervention group was more than control group. The mean of marks of Basic Concepts, Operations and Applications demonstrated statistically significant difference at intervention group. Discussion: Occupational therapy interventions had clinical effect on mathematical problems in students with special learning disorders

    A methodology to compare the economic feasibility of fuel cell-, gas turbine- and microturbine-based combined heat and power systems

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    Combined heat and power (CHP) systems are a proven technology to reduce emissions. A methodology was presented to compare the economic feasibility of fuel cell-based CHP systems with more alternative prime movers (microturbine and gas turbine). For demonstration purposes, the methodology was applied to three distinct case studies of varying size. The developed methodology allowed for the analysis of the system from various economic points of view. Because of the scarcity of complete equation sets modeling the off-design performance of fuel cells, several novel equations were proposed. All systems utilizing alternative prime movers were unprofitable. The fuel cell-based systems exhibited some economic potential; however, the results showed it would take close to the entire system lifetime to recover the capital costs. This is consistent with the reviewed literature and hence validates the new methodology and partial load equations proposed. Based on this analysis the fuel cell-based system for the medium sized case study showed the most economic potential. Because of the susceptibility of emerging technologies (fuel cells) to changes in capital costs, an in-depth sensitivity analysis was performed. The analysis showed that a 5% decrease in capital costs could reduce the payback period by as much as six months. This indicates that only a small decrease in price is necessary to potentially lead to the adoption of these systems in the near future.26 page(s

    Effect of Group Parent Management Traning on Behavioral Disorders of Children with Attention Deficit-Hyoeractivity Disorder

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    Objective: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common psychiatric disorders of childhood and adolescence. Psychosocial interventions such as group parent management training are needed, for children's behaviors and parent – child interaction. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of group parent management training on behavioral disorders among children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Materials & Methods: In this interventional and quasi experimental study, fifty four children with ADHD were selected from seven mental occupational therapy clinics of Tehran city.They were assigned into two Equal groups and all of them received routine occupational therapy and medication. Parent management training program by using positive parenting program (triple p) manual (Sanders 2005) was added to the Intervention Group program. These sessions lasted 2 hours a week for 8 weeks. Data collection tools were 2 questionnaires: Demographic questionnaire and Conners Parent Rating Scale (CPRS 48). Statistical snalysis of data was done by chi square ,Independent T test, Paired T test and analysis of covariance. Results: Although both groups showed significant improvement in all subscales of behavioral questionnaire (CPRS) pretest, improvement of intervention group score was more significantly than control group in conduct subscale (P<0.001), anxiety (P<0.001), hyperactivity index (P=0.016) and total score (P<0.001). But in psychosomatic subscale (P=0.526 ), learning subscale (P=0.052) and impulsion and hyperactivity subscale (P=0.267) there was no significant difference between two groups. Conclusion: Group parent management training is significantly effective in decreasing behavioral disorders and anxiety status of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and this psychosocial intervention could be used as an effective complementary method beside medication and occupational therapy programs

    Finite element analysis of high modal dynamic responses of a composite floor subjected to human motion under passive live load

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    Light weight and long span composite floors are common place in modern construction. A critical consequence of this application is undesired vibration which may cause excessive discomfort to occupants. This work investigates the composite floor vibration behavior of an existing building based on a comprehensive study of high modal dynamic responses, the range of which has been absent in previous studies and major analytical templates, of different panels under the influence of loads induced by human motion. The resulting fundamental natural frequency and vibration modes are first validated with respect to experimental and numerical evidences from literature. Departing from close correlation established in comparison, this study explores in detail the effects of intensity of passive live load as additional stationary mass due to crowd jumping as well as considering human structure interaction. From observation, a new approach in the simulation of passive live load through the consideration of human structure interaction and human body characteristics is proposed. It is concluded that higher vibration modes are essential to determine the minimum required modes and mass participation ratio in the case of vertical vibration. The results indicate the need to consider 30 modes of vibration to obtain all possible important excitations and thereby making third harmonic of load frequency available to excite the critical modes. In addition, presence of different intensities of passive live load on the composite floor showed completely different behavior in each particular panel associated with load location of panel and passive live load intensity. Furthermore, implementing human body characteristics in simulation causes an obvious increase in modal damping and hence better practicality and economical presentation can be achieved in structural dynamic behavior

    Motor Deficits of Girls with Down Syndrome in Comparing with Girls with Intellectual Disability in the School Ages Children

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    Objective: Motor function in children with Down syndrome is similar to mentally retarded children. But the movements are slower and have lower quality. The purpose of this study was to identify weaknesses in motor function in children with Down syndrome, by using Bruininks Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP). Materials & Methods: In this cross-sectional study, thirty six children with intellectual disability, 18 girls with Down syndrome and 18 girls without Down syndrome, with chronological aged 8-13 years were investigated. The subjects of Down syndrome were selected by available sampling. The subjects of intellectual disability were selected by simple random sampling. Two groups of participants were matched for chronological age and IQ level. The measurement was BOTMP. Statistical analysis was performed using the Mann-Whitney U rank sum test and t-test. Results: The children with Down syndrome scored significantly lower than the mentally retarded children in the areas of gross motor skill composite (P<0.014) balance (P<0.029), response time (P<0.034) and visual motor control (P<0.048), but the fine motor and overlay motor skill composite, and subtests of bilateral coordination, strength, upper limb coordination scores were no significantly different between two groups. Conclusion: Motor rehabilitation is appropriate for children with intellectual disability, especially for children with Down syndrome, in throughout their adolescence. Key words: Motor skill/ Intellectual Disability/ Down syndrome/ BOTM

    Time Use of Mothers of Children With an Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comparative Study

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    Objectives: Studies around the world have shown that having a child with disability impacts a mother&rsquo;s time use. The purpose of this study was to compare the time use of mothers of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) with mothers of typically developing children. Methods: Eighty-four Iranian mothers (42 with ASD children and 42 with typically developing children) completed the Mothers&rsquo; Time Use Questionnaire (MTUQ). Results: Mothers of ASD children spent more time doing childcare activities (P<0.001), but no significant differences were found in time spent in self-care, rest/sleep, leisure, household chores, job or social participation activities. Furthermore, quality and enjoyment of daily activities were significantly lower in mothers of children with ASD compared to mothers of typically developing children. Discussion: Mothers of ASD children are more prone to having an imbalanced life. Hence, there is a need for occupational therapists to work in partnership with mothers to support their occupational engagement and life satisfaction