26 research outputs found


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    Breast malignancies are one of the most prevalent and major causes of morbidity and mortality among women worldwide. According to the available data, neoplastic lesions of the breast are one of the main causes leading to heavy costs for both the healthcare system and the society. Based on these realities and the fact that different aspects of these malignancies remain unknown to date, and are essential to be determined, these issues make a vast area of research in medicine. Just like the present time, breast neoplasms were under the focus of scientists lived in the past, from all over the world. Accordingly, these malignancies are a group of disease with a long-standing historical background. As a result, it can be claimed that modern-day knowledge of these matters has burgeoned on the extraordinary discoveries and the development of diagnostic and therapeutic methods made through the ages, especially those of the post-medieval era. Recognizing the previous efforts that have been made in this regard will show our future way for us. For this reason, in this paper, we will review the key milestones and vital discoveries in the field of breast neoplasms and some other diseases involving this body organ.Maligne bolesti dojki su jedan od najčeŔćih i glavnih uzroka pobola i smrtnosti među ženama diljem svijeta. Prema dostupnim podacima, tumorske lezije dojke su jedan od glavnih uzroka koji dovode do teÅ”kih troÅ”kova i za zdravstveni sustav i za druÅ”tvo. Na temelju tih danosti i činjenici da su različiti aspekti tih malignih bolesti i dalje nepoznati do danas, te se tek trebaju odrediti, ta pitanja čine ogromno područje istraživanja u medicini. BaÅ” kao i u sadaÅ”njem trenutku, karcinom dojke je bio i u proÅ”losti u fokusu znanstvenika iz svih krajeva svijeta. Prema tome ove zloćudne bolesti su skupina bolesti s dugogodiÅ”njom povijesnom pozadinom. Možemo, kao rezultat, tvrditi da suvremena znanja o tim pitanjima je procvjetalo s izvanrednim otkrićima i razvojem dijagnostičkih i terapijskih metoda kroz stoljeća, a posebno u onim nakon srednjeg vijeka. Prepoznajući prethodne napore koji su uloženi u tom pogledu pokazat će nam put za budućnost. Iz tog razloga, u ovom radu ćemo dati pregled ključnih prekretnica i važnih otkrića na području tmora dojke i nekih drugih bolesti koje uključuju taj organ


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    Avicenna (980-1037 AD), also known as Sheikh or-Raeis, was an Muslim philosopher, physician, surgeon, astronomer, politician, encyclopedist, and mathematician. Avicennaā€™s writings comprise of five books, know as the Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (The Canon of Medicine) and the canon covers a wide variety of medical issues. This canon of medicine was the main reference for medical education in Western countries up until the 16th century and in the Middle East until the 19th century. Several chapters of the 3rd book of the Canon are devoted to a detailed description of gastrointestinal diseases including bowel obstruction, hemorrhoids anal fissures, perianal fistulas and perianal itching. Additionally, that same volume contains an illustration of an enema device. The aim of this paper was to present a brief review of Avicennaā€™s 11th century views on bowel obstruction and to present his description of an enema device that has remained relatively unnoticed until now. Finally, this article illustrates similarities between Avicennaā€™s explanation and modern medical science that celebrate Avicenna as an important contributor to medieval knowledge on gastrointestinal diseases, the science of which has been passed on to later generations.Avicenna (980.ā€“1037.), poznat i kao Sheikh or-Raeis, bio je islamski filozof, liječnik, kirurg, astronom, političar, enciklopedist i matematičar. Dao je značajan i poseban doprinos kako islamskoj tako i zapadnjačkoj medicini, a koji je trajao stojećima nakon njegove smrti. Avicenina pisana djela sastoje se od pet knjiga, poznata kao Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb (Kanon medicine), koji pokriva Å”iroko područje medicinske problematike. Kanon medicine bio je glavna referencija u medicinskoj edukaciji u zapadnjačkim zemljama do 16. stoljeća, a u zemljama Srednjeg istoka do 19. stoljeća. Nekoliko poglavlja treće knjige Kanona posvećeno je detaljnu opisu gastrointestinalnih bolesti, uključujući opstrukciju crijeva, hemoroide, analne fisure, perianalne fistule i perianalni svrbež. Osim toga isti volumen sadrži ilustraciju klizme. Cilj ovog rada bio je ukratko prikazati Avicenino viđenje opstrukcije crijeva koji datira u 11. stoljeće i predstaviti njegov dosad relativno nepoznat opis klizme. Konačno, ovaj članak ilustrira sličnosti između Avicenina objaÅ”njenja te onog suvremene medicinske znanosti, koja Å”tuje Avicenu, značajnog prinositelja poznavanju gastrointestinalnih bolesti u srednjem vijeku, znanja koja je preneseno kasnijim generacijama

    A Historical Perspective on Diagnosing Death in Persian Medicine

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    This paper offers a historical exploration of how death was diagnosed in Persian medicine, highlighting the evolution of diagnostic criteria and the contributions of key scholars. In the post-medieval era, defining death and establishing diagnostic criteria underwent significant development, albeit with ongoing debates. Notably, medieval Persian scholars, such as Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, played a crucial role in this discourse. Qutb al-Din al-Shirazi, a prominent Persian polymath, synthesized earlier knowledge to provide a comprehensive set of diagnostic criteria for death in traditional Persian medicine. These criteria encompassed physical examinations like assessing nail shininess, feeling pulsatile vessels in specific areas, observing pupillary reactions to light, and even monitoring the movement of a thread near the mouth and nose. His mention of the pupillary light reflex is one of the earliest known references to this phenomenon in medical history. Medieval Persian practices also involved placing a water container on the chest of the individual to detect the absence of chest wall motion associated with respiration as a sign of death. Furthermore, scholars like Ibn-e Sina (Avicenna) stressed the importance of monitoring pulse and respiration as vital signs, especially when administering potentially lethal drugs. In cases of uncertain diagnosis, such as stroke, medieval Persians postponed burials for up to three days. These historical insights provide a fascinating glimpse into the evolving understanding of death in Persian medicine and the intricate methods used for its diagnosis

    Koncept opstrukcije portalnog sustava u Aviceninu kanonu medicine

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    Historical literature on portal hypertension is mainly focused on the contemporary advances in therapeutic methods, especially surgical ones. However, it seems that the origin of the human knowledge on the portal system, its association with the caval system, obstructive pathologies in this system and the gastrointestinal bleeding due to hepatic diseases might be much older than previously believed. Avicenna provided a detailed anatomy of the portal venous system and its feeding branches in the Canon of Medicine. Soddat al-Kabed va al-Masarigha (liver and mesenteric occlusion) is also a disease presented by Avicenna with clinical, etiological and therapeutic descriptions suggesting the fact that Soddat al-Kabed va al-Masarigha has multiple similarities with the currently identified concept of ā€œportal hypertensionā€. He presented sense of heaviness in the liver area with or without mild pain, anemia, pale and inappropriate body color, and loose stool which can be complicated with ascites, infection, fever and abdominal pain as clinical manifestations of this disease. He has also suggested therapeutic approaches including laxative and diuretic herbs to help excreting the obstructive material into stool or urine.Povijesna literatura o portalnoj hipertenziji uglavnom je usredotočena na suvremeni napredak u terapijskim metodama, posebice kirurÅ”kim. Čini se, međutim, da ljudsko znanje o portalnom sustavu, njegovo povezivanje sa sustavom Å”uplje vene, patologije opstrukcija u tom sustavu i gastrointestinalno krvarenje zbog bolesti jetre može biti znatno starije nego Å”to se prije vjerovalo. Avicenna je dao detaljnu anatomiju portalnoga venskog sustava i njegovih grana u Kanonu medicine. Soddat al-Kabed va al-Masarigha (jetra i okluzija mesenterijskih žila) bolest je koju je Avicenna predstavio kliničkim, etioloÅ”kim i terapeutskim opisima koji upućuju na to da ima puno sličnosti s identificiranim pojmom ā€œportalne hipertenzijeā€. Avicenna je istaknuo osjećaj težine u području jetre s blagom boli ili bez nje, anemiju, blijedu i neodgovarajuću boju tijela te mekanu stolicu koja se može zakomplicirati ascitesom, infekcijom, groznicom i bolovima u trbuhu kao kliničkim manifestacijama ove bolesti. Predložio je i terapeutske pristupe, uključujući laksativ i diuretičke trave, kako bi se izbjeglo izlučivanje opstruktivnih tvari u stolici ili urinu


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    Neuropathic pain is supposed to be a post-renaissance described medical entity. Although it is often believed that John Fothergill (1712-1780) provided the first description of this condition in 1773, a review of the medieval Persian medical writings will show the fact that neuropathic pain was a medieval-originated concept. ā€œAuojae Asabā€ [Nerve-originated Pain]was used as a medical term in medieval Persian medical literature for pain syndromes which etiologically originated from nerves. Physicians like Rhazes (d. 925 CE), Haly Abbas (d. 982 CE), Avicenna (d. 1037 CE), and Jorjani (d. 1137 CE) have discussed multiple aspects of nerve-originated pain including its classification, etiology, differentiating characteristics, different qualities, and pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments. Recognizing medieval scholarsā€™ views on nerve-originated pain can lighten old historical origins of this concept.Smatra se kako je neurogena bol medicinski entitet opisan u postrenesansnom dobu. Mada se često vjeruje kako je ovo stanje prvi opisao John Fothergill (1712.ā€“1780.) 1773. godine, prikaz perzijskih srednjovjekovnih medicinskih zapisa pokazat će da je neurogena bol pojam koji potječe iz srednjeg vijeka. Termin Auojae Asab [Bol koja potječe iz živca] bio je koriÅ”ten u perzijskoj srednjovjekovnoj medicinskoj literaturi za sindrome boli koji su etioloÅ”ki potjecali od živaca. Liječnici poput Rhazesa (u. 925.), Halyja Abbasa (u. 982.), Avicenne (u. 1037.) i Jorjanija (u. 1137.) razmatrali su viÅ”e aspekata boli koja potječe od živaca, uključujući njezinu klasifikaciju, etiologiju, diferencirajuća obilježja, različita svojstva, farmakoloÅ”ki i ne-farmakoloÅ”ki tretman. Uvažavanje stajaliÅ”ta srednjovjekovnih znanstvenika može rasvijetliti staro povijesno izvoriÅ”te ovog pojma

    An Approach to Jaundice in Medieval Persia: Hidayat of Akhawayni 1.

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    The Report of the 7th Meeting on Medical History of Islam and Iran

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