15 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous catalytic oxidation for lignin valorization into valuable chemicals: what results? What limitations? What trends?

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    International audienceLignin, a renewable polymer derived from the lignocellulosic biomass represents more than 20% of the total mass of the Earth's biosphere. However, 98% of lignin is burned as a source of energy in the pulp and paper industry, essentially due to its complex structure. Today, the valorization of lignin into the production of value-added chemicals represents a real challenge in terms of both sustainability and environmental protection. The present contribution aims to provide a critical discussion on the crucial choice of the starting material to study lignin valorization. Next, a comparison between the different oxidation routes investigated by chemists over the past several years is presented, with emphasis on the major difficulties encountered. The main current challenges regarding the heterogeneous catalytic oxidation of lignin and its derivatives are also highlighted. Particular focus is given to innovative strategies favoring mild reaction conditions. Finally, we provide some recommendations and routes worthy of interest in this studied area of research in order to generate value-added chemicals from lignin oxidation through the use of heterogeneous catalysts

    Sonochemical oxidation of vanillyl alcohol to vanillin in the presence of a cobalt oxide catalyst under mild conditions

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    International audienceThe heterogeneous oxidation of vanillyl alcohol to vanillin was investigated on new grounds under ecofriendly conditions in the presence of hydrogen peroxide as an oxidant and water as solvent, coupled with low frequency ultrasonic irradiation. The sono-Fenton-like-assisted vanillyl alcohol oxidation was performed with a high-surface area nanostructured spinel cobalt oxide catalyst exhibiting small crystallites size. The catalytic reaction was also carried out under conventional heating conditions for comparison purposes. The influence of the reaction parameters, namely catalyst loading and hydrogen peroxide concentration was studied with the aim of determining the optimum yield and selectivity to the desired vanillin product. The chemical effects of ultrasound (ability to generate hydroxyl radicals) along with increased mass transfer appeared to be key prerequisites for enhancing the efficiency of the process, while decreasing the overall energy consumption

    Qu’est-ce que la sonochimie ?

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    International audienceLa sonochimie, basĂ©e sur l’énergie acoustique et le phĂ©nomĂšne de cavitation, met en Ɠuvre les effets physiques et chimiques des ultrasons en milieux liquides. Depuis une trentaine d’annĂ©es, les chimistes ont dĂ©montrĂ© que les ultrasons reprĂ©sentaient plus qu’un simple outil d’agitation. En fait, de nombreux travaux ont montrĂ© que la sonochimie permet d’une part l’amĂ©lioration des conditions de rĂ©actions chimiques en termes de sĂ©lectivitĂ©, rendement, quantitĂ© de catalyseur utilisĂ© ou temps de rĂ©action, mais Ă©galement d’apporter de nouvelles solutions dans le domaine de la chimie.AprĂšs quelques rappels thĂ©oriques sur les ondes sonores et le phĂ©nomĂšne de cavitation, ainsi qu’une parenthĂšse historique, cet article dĂ©taille les facteurs affectant les effets sonochimiques, l’équipement utilisĂ©, ainsi que les paramĂštres sonochimiques Ă  dĂ©terminer expĂ©rimentalement

    Ultrasound-assisted synthesis of nanostructured oxide Mmaterials: basic concepts and applications to energy

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    International audienceThis chapter is focused on the use of high intensity ultrasound for the preparation of nanostructured materials with an emphasis on recent prominent examples of the production of dense or porous metal oxides through sonochemical and ultrasonic spray pyrolysis routes. Sonochemistry enables the synthesis of oxides that are often unachievable by traditional methods or affords known materials with shape, size, and nano/microstructure control under fast reaction conditions. The fundamental principles of acoustic cavitation, as well as the main ultrasonic parameters affecting the cavitation phenomenon, are first summarized. Next, the applications of ultrasound in the synthesis of nanostructured oxide materials following both preparation methods are reviewed. Particular focus is given to the ultrasound-assisted synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles for energy applications