16 research outputs found

    Multiliteracies project approach: dated or a worthy learning tool?

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    In the midst of the popularity of massive open online learning approach and the fourth industrial revolution, it seems that multiliteracies approach is losing its significance in the educational setting of Malaysia. This paper discusses the relevance of multiliteracies project approach in the current Malaysian academic arena since its introduction in the early 21st century. This paper will begin by outlining the significance of the multiliteracies approach at the local and global educational settings. The current study is part of a larger action research project that involved four action research cycles investigating multiliteracies approach in ESL (English for the Second Language) contexts. The data for the current study were collected from the second action research cycle, involving 28 participants who were learners of ESL at Bakti Polytechnic (pseudonym). Data were collected through classroom observation, semistructured interviews and classroom documents. The data show that multiliteracies approach still provides students with evocative learning experience and promotes the acquisition of necessary skills for students to participate in the 21st century particularly technological, critical thinking and teamwork skills. Findings suggest that multiliteracies approach has the potential to be expanded to further include the properties of the current sensation of the fourth industrial revolution

    The Influence of Social Media on Palestinian Secondary Schools English Writing Skills from English Teachers’ Perspectives in Jenin Region

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    Writing skills play a crucial role in this modern world, and one must develop these skills to excel in teaching-learning processes. Therefore, writing becomes one of the most important abilities of all four language skills to communicate effectively in this global environment. Since English is commonly used throughout the world, learners need to acquire their writing skills to be effective in their respective fields. The teachers have to consider and seek to incorporate different teaching methods, especially social media, during these challenging times with the presence of COVID 19. This study aimed to find out the influence of social media on Palestinian secondary schools' English writing skills from teachers' perspectives in the Jenin region, and also the influence of (gender, academic qualification, and years of experience) variables in the influence of social media on Palestinian secondary school's English writing skills from teachers' perspectives in the Jenin region. The study sample consists of (30) Palestinian secondary schools English language teachers who will select randomly in the scholastic year (2019-2020). Thus, the researcher adopted the descriptive-analytic approach (quantitative method). The results show that a negative influence of social media on Palestinian secondary schools students' English writing skill

    Implementing Blended Learning in Bangladeshi Universities: Challenges and Opportunities from Student Perspectives

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    Blended education has been used worldwide for the last two decades as an alternative to full online education but not in Bangladesh. There was never any significant attempt to investigate people’s perception or experience of blended learning in Bangladesh. Therefore, this study tries to investigate the people’s experiences with this new method, a three-month-long blended course in English Writing Skill was offered at a private university in Bangladesh, where eighteen students registered for the course. After completing the course, an open-ended interview protocol was used to collect primary data from 11 students. This qualitative research is based on an interview with 11 samples and other comments posted on Google classroom and Facebook. The interview contained 8 open-ended questions to elicit their experiences with the blended learning method, a new method for them on the one hand, and both face-to-face and online education. We also investigated the 4  essay scores of these 11 respondents to check whether their performance improved due to peer and teacher feedback on those essays in the blog created and used for posting student essays.  The majority of respondents have a highly positive opinion about the blended method for its positive impacts such as peer interaction and peer support, teacher feedback, as is evident from their improved scores in the successive essays, and other advantages such as learning varieties, flexibility and self-paced learning and quality of education. However, they mention a number of challenges in its implementation. It seems that blended courses will effectively reduce session backlog and cost of higher education, increase student-student and student-teacher interaction and ensure flexibility and quality of higher education in comparison with face-to-face and online education. This study is important for Bangladeshi higher education institutions because it is expected to enlighten policymakers about the importance of blended education

    Online Higher Education in Bangladesh during Covid-19: Its Challenges and Prospects

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    Online higher education in Bangladesh has not gained expected popularity and a switch to it has always been seen as a challenge despite its potentials here. So, our research investigates the challenges in implementing online higher education and prospects for this for Bangladeshi universities. To do this we have explored the background and evolution of e-learning and online learning in Bangladeshi higher education and the potentials that it might offer in this area. This is a study which may also be called a systematic review. This study reviews research publications on the topic that were published during the last ten years. The research publications include fourteen newspaper articles, twenty two journal articles, four doctoral theses, four reports, three conference proceedings and nine websites. The study finds out that there are a number of problems in implementing online higher education such as, negative perception of teachers, parents and students about the online education, digital divide in the country. On the other hand, online or at least the blended education can be a good alternative to face-to-face higher education of Bangladesh that faces a number of constraints such as, crisis of seats and reputed higher education institutes, session backlog, cost of higher education in universities as well as the conducive factors such as, digitalization, digital literacy, widespread use of mobile phone and the internet. This  study recommends that blended  courses  and programs may be offered in higher  education   of Bangladesh  considering  the  prospects it  offers  to our higher education providers  

    The Nature and Extent of English Lexical Borrowings into Bangla: An Investigation into selected Modern Bengali Novels and Short Stories

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    English lexical borrowings are a common manifestation in Bangla. Modern Bengali literary texts like novels and short stories, likewise, display a wide range of English lexis. The observation of the phenomenon has motivated the present researchers to move forward with the study of five modern Bengali novels and five short stories in order to explore the borrowings in a variety of natures and extents and their consequent impact on Bangla. After a careful collection of English borrowings from the texts, the borrowings have been categorized as with Bengali equivalents, without Bengali equivalents, with close Bengali equivalents and hybridized. The findings show the depth and breadth of English lexis with about 65% English lexis with Bengali equivalents, 19% without Bengali equivalents, 13% with close Bengali equivalents and 4% hybridized observed in several domains. The phenomena show their consequent impact on Bangla. As a result, it is believed that many English loans are gradually getting integrated into Bangla. In many cases, they are additions to Bengali lexical stock, but in many other cases they are replacing Bengali equivalents. It is feared that replacement of Bengali lexis by the English counterparts may contribute to shifting of them. Thereby, this phenomenon may produce mixed impacts-lexically both enriching and impoverishing Bangla. Methodologically, the present research is based on a qualitative content analysis under a descriptive framework. Finally, the study likes to recommend finding ways to guide English borrowings, specifically for enriching and safeguarding the rich heritage of Bangla, particularly in literary texts like novels and short stories in Bangladesh

    Using a multiliteracies approach in a Malaysian polytechnic classroom: a participatory action research project

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    This participatory action research project investigated how students in a Malaysian polytechnic classroom context, who were used to examination-based learning, negotiated learning using a multiliteracies approach (The New London Group, 2000). The study explored 12 students’ experiences in learning English as a Second Language (ESL) and drew on qualitative methods including classroom observations, informal conversations, a research journal, professional discussions and classroom artefacts. With two polytechnic lecturers involved as part of the research team, the study also investigated the research team’s experiences in engaging in a collaborative research process in two cycles of planning, action, observation and reflection. This study was framed within Vygotsky’s (1978) socio-cultural theory that states that human learning and development is mediated by historical and cultural artefacts in the socialisation process. Guided by these principles, the study examined the ways that students’ socio-cultural perspectives and practices influenced their learning using the multiliteracies approach. In addition, the researcher investigated how the research team’s cultural perspectives and practices influenced the research processes and outcomes of the participatory action research. Data were analysed through a critical reflective analysis because of the emphasis on reflection in participatory action research. The study highlighted the consequences of implementing a Western based teaching approach and research methodology in a Malaysian context. During the first cycle of the study, the students faced challenges in negotiating learning for acquiring 21st century knowledge and skills, such as using technologies, oral presentation, critical thinking, peer-collaboration and active participation in designing their own learning. After considering the students’ examination-based learning experiences, the research team designed a second multiliteracies module that focussed on fusing the students’ cultural learning with the components of a multiliteracies approach. During the second cycle, the students had enhanced learning experiences, where they demonstrated better negotiations with learning the 21st century skills. The study contributes to the area of using multiliteracies approach in a Malaysian context, showing how the students’ examination-based learning and cultural practices can be incorporated with a multiliteracies approach to enhance the students’ negotiation of learning 21st century skills. It also maps out the journey of the research team members whose roles were initially influenced by their positions in the hierarchical structure that is ubiquitous in social, institutional and organizational contexts in Malaysia. As the research team became more engaged with the collaborative research process, they were empowered to challenge their roles and to become active co-researchers in analysing data and contributing to decision-making processes


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    Participatory action research advocates participation and egalitarian relationship among its participants. This study was conducted in Malaysia amongst the Malay society, where the Malay society has been labelled as having high power distance in its social structure. In a society that recognizes status differences among individuals in the society depending on their rank in the hierarchical structure, egalitarian or equal relationship among research participants could be quite problematic. This paper will outline the Malays social hierarchy and explore how members of a hierarchical society became empowered through a participatory action research. Through qualitative methods such as observation, informal conversations, journal reflections and semi-structured interviews, this study investigated the experiences of the two Malay teachers in negotiating the Western-based concepts in a participatory action research project. Due to the importance of reflection and action in a participatory action research, data was analysed through a Critical Reflective Analysis Steps (Author, 2013) which included the process of observing and noting personal reflections, confronting and thinking, and taking action. Findings suggest that through participatory action research, the participants of the research were somewhat empowered to challenge their traditional role in the hierarchical structure