40 research outputs found

    Effect of integrated approach of plant nutrients on yield and yield attributes of different crops in wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern

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    The experiment was carried out at FSRD site, Pushpopara, Pabna, during November, 2010 to December, 2011 to observe the comparative performance of integrated plant nutrients management (IPNS) system through the use of organic (cowdung, cowdung slurry) manure and inorganic fertilizer on wheat, sesame and T. Aman crops under wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern. The experiment was consisted with four treatments viz. T1: Soil test based inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T2: Cowdung @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T3: Cowdung slurry @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal and T4: Fertilizer dose usually practiced by the farmers. In case of wheat, the highest grain yield (3.80 t ha-1) was obtained from bio-slurry treated plot that means T3 treatment followed by T2 and the lowest (3.31 t ha-1) from T4. Higher seed yield (1.31 t ha-1) of sesame was obtained from T3 that was statistically identical to T2 and T1 and the lower (1.01 t ha-1) from T4. For T. Aman rice, the highest grain yield (4.89 t ha-1) was obtained from T3 which was statistically indistinguishable from T1 where as the lowest grain yield (4.1 t ha-1) was recorded from T4. Considering the whole pattern, it is observed that the highest gross return (271100 Tk ha-1) was obtained from T3 followed by T2 and the lowest (225650 Tk ha-1) from T1 treatment. Total variable cost was recorded as the highest (100368 Tk ha-1) in T2 followed by T3 and the lowest (86775 Tk ha-1) in T4 treatment. The highest marginal value of product (45450 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T3 followed by T2 where as the minimum (28710 Tk ha-1) was found in T1 over the T4 treatment. Marginal variable cost was observed as the highest (13593 Tk ha-1) in T2 treatment followed by T3 and the minimum (8899 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T1 treatment. The highest MBCR (4.15) was recorded from T3 followed by T2 and the minimum (2.31) from T2 treatment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17847 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 66-71, December, 201

    Determinants of technical efficiency of freshwater prawn farming in southwestern Bangladesh

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    This paper estimates a translog stochastic production function to examine the determinants of technical efficiency of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh. Primary data has been collected using random sampling from 90 farmers of three villages in southwestern Bangladesh. Prawn farming displayed much variability in technical efficiency ranging from 9.50 to 99.94% with mean technical efficiency of 65%, which suggested a substantial 35% of potential output can be recovered by removing inefficiency. For a land scarce country like Bangladesh this gain could help increase income and ensure better livelihood for the farmers. Based on the translog production function specification, farmers could be made scale efficient by providing more input to produce more output. The results suggest that farmers’ education and non-farm income significantly improve efficiency whilst farmers’ training, farm distance from the water canal and involvement in fish farm associations reduces efficiency. Hence, the study proposes strategies such as less involvement in farming-related associations and raising the effective training facilities of the farmers as beneficial adjustments for reducing inefficiency. Moreover, the key policy implication of the analysis is that investment in primary education would greatly improve technical efficiency


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    The experiment was carried out at FSRD site, Pushpopara, Pabna, during November, 2010 to December, 2011 to observe the comparative performance of integrated plant nutrients management (IPNS) system through the use of organic (cowdung, cowdung slurry) manure and inorganic fertilizer on wheat, sesame and T. Aman crops under wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern. The experiment was consisted with four treatments viz. T1: Soil test based inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T2: Cowdung @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T3: Cowdung slurry @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal and T4: Fertilizer dose usually practiced by the farmers. In case of wheat, the highest grain yield (3.80 t ha-1) was obtained from bio-slurry treated plot that means T3 treatment followed by T2 and the lowest (3.31 t ha-1) from T4. Higher seed yield (1.31 t ha-1) of sesame was obtained from T3 that was statistically identical to T2 and T1 and the lower (1.01 t ha-1) from T4. For T. Aman rice, the highest grain yield (4.89 t ha-1) was obtained from T3 which was statistically indistinguishable from T1 where as the lowest grain yield (4.1 t ha-1) was recorded from T4. Considering the whole pattern, it is observed that the highest gross return (271100 Tk ha-1) was obtained from T3 followed by T2 and the lowest (225650 Tk ha-1) from T1 treatment. Total variable cost was recorded as the highest (100368 Tk ha-1) in T2 followed by T3 and the lowest (86775 Tk ha-1) in T4 treatment. The highest marginal value of product (45450 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T3 followed by T2 where as the minimum (28710 Tk ha-1) was found in T1 over the T4 treatment. Marginal variable cost was observed as the highest (13593 Tk ha-1) in T2 treatment followed by T3 and the minimum (8899 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T1 treatment. The highest MBCR (4.15) was recorded from T3 followed by T2 and the minimum (2.31) from T2 treatment

    Effect of integrated approach of plant nutrients on yield and yield attributes of different crops in wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern

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    The experiment was carried out at FSRD site, Pushpopara, Pabna, during November, 2010 to December, 2011 to observe the comparative performance of integrated plant nutrients management (IPNS) system through the use of organic (cowdung, cowdung slurry) manure and inorganic fertilizer on wheat, sesame and T. Aman crops under wheat-sesame-T. Aman cropping pattern. The experiment was consisted with four treatments viz. T1: Soil test based inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T2: Cowdung @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal, T3: Cowdung slurry @ 5 t ha-1 + IPNS basis inorganic fertilizer dose for high yield goal and T4: Fertilizer dose usually practiced by the farmers. In case of wheat, the highest grain yield (3.80 t ha-1) was obtained from bio-slurry treated plot that means T3 treatment followed by T2 and the lowest (3.31 t ha-1) from T4. Higher seed yield (1.31 t ha-1) of sesame was obtained from T3 that was statistically identical to T2 and T1 and the lower (1.01 t ha-1) from T4. For T. Aman rice, the highest grain yield (4.89 t ha-1) was obtained from T3 which was statistically indistinguishable from T1 where as the lowest grain yield (4.1 t ha-1) was recorded from T4. Considering the whole pattern, it is observed that the highest gross return (271100 Tk ha-1) was obtained from T3 followed by T2 and the lowest (225650 Tk ha-1) from T1 treatment. Total variable cost was recorded as the highest (100368 Tk ha-1) in T2 followed by T3 and the lowest (86775 Tk ha-1) in T4 treatment. The highest marginal value of product (45450 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T3 followed by T2 where as the minimum (28710 Tk ha-1) was found in T1 over the T4 treatment. Marginal variable cost was observed as the highest (13593 Tk ha-1) in T2 treatment followed by T3 and the minimum (8899 Tk ha-1) was recorded in T1 treatment. The highest MBCR (4.15) was recorded from T3 followed by T2 and the minimum (2.31) from T2 treatment. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17847 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 66-71, December, 201

    An experimental approach to determine the critical depth of cut in brittle-to-ductile phase transition during end milling of soda lime glass

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    Plastic deformation is a predominant material removal mechanism in machining of ductile materials, but it is a big challenge to achieve it in cases of brittle materials. Soda-lime glass is a very useful engineering material. Due to its favorable thermal, corrosion resistance and fine chemical properties, its common applications are in the manufacture of products like mirrors, lenses, semiconductor, and optical, bio-medical and microelectronics components. Nevertheless, owing to its brittleness due to its low fracture toughness, machining of soda-lime glass is practically impossible under normal cutting conditions. Though recent investigations have shown that machining of such brittle material is possible using ductile mode machining under controlled cutting parameters and tool geometry, it remains a challenging task. This paper focuses on identification of the critical axial depth of cut under specific feed per tooth and cutting speed in high-speed end milling of soda-lime glass. A two-fluted solid end mill of 4 mm diameter was used with cutting speed ranging from 377 to 628 m/min and feed rate from 5 to 20 mm/min to investigate the phenomenon of transition from plowing to ductile and ductile to brittle machining mode. The work piece was placed at a specific angle to facilitate machining at gradual increment in depths for different feed rates and cutting speeds combinations. At the highest available cutting speed, three phases (plowing, ductile, and brittle) were observed at a specific feed rate, resulting in a critical depth of cut 51.943 μμm and chip thickness approximately 198 nm

    Ethnopharmacological Inspections of Organic Extract of Oroxylum indicum in Rat Models: A Promising Natural Gift

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    The stem bark of Oroxylum indicum (O. indicum) was aimed at testing for anti-inflammatory, antiulcerative, antihyperglycemic, and antidyslipidemic activities. Liver enzyme concentration (SGPT, SGOT) had also been assessed. After being extracted in organic solvent, 3 distinct doses, 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg b.w. (p.o.), were used. For edema formation 0.1 ml carrageenan at a dose of 1% w/v was injected into paw of left hind. It showed a fall of edemas 37.50%, 48.34%, and 55.83% while used doses were 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg b.w. (p.o.) individually. The EtOH extract of O. indicum (50%) and its fractions PET, CLF, EtOAc, and nBUT were studied against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal damage. Only PET and n-BuOH exhibited the highest percentage of protection and were 96% and 99%, respectively, persuaded by ethanol. In OGTT glibenclamide revealed reduction of glucose level to 7.55 ± 0.22 mmol/L from 10.57 ± 0.32 mmol/L after 30 minutes. Antihyperglycemic activities were assessed for 8- and 12-week duration in diabetic rats. Glibenclamide reduced glucose level from 33.50±0.31 to 7.90±0.19 mmol/L in 12 weeks. In 12 and 8 weeks, combination therapy lowered blood glucose level to a normal extent by 79% and 61% individually. In antidyslipidemic activities after 12-week treatment, it revealed simvastatin; MEOI (400 mg/kg b.w.) and combination of both reduced TC level by 44%, 28%, and 48% consequently followed by TG and LDL. In 8-week treatment, HDL levels were increased by 34%, 13%, and 36%, and in 12 weeks increased by 36%, 8%, and 38% consequently. Liver enzyme concentration after 12 weeks of treatment with glibenclamide, 400 mg/kg b.w. (p.o.) of MEOI and combination of both, exhibited the fact that concentration of SGPT showed downturn by 43.23%, 8.01%, and 54.86% and SGOT by 42.40%, 5.31%, and 44.85%. This study remarked that O. indicum has anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antidiabetic, and antidyslipidemic potentials but has no ameliorative effect on liver enzyme

    Exploring Machine Learning for Predicting Cerebral Stroke: A Study in Discovery

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    Cerebral strokes, the abrupt cessation of blood flow to the brain, lead to a cascade of events, resulting in cellular damage due to oxygen and nutrient deprivation. Contemporary lifestyle factors, including high glucose levels, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, heighten the risk of stroke. This research investigates the application of robust machine learning (ML) algorithms, including logistic regression (LR), random forest (RF), and K-nearest neighbor (KNN), to the prediction of cerebral strokes. Stroke data is collected from Harvard Dataverse Repository. The data includes—clinical, physiological, behavioral, demographic, and historical data. The Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), adaptive synthetic sampling (ADASYN), and the Random Oversampling Technique (ROSE) are used to address class imbalances to improve the accuracy of minority classes. To address the challenge of forecasting strokes from partial and imbalanced physiological data, this study introduces a novel hybrid ML approach by combining a machine learning method with an oversampling technique called ADASYN_RF. ADASYN is an oversampling technique used to resample the imbalanced dataset then RF is implemented on the resampled dataset. Also, other oversampling techniques and ML models are implemented to compare the results. Notably, the RF algorithm paired with ADASYN achieves an exceptional performance of 99% detection accuracy, exhibiting its dominance in stroke prediction. The proposed approach enables cost-effective, precise stroke prediction, providing a valuable tool for clinical diagnosis

    Exploring the burden of postpartum depression in urban Bangladesh: Prevalence and its associations with pregnancy‐related factors from a cross‐sectional study

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    Abstract Background and Aims Postpartum depression (PPD) is a globally recognized public health concern, yet research focusing on women in urban areas of Bangladesh remains unexplored. This study aimed to address this research gap by investigating the prevalence and associated factors of PPD within the first 2 years after childbirth. Methods A cross‐sectional study was conducted, enrolling 259 women (26.66 ± 4.57 years) residing in urban areas who were attending healthcare delivery centers. Sociodemographic factors, child‐related issues, pregnancy‐related complications, and PPD using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) were used for data collection. Data analysis involved the application of χ2 tests and logistic regression analysis using SPSS software. Results This study found a 60.6% prevalence of PPD using a cutoff of 10 (out of 30) on the EPDS scale. Logistic regression analysis identified several significant factors associated with PPD, including high monthly family income (odds ratio [OR] = 47.51, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 8.34–270.54, p < 0.001), income dissatisfaction (OR = 14.28, 95% CI: 4.75–42.87, p < 0.001), up to two gravidities (OR = 2.94, 95% CI = 1.25–6.90, p = 0.013), pregnancy‐related complications (OR = 2.70, 95% CI = 1.05–6.96, p = 0.039), increased antenatal care visits, and higher childbirth expenses. Conclusion This study underscores the high prevalence of PPD among urban mothers in Bangladesh. The identified risk factors emphasize the need for targeted mental health initiatives, specifically tailored to support the vulnerable group. Implementing such initiatives can effectively address the challenges posed by PPD and enhance the well‐being of postpartum women in urban areas