17 research outputs found

    Манипуляция как форма проявления насилия В семье: эмпирический подход к рассмотрению проблемы

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    The article reflects the results of an empirical understanding of the problem of the manipulative interaction of children in relation to their parents. Based on the results of using the method of theoretical analysis and appealing to the works of both foreign - E. Bern, F. Zimbardo, R. Krauta, D. Price, M. Smith, R. Cialdini, E. Shostroma, and domestic – Afanasieva V.A., Bravoslavska S.V., Dotsenko E.L., Kara-Murza S., Kozachek O.V., Orlova L.V., Chesnokova O.B., Scherban E. and many other scientists, we believe that manipulation as a behavioral manifestation of people towards each other, can be considered not only as a form of influence and pressure, but also as a manifestation of violence. Of particular relevance are issues related to the manipulative interaction of parents in relation to their children and children in relation to their parents (the work of Bern E., Zimbardo F., Kraut R., Price D., Smith M., Shostroma E., Caldini R., etc.); Afanasieva V.A., Bravoslavska S.V., Dotsenko E.L., Kozachek O.V., Kara-Murza S., Orlova L.V., Chesnokova OB, Scherban E., etc.). Based on our analysis of research in the field of interest, we formulate the assumption that children manipulators grow in those families in which parents actively use this form of influence on others. In order to confirm or refute this assumption, we have developed a monitoring program, the implementation of which suggests that our hypothesis is confirmed. It is in those families that use ineffective contacts and forms of interaction with their children (and manipulation, we refer to this category of contacts), children grow up as manipulators, actively applying this form of violent influence on their parents.El artículo refleja los resultados de una comprensión empírica del problema de la interacción manipuladora de los niños en relación con sus padres. Basado en los resultados del uso del método de análisis teórico y atractivo para los trabajos de ambos extranjeros: E. Bern, F. Zimbardo, R. Krauta, D. Price, M. Smith, R. Cialdini, E. Shostroma y domésticos. - Afanasieva VA, Bravoslavska SV, Dotsenko EL, Kara-Murza S., Kozachek OV, Orlova LV, Chesnokova OB, Scherban E. y muchos otros científicos, creemos que la manipulación como una manifestación conductual de las personas entre sí, puede considerarse no solo como una forma de influencia y presión, sino también como una manifestación de violencia. De particular relevancia son los temas relacionados con la interacción manipuladora de los padres en relación con sus hijos y los niños en relación con sus padres (el trabajo de Bern E., Zimbardo F., Kraut R., Price D., Smith M., Shostroma E ., Caldini R., etc.); Afanasieva V.A., Bravoslavska S.V., Dotsenko E.L., Kozachek O.V., Kara-Murza S., Orlova L.V., Chesnokova OB, Scherban E., etc.). Con base en nuestro análisis de investigación en el campo de interés, formulamos la suposición de que los manipuladores de niños crecen en aquellas familias en las que los padres usan activamente esta forma de influencia en los demás. Para confirmar o refutar esta suposición, hemos desarrollado un programa de monitoreo, cuya implementación sugiere que nuestra hipótesis está confirmada. Es en esas familias que usan contactos ineficaces y formas de interacción con sus hijos (y manipulación, nos referimos a esta categoría de contactos), los niños crecen como manipuladores, aplicando activamente esta forma de influencia violenta en sus padres.В статье отражены результаты эмпирического осмысления проблемы манипулятивного взаимодействия детей по отношению к своим родителям. Основываясь на результатах использования метода теоретического анализа и апеллируя к работам как зарубежных-Э. Берн, Ф. Зимбардо, Р. краута, Д. Прайс, М. Смит, Р. Чалдини, Е. Шостром, так и отечественных-Афанасьева В. А., Бравославская С. В., Доценко Е. Л., Кара-Мурза С., Козачек О. В., Орлова Л. В., Чеснокова О. Б., Щербань Е. и многие другие ученые, мы считаем, что манипуляция как поведенческое проявление людей по отношению друг к другу, может рассматриваться не только как форма влияния и давления, но и как проявление насилия. Особую актуальность приобретают вопросы, связанные с манипулятивным взаимодействием родителей по отношению к своим детям и детей по отношению к своим родителям (работы Берна Э., Зимбардо Ф., краута Р., Прайса Д., Смита М., Шострома Е., Кальдини р. и др.); Афанасьева В. А., Бравославская С. В., Доценко Е. Л., Козачек О. В., Кара-Мурза С., Орлова Л. В., Чеснокова О. Б., Щербань Е. и др.). На основе проведенного нами анализа исследований в интересующей нас области сформулировано предположение о том, что дети-манипуляторы растут в тех семьях, в которых родители активно используют эту форму воздействия на окружающих. Для того, чтобы подтвердить или опровергнуть это предположение, мы разработали программу мониторинга, реализация которого предполагает, что наша гипотеза подтверждается. Именно в тех семьях, которые используют неэффективные контакты и формы взаимодействия со своими детьми (а манипуляцию мы относим к этой категории контактов), дети растут как манипуляторы, активно применяя эту форму насильственного воздействия на своих родителей

    Synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of new cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand

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    New cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand (ppy)Pt(pmip) (1) and (dfppy)Pt(pmip) (2) (ppy = 2-phenylpyridine, dfppy = (4,6-difluorophenyl)pyridine, Hpmip = 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-isobutyryl-5- pyrazolone) were synthesized and structurally characterized. Both compounds revealed square-planar geometry. The crystal cell of 1 was found to contain the monomer molecules of platinum compound whereas dimer molecules of 2 with short Pt⋯Pt contacts of 3.2217(3) were observed in the crystal cell of 2. Photophysical properties of 1 and 2 were investigated in detail. The highly resolved photoluminesence spectra of the platinum complexes in solution contain emission bands in the region of 470-550 nm attributed to monomer compounds 1 and 2. The triplet-state energies of 1 and 2 obtained from DFT calculations agree very well with the experimental data. In the crystalline state complex 2 revealed excimer emission as a structureless broad band at ca. 584 nm related to dimer molecules of platinum compound presented in the crystals. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    The Question of Students' Preparedness for Studying in the Digital Educational Environment

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    The relevance of the problem is due to the need for developing modern students' competencies related to the ability to develop in digital educational environment as well as use the Internet and digital services effectively. Digital literacy development will enable secure communication within the digital environment in a new social format. Digital literacy is related to a person's ability to create and use content with the help of digital technologies while searching for the information and sharing it while communicating with other people. The purpose of the article is to study the level of modern students' preparedness for studying in digital educational environment. This phenomenon involves changes not only in the qualification requirements for the teaching staff, but also in the value-and-semantic sphere of the educational process subjects, their attitudes towards what is happening, the development of students' awareness and preparedness for using digital educational technologies during the process of mastering the profession. The article deals with the components of modern students' readiness to study in a digital educational environment, as well as their levels of development. As a result, it was found that there is some discrepancy between the requirements of the Higher education system in the framework of educational environment digitalization and the students' preparedness for using information resources in their most effective educational version.The methodological basis was represented by the aspects of the competence-based approach and the ideas of environmental and personal-activity approaches.The possibility to create a digital educational environment which able to make changes in the value-and-semantic sphere of the educational process subjects in a modern University as well as students' preparedness for acquiring new competencies that are in demand in the digital labor market, are revealed in the article.The research materials provide important information in the field of modern digital education, digital culture and forming personal, cognitive and communication readiness for successful socialization in the information society


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    Модернизация высшего образования определяет необходимость изменения позиции преподавателя по отношению к студентам и собственной профессиональной деятельности. Возрастает роль воспитания в вузе как одного из требований к условиям реализации основных образовательных программ высшего профессионального образования и обеспечению его качества. Специфика прочтения образовательного стандарта позволяет охарактеризовать заложенные в нем интеллектуально-информационный и ценностно-смысловой ресурс, организационно-технологическое обеспечение учебно-профессиональной деятельности, формы учебно-профессионального взаимодействия и социокультурную среду с позиций воспитания будущего специалиста. В результате изучения готовности преподавателей к воспитанию студентов в условиях модернизации высшего образования определены основные проблемы повышения психолого-педагогической и методической компетентности современного профессорско-преподавательского состава.Modernization of higher education determines the necessity to change the position of a teacher in relation to students and their own professional activities. The role of education in higher education institution as one of the requirements for the implementation of the basic educational programs of higher education and its quality ensurance is becoming more significant. The features of the educational standard interpretation allows us to characterize inherent in it intellectual and information, value-semantic resource, organizational and technological support for teaching and professional activities, forms of educational and professional interaction as well as socio-cultural environment from the perspective of education of a future specialist. As a result of studying the willingness of teachers to educate students in the conditions of higher education modernization the main problems of increasing psycho-pedagogical and methodological competence of modern teaching staff are identified

    Social and psychological characteristics of students in the context of contemporary problems of education in higher education institutions

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    В результате происходящих в обществе и системе высшего образования изменений актуализируются проблемы воспитания студентов, осваивающих социономические профессии. Особенности воспитания в современном вузе раскрываются в соотнесении с результатами изучения мотивов профессионального выбора, особенностей профессиональной направленности личности, мотивационной и ценностно-смысловой сферы будущих педагогов-психологов и социальных педагогов. Выявленные социально-психологические характеристики студентов определяют ориентацию образовательной политики вуза на коррекцию и развитие профессионально важных личностных качеств будущих специалистов, освоение ими конструктивных способов социально-профессионального взаимодействия в ходе практики, коллективной работы, позитивной социальной деятельности.As a result of changes in the society and higher education system problems of students’ education in mastering socionomic profession are becoming the issues of the day. Features of education in modern higher education institutions are disclosed in correlation with the study results of the motives of vocational choice; characteristics of professional orientation of a personality; motivation, value and concept field of future teachers, psychologists and social workers. Socio-psychological characteristics of students determine the orientation of the educational policy of higher education institution on the correction and development of professionally important personal qualities of future specialists, development of constructive ways of social and professional interaction in the course of practice, teamwork, positive social activities


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    The article considers the problem of training and development of employees of enterprises in high-risk. Presented model and technology development of psychological-pedagogical competence of engineers in-house training of teachers of the gas industry. Disclosed the nature and impacts of the experience of engineers-teachers in the experimental work on the mastery of technology differentiation and individualization of training workers in high-risk environments of the production process.В статье рассматриваются проблемы подготовки и повышения квалификации работников предприятий в условиях повышенной опасности. Представлены модель и технология развития психолого-педагогической компетентности инженеров-преподавателей внутрифирменного обучения газовой отрасли. Раскрыты характер и результаты влияния опыта участия инженеров-преподавателей в экспериментальной работе на владение технологиями дифференциации и индивидуализации обучения рабочих в условиях повышенной опасности производственного процесса

    Synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of new cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand

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    New cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand (ppy)Pt(pmip) (1) and (dfppy)Pt(pmip) (2) (ppy = 2-phenylpyridine, dfppy = (4,6-difluorophenyl)pyridine, Hpmip = 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-isobutyryl-5- pyrazolone) were synthesized and structurally characterized. Both compounds revealed square-planar geometry. The crystal cell of 1 was found to contain the monomer molecules of platinum compound whereas dimer molecules of 2 with short Pt⋯Pt contacts of 3.2217(3) were observed in the crystal cell of 2. Photophysical properties of 1 and 2 were investigated in detail. The highly resolved photoluminesence spectra of the platinum complexes in solution contain emission bands in the region of 470-550 nm attributed to monomer compounds 1 and 2. The triplet-state energies of 1 and 2 obtained from DFT calculations agree very well with the experimental data. In the crystalline state complex 2 revealed excimer emission as a structureless broad band at ca. 584 nm related to dimer molecules of platinum compound presented in the crystals. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of new cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand

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    New cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand (ppy)Pt(pmip) (1) and (dfppy)Pt(pmip) (2) (ppy = 2-phenylpyridine, dfppy = (4,6-difluorophenyl)pyridine, Hpmip = 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-isobutyryl-5- pyrazolone) were synthesized and structurally characterized. Both compounds revealed square-planar geometry. The crystal cell of 1 was found to contain the monomer molecules of platinum compound whereas dimer molecules of 2 with short Pt⋯Pt contacts of 3.2217(3) were observed in the crystal cell of 2. Photophysical properties of 1 and 2 were investigated in detail. The highly resolved photoluminesence spectra of the platinum complexes in solution contain emission bands in the region of 470-550 nm attributed to monomer compounds 1 and 2. The triplet-state energies of 1 and 2 obtained from DFT calculations agree very well with the experimental data. In the crystalline state complex 2 revealed excimer emission as a structureless broad band at ca. 584 nm related to dimer molecules of platinum compound presented in the crystals. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Synthesis, characterization and photophysical properties of new cyclometallated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand

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    New cyclometalated platinum(II) complexes with pyrazolonate ancillary ligand (ppy)Pt(pmip) (1) and (dfppy)Pt(pmip) (2) (ppy = 2-phenylpyridine, dfppy = (4,6-difluorophenyl)pyridine, Hpmip = 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-isobutyryl-5- pyrazolone) were synthesized and structurally characterized. Both compounds revealed square-planar geometry. The crystal cell of 1 was found to contain the monomer molecules of platinum compound whereas dimer molecules of 2 with short Pt⋯Pt contacts of 3.2217(3) were observed in the crystal cell of 2. Photophysical properties of 1 and 2 were investigated in detail. The highly resolved photoluminesence spectra of the platinum complexes in solution contain emission bands in the region of 470-550 nm attributed to monomer compounds 1 and 2. The triplet-state energies of 1 and 2 obtained from DFT calculations agree very well with the experimental data. In the crystalline state complex 2 revealed excimer emission as a structureless broad band at ca. 584 nm related to dimer molecules of platinum compound presented in the crystals. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    The article presents the authors’ experience with students as a part of career guidance in terms of modern university. In the context of the stated problems, the authors examine such concepts as "career guidance", "readiness to professional choice", "socio-psychological characteristics of applicants".In the article presented, the authors emphasize that targeted career guidance work allows not only to assist students in choosing a career, but also provides a man with psychological readiness to the choice of a profession, the very awareness of this choice.The diagnostic tools used are especially noteworthy, it provided with initial understanding about potential consumers of educational services.The developed socio-psychological characteristics of potential applicants has a significant role for theory and practice, it allowed to formulate the strategy and tactics of interaction with students, parents, teachers, and other potential consumers of educational services, and it also allowed to outline a strategy for career guidance in higher educational institutions.The article is of interest to specialists in the field of applied psychology and social work.В  статье   представлен   опыт работы авторов с учащимися  в рамках профориентационной работы в условиях современного вуза. В контексте заявленной проблематики, авторами рассматриваются  такие понятия, как  «профессиональная ориентация», «готовность к профессиональному выбору», «социально-психологическая характеристика абитуриентов».В представленной статье авторами  подчеркивается, что целенаправленная профориентационная работа позволяет не только оказывать помощь учащимися в выборе профессии, но и обеспечивает психологическую готовность человека к выбору профессии, саму осознанность этого выбора.Заслуживает внимания использованный диагностический инструментарий, позволивший получить первичное представление о потенциальных потребителях образовательных услуг.Значимость для теории и практики представляет разработанная   социально-психологическая  характеристика потенциальных абитуриентов,  которая позволила сформулировать стратегию и тактику взаимодействия с учащимися, родителями, учителями и другими потенциальными потребителям образовательных услуг, а  также наметить стратегию профориентационной  работы в вузе.Статья представляет интерес для специалистов в области  практической психологии и социальной работы