398 research outputs found

    Identification of mutations in the bovine KIT gene, a candidate for the Spotted locus in cattle

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    AbstractIn mammals, abnormal migration of melanoblasts from the neural crest during embryonic development may be the reason of the pielbaldism phenotype that is a mixture of pigmented and unpigmented areas in the coat. Several cattle breeds, like for example Holstein, show the piebald spotted coat colour phenotype, that, according to crossbreeding studies, is due to a recessive allele (s), member of the allele series of the Spotted (S) locus. Dominant alleles at this locus act as suppressors of the spotted pattern and produce uniformly pigmented animals while others determine the colour-sided pattern known, for example, in the Hereford breed. The bovine v-kit Hardy-Zuckerman 4 feline sarcoma viral oncogene (KIT) gene was localized in the region of chromosome 6 where the Spotted locus was mapped. KIT plays a major role during the embryonic development in directing the migration of the melanoblasts from the neural crest. Mutations in this gene cause different coat colour patterns in mouse and human. In pigs..

    Prediction of milk protein concentration from elements of the metabolizable protein system

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    Elements of the metabolizable protein system in the United Kingdom were examined for their suitability as potential predictors of milk protein concentration. Models were based on data from 163 cows offered five forage mixtures for ad libitum intake plus concentrates at 3, 6, or 9 kg/d of dry matter. The models were then tested on a separate data set of 100 cows offered seven forage mixtures for ad libitum intake plus concentrates at 6 kg/d of dry matter. To minimize problems with collinearity, variables were arranged hierarchically; successive elements were components of variables at higher element levels. Variables from different element levels were not used in the same models. Models were constructed using ridge regression to minimize problems with collinearity. The fit and precision of prediction were generally poor because these models did not take into account animal variables. Models using undegradable dietary protein performed slightly better than did those using digestible undegraded protein. The use of slowly degradable protein and quickly degradable protein rather than rumen-degradable protein generally resulted in improvements in prediction. Models using neutral detergent fiber and quickly fermented carbohydrate were better than those using total carbohydrate. We concluded that there was little to be gained from using the elements of the metabolizable protein system considered here for the prediction of milk protein concentration

    Monitoring temporal change in riparian vegetation of Great Basin National Park

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    Disturbance in riparian areas of semiarid ecosystems involves complex interactions of pulsed hydrologic flows, herbivory, fire, climatic effects, and anthropogenic influences. We resampled riparian vegetation within ten 10-m × 100-m plots that were initially sampled in 1992 in 4 watersheds of the Snake Range, east central Nevada. Our finding of significantly lower coverage of grasses, forbs, and shrubs within plots in 2001 compared with 1992 was not consistent with the management decision to remove livestock grazing from the watersheds in 1999. Change over time in cover of life-forms or bare ground was not predicted by scat counts within plots in 2001. Cover results were also not well explained by variability between the 2 sampling periods in either density of native herbivores or annual precipitation. In contrast, Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) exhibited reduced abundance at all but the highest-elevation plot in which it occurred in 1992, and the magnitude of change in abundance was strongly predicted by plot elevation. Abundance of white fir (Abies concolor) individuals increased while aspen (Populus tremuloides) individuals decreased at 4 of 5 sites where they were sympatric, and changes in abundance in the 2 species were negatively correlated across those sites. Utility of monitoring data to detect change over time and contribute to adaptive management will vary with sample size, observer bias, use of repeatable or published methods, and precision of measurements, among other factors

    Characterization of the Prion Protein (PRP) Gene in Ten Breeds of Sheep

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    Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE\u27s) are neurodegenerative disorders characterized by a long generation time, spongy degeneration in the cerebral gray matter, neuronal loss and proliferation and hypertrophy of glial cells. An abnormal form of the prion protein (PrP) plays a major part in TSE pathogenesis and has been hypothesized to be the only component of the infectious agent. Some animals exposed to scrapie, the TSE affecting sheep and goats, seem to be resistant to development of the disease. Alleles encoding amino acid substitutions at codons 136 (A/V) and 171 (Q/R/H) have been associated with scrapie resistance. Other amino acid substitutions at codons 112 (M/T), 137 (M/T), 141 (L/F), 154 (R/H), and 211 (R/Q) have been reported but not associated with scrapie resistance. It may be possible to reduce the incidence of ovine scrapie by increasing the frequency of resistant genotypes (AA-136, RR-171, or QR-171). Thus, an important consideration is the frequency of these genotypes in different breeds of sheep. In this study, the genetic sequence for codons 104-175 was determined for at least ten animals of ten sheep breeds (n=207). Genotypes at codons 112, 136, 154, and 171 were determined. For codon 136, the frequency of the susceptible allele (V) was less than 0.20 in all breeds. In contrast, the frequency of the susceptible allele (Q) at codon 171 ranged from 0.27 (St. Croix) to 0.96 (Hampshire). In addition, a previously unreported substitution was found at codon 143 (H/R), with frequencies as high as 0.40

    The effect of dietary crude protein as protected soybean mean on mammary metabolism in the lactating dairy cow

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    Metabolism in the mammary gland was related to changes in milk output in response to changes in dietary protein intake. Three diets of grass silage and concentrate were fed to four lactating dairy cows equipped with intravascular catheters across the mammary gland. Concentrates differed in the inclusion of protected soybean meal and provided 11.3, 15.4, and 20.1% CP, respectively. Blood samples were taken to assess the effect of protein percentage on the nutrient fluxes across the gland and their relationship to milk production. Milk production, milk protein yield, and milk protein concentration were all increased as CP intake increased, although these responses were not linear. Concentrations of urea in milk reflected those in plasma and increased as dietary protein intake increased. Uptake of glucose and BHBA by the mammary gland tended to increase as milk production increased. Arterial supply of essential AA increased as the dietary protein increased. Supply and uptake of nonessential AA were unchanged by dietary treatment, and uptake was insufficient to account for output of nonessential AA residues in milk protein. The supply of essential AA was not limiting for milk protein synthesis, and some alternative mechanism must have existed for the control of milk protein yield

    Transcriptome profiling of the small intestinal epithelium in germfree versus conventional piglets

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To gain insight into host-microbe interactions in a piglet model, a functional genomics approach was used to address the working hypothesis that transcriptionally regulated genes associated with promoting epithelial barrier function are activated as a defensive response to the intestinal microbiota. Cesarean-derived germfree (GF) newborn piglets were colonized with adult swine feces, and villus and crypt epithelial cell transcriptomes from colonized and GF neonatal piglets were compared using laser-capture microdissection and high-density porcine oligonucleotide microarray technology.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Consistent with our hypothesis, resident microbiota induced the expression of genes contributing to intestinal epithelial cell turnover, mucus biosynthesis, and priming of the immune system. Furthermore, differential expression of genes associated with antigen presentation (pan SLA class I, <it>B2M</it>, <it>TAP1 </it>and <it>TAPBP</it>) demonstrated that microbiota induced immune responses using a distinct regulatory mechanism common for these genes. Specifically, gene network analysis revealed that microbial colonization activated both type I (IFNAR) and type II (IFNGR) interferon receptor mediated signaling cascades leading to enhanced expression of signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1), STAT2 and IFN regulatory factor 7 (IRF7) transcription factors and the induction of IFN-inducible genes as a reflection of intestinal epithelial inflammation. In addition, activated RNA expression of NF-kappa-B inhibitor alpha (<it>NFκBIA</it>; a.k.a I-kappa-B-alpha, IKBα) and toll interacting protein (<it>TOLLIP</it>), both inhibitors of inflammation, along with downregulated expression of the immunoregulatory transcription factor GATA binding protein-1 (<it>GATA1</it>) is consistent with the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study supports the concept that the intestinal epithelium has evolved to maintain a physiological state of inflammation with respect to continuous microbial exposure, which serves to sustain a tight intestinal barrier while preventing overt inflammatory responses that would compromise barrier function.</p