10 research outputs found

    Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 4 : Metal powder analysis

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    CITATION: Du Plessis, A., et al. 2018. Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 4 : Metal powder analysis, MethodsX, 5:1336-1345, doi:10.1016/j.mex.2018.10.021.The original publication is available at https://www.sciencedirect.comENGLISH ABSTRACT: X-ray micro computed tomography (microCT) can be applied to analyse powder feedstock used in additive manufacturing. In this paper, we demonstrate a dedicated workflow for this analysis method, specifically for Ti6Al4V powder typically used in commercial powder bed fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing (AM) systems. The methodology presented includes sample size requirements, scan conditions and settings, reconstruction and image analysis procedures. We envisage this method will support standardization in powder analysis in the additive manufacturing community. This is aimed at ultimately improving the quality of additively manufactured parts, through the identification of impurities and defects in powders.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221501611830178XPublisher's versio

    Standing surface acoustic waves in LiNbO3LiNbO_{3} studied by time resolved X-ray diffraction at Petra III

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    We have carried out time resolved stroboscopic diffraction experiments on standing surface acoustic waves (SAWs) of Rayleigh type on a LiNbO3 substrate. A novel timing system has been developed and commissioned at the storage ring Petra III of Desy, allowing for phase locked stroboscopic diffraction experiments applicable to a broad range of timescales and experimental conditions. The combination of atomic structural resolution with temporal resolution on the picosecond time scale allows for the observation of the atomistic displacements for each time (or phase) point within the SAW period. A seamless transition between dynamical and kinematic scattering regimes as a function of the instantaneous surface amplitude induced by the standing SAW is observed. The interpretation and control of the experiment, in particular disentangling the diffraction effects (kinematic to dynamical diffraction regime) from possible non-linear surface effects is unambiguously enabled by the precise control of phase between the standing SAW and the synchrotron bunches. The example illustrates the great flexibility and universality of the presented timing system, opening up new opportunities for a broad range of time resolved experiments

    Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 1: Porosity analysis

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    MicroCT is a well-established technique that is used to analyze the interior of objects non-destructively, and it is especially useful for void or porosity analysis. Besides its widespread use, few standards exist and none for additive manufacturing as yet. This is due to the inherent differences in part design, sizes and geometries, which results in different scan resolutions and qualities. This makes direct comparison between different scans of additively manufactured parts almost impossible. In addition, different image analysis methodologies can produce different results. In this method paper, we present a simplified 10 mm cube-shaped coupon sample as a standard size for detailed analysis of porosity using microCT, and a simplified workflow for obtaining porosity information. The aim is to be able to obtain directly comparable porosity information from different samples from the same AM system and even from different AM systems, and to potentially correlate detailed morphologies of the pores or voids with improper process parameters. The method is applied to two examples of different characteristic types of voids in AM: sub-surface lack of fusion due to improper contour scanning, and tree-like pores growing in the build direction. This standardized method demonstrates the capability for microCT to not only quantify porosity, but also identify void types which can be used to improve AM process optimization. Keywords: Additive manufacturing, MicroCT, X-ray, Tomography, Non-destructive testing, Standardization, Porosit

    Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 2: Density measurement

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    MicroCT is best known for its ability to detect and quantify porosity or defects, and to visualize its 3D distribution. However, it is also possible to obtain accurate volumetric measurements from parts – this can be used in combination with the part mass to provide a good measure of its average density. The advantage of this density-measurement method is the ability to combine the density measurement with visualization and other microCT analyses of the same sample. These other analyses may include detailed porosity or void analysis (size and distribution) and roughness assessment, obtainable with the same scan data. Simple imaging of the interior of the sample allows the detection of unconsolidated powder, open porosity to the surface or the presence of inclusions. The CT density method presented here makes use of a 10 mm cube sample and a simple data analysis workflow, facilitating standardization of the method. A laboratory microCT scanner is required at 15 μm voxel size, suitable software to allow sub-voxel precise edge determination of the scanned sample and hence an accurate total volume measurement, and a scale with accuracy to 3 digits. • MicroCT-based mean density measurement method. • Accurate volume measurement and scale mass. • 10 mm cube sample allows standardization and automation of workflow. Method name: Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 2: density measurement, Keywords: Additive manufacturing, MicroCT, X-rayTomography, Non-destructive testing, Standardization, Densit

    Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 3 : surface roughness

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    CITATION: Du Plessis, A., et al. 2018. Standard method for microCT-based additive manufacturing quality control 3 : surface roughness. MethodsX, 5:1111-1116, doi:10.1016/j.mex.2018.09.004.The original publication is available at https://www.sciencedirect.comENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of microCT of 10 mm coupon samples produced by AM has the potential to provide useful information of mean density and detailed porosity information of the interior of the samples. In addition, the same scan data can be used to provide surface roughness analysis of the as-built surfaces of the same coupon samples. This can be used to compare process parameters or new materials. While surface roughness is traditionally done using tactile probes or with non-contact interferometric techniques, the complex surfaces in AM are sometimes difficult to access and may be very rough, with undercuts and may be difficult to accurately measure using traditional techniques which are meant for smoother surfaces. This standard workflow demonstrates on a coupon sample how to acquire surface roughness results, and compares the results from roughly the same area of the same sample with tactile probe results. The same principle can be applied to more complex parts, keeping in mind the resolution limit vs sample size of microCT.https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2215016118301468Publisher's versio

    Collective Lipid Bilayer Dynamics Excited by Surface Acoustic Waves

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    We use standing surface acoustic waves to induce coherent phonons in model lipid multilayers deposited on a piezoelectric surface. Probing the structure by phase-controlled stroboscopic x-ray pulses we find that the internal lipid bilayer electron density profile oscillates in response to the externally driven motion of the lipid film. The structural response to the well-controlled motion is a strong indication that bilayer structure and membrane fluctuations are intrinsically coupled, even though these structural changes are averaged out in equilibrium and time integrating measurements. Here the effects are revealed by a timing scheme with temporal resolution on the picosecond scale in combination with the sub-nm spatial resolution, enabled by high brilliance synchrotron x-ray reflectivity

    Laboratory X-ray tomography for metal additive manufacturing: Round robin test

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    This paper reports on the results of a round robin test conducted by ten X-ray micro computed tomography (micro-CT) laboratories with the same three selected titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) test parts. These parts were a 10-mm cube, a 60-mm long and 40-mm high complex-shaped bracket, and a 15-mm diameter rod. Previously developed protocols for micro-CT analysis of these parts were provided to all participants, including suggested scanning parameters and image analysis steps. No further information on the samples were provided, and they were selected from a variety of parts from a previous different type of round robin study where various L-PBF laboratories provided identical parts for micro-CT analysis at one laboratory. In this new micro-CT round robin test which involves various micro-CT laboratories, parts from the previous work were selected such that each part had a different characteristic flaw type, and all laboratories involved in the study analyzed the same set of parts. The 10-mm cube contained subsurface pores just under its top surface (relative to build direction), and all participants could positively identify this. The complex bracket had contour pores around its outer vertical sides, and was warped with two arms deflected towards one another. Both of these features were positively identified by all participants. The 15-mm diameter rod had a layered stop/start flaw, which was also positively identified by all participants. Differences were found among participants for quantitative evaluations, ranging from no quantitative measurement made, to under and overestimation of the values in all analyses attempted. This round robin provides the opportunity to highlight typical causes of errors in micro-CT scanning and image analysis as applied to additively manufactured parts. Some workflow variations, sources of error and ways to increase the reproducibility of such analysis workflows are discussed. The ultimate aim of this work is to advance the efficient use of micro-CT facilities for process optimization and quality inspections for additively manufactured products. The results provide confidence in the use of laboratory micro-CT but also indicate the need for further development of standards, protocols and image analysis workflows for quantitative assessment, especially for direct and quantitative comparisons between different laboratories.status: Published onlin

    Laboratory X-ray tomography for metal additive manufacturing: Round robin test

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    This paper reports on the results of a round robin test conducted by ten X-ray micro computed tomography (micro-CT) laboratories with the same three selected titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) test parts. These parts were a 10-mm cube, a 60-mm long and 40-mm high complex-shaped bracket, and a 15-mm diameter rod. Previously developed protocols for micro-CT analysis of these parts were provided to all participants, including suggested scanning parameters and image analysis steps. No further information on the samples were provided, and they were selected from a variety of parts from a previous different type of round robin study where various L-PBF laboratories provided identical parts for micro-CT analysis at one laboratory. In this new micro-CT round robin test which involves various micro-CT laboratories, parts from the previous work were selected such that each part had a different characteristic flaw type, and all laboratories involved in the study analyzed the same set of parts. The 10-mm cube contained subsurface pores just under its top surface (relative to build direction), and all participants could positively identify this. The complex bracket had contour pores around its outer vertical sides, and was warped with two arms deflected towards one another. Both of these features were positively identified by all participants. The 15-mm diameter rod had a layered stop/start flaw, which was also positively identified by all participants. Differences were found among participants for quantitative evaluations, ranging from no quantitative measurement made, to under and overestimation of the values in all analyses attempted. This round robin provides the opportunity to highlight typical causes of errors in micro-CT scanning and image analysis as applied to additively manufactured parts. Some workflow variations, sources of error and ways to increase the reproducibility of such analysis workflows are discussed. The ultimate aim of this work is to advance the efficient use of micro-CT facilities for process optimization and quality inspections for additively manufactured products. The results provide confidence in the use of laboratory micro-CT but also indicate the need for further development of standards, protocols and image analysis workflows for quantitative assessment, especially for direct and quantitative comparisons between different laboratories