70 research outputs found

    The paradox in international cooperation: Institutionally embedded universities in a global environment

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    As a response to processes of globalisation and regional integration, internationalisation activities in universities have changed. Flows have become more massive, the range of activities has broadened, and internationalisation has shifted from a marginal activity to a central institutional issue with strategic importance (van der Wende 2001, European Journal of Education 36(4), 431-441). These shifts can also be observed in international cooperation among universities. One of the manifestations of this shift is the increase and change of inter-organisational arrangements in higher education. One type of such arrangements - higher education consortia - are analysed in detail in the study. This analysis takes inter-organisational diversity as a starting point (Parkhe 1991, Journal of International Business Studies 22(4), 579-601). The basic thesis is that partners need to be similar, yet different, or in other words, there needs to be sufficient complementarity as well as sufficient compatibility among the participating universities. The article also explores the ways in which the management of consortia can improve the levels of complementarity and compatibility and thus the success of such consortia. © 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V

    Prevenção da formação de hidratos em gasodutos submarinos

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    Ao longo do processo de transporte do gás natural em gasodutos submarinos até as Unidades de Processamento, a indústria petrolífera pode enfrentar diversos problemas, dentre eles, a formação de hidratos. O ambiente submarino possui condições propicias de pressão (alta) e temperatura (baixa) para que estas estruturas sólidas se formem. Os hidratos são problemas críticos para a garantia de escoamento, pois podem causar entupimento das tubulações, prisão e problemas de acionamento em equipamentos, podem comprometer a produtividade das operações, aumentar custos de produção e consumo de energia, além de gerar danos aos equipamentos e as estruturas, comprometendo a segurança das atividades e em casos mais extremos, causando a paralisação completa da produção. Por isso, faz-se necessário adotar medidas de controle, planejamento e monitoramento das condições termodinâmicas as quais o gás natural está sendo transportado. Neste trabalho são simuladas as condições próximas das reais enfrentadas durante o transporte do gás natural produzido na Unidade de Produção de Petróleo e Gás Natural FPSO Cidade de Vitória até a Unidade de Tratamento de Gás de Cacimbas. Para verificar as propriedades de fluxo do sistema, a temperatura e a pressão de formação dos hidratos, e dimensionar de forma otimizada o uso de métodos químicos (inibidores) e métodos térmicos (aquecedores) de prevenção será utilizado o software HYSYS. Os resultados obtidos comprovam a eficiência do inibidor termodinâmico metanol na prevenção da formação do hidrato e as vazões necessárias para realizar este controle. Além disso, indica-se a quantidade de energia necessária para que um aquecedor elétrico forneça calor suficiente à tubulação para prevenir a formação de hidratos, mostrando que este método térmico pode substituir a injeção do metanol, porém é necessário avaliar o requisito energético, que pode ser elevado. Palavras-chave: transporte de gás natural; escoamento transiente; hidrato; inibidores de hidrato

    internationalization strategies and policies in second tier higher education institutions

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    This study addresses the major objectives and challenges in the internationalization processes of second-tier higher education institutions. We use the examples of universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands, academic colleges in Israel, and community colleges in Canada to offer a global perspective regarding the internationalization efforts in these types of institutions. Through comprehensive comparative analysis of secondary sources, we identify the trends taking place within these types of higher education institutions in these countries. We find that second-tier institutions tend not to have solidified for themselves tailored internationalization approaches and strategies that are uniquely fitting to their own missions, aims and student populations. This oversight creates a situation whereby such institutions, despite their culturally diverse student populations and the promise they hold to create a unique niche within internationalization discourse, fail to utilize the potential inherent in targeted internationalization strategies


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    The system of post-secondary education in Austria includes four types of institutions, and is divided into two sectors. The university sector includes eighteen universities, of which twelve are regular universities and six are universities of the arts. The non-university sector includes specialised programmes for applied studies: the Fachhochschulstudien, established in 1994-1995. Furthermore, there are the Akademien in the field of social work, teacher training, paramedical professions and religious education. In Austrian terms however, these Akademien are not part of the higher education system (Pechar, 1998)