14 research outputs found

    Evolving the Technical Infrastructure of the Planetary Data System for the 21st Century

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    The Planetary Data System (PDS) was established in 1989 as a distributed system to assure scientific oversight. Initially the PDS followed guidelines recommended by the National Academies Committee on Data Management and Computation (CODMAC, 1982) and placed emphasis on archiving validated datasets. But overtime user demands, supported by increased computing capabilities and communication methods, have placed increasing demands on the PDS. The PDS must add additional services to better enable scientific analysis within distributed environments and to ensure that those services integrate with existing systems and data. To face these challenges the Planetary Data System (PDS) must modernize its architecture and technical implementation. The PDS 2010 project addresses these challenges. As part of this project, the PDS has three fundamental project goals that include: (1) Providing more efficient client delivery of data by data providers to the PDS (2) Enabling a stable, long-term usable planetary science data archive (3) Enabling services for the data consumer to find, access and use the data they require in contemporary data formats. In order to achieve these goals, the PDS 2010 project is upgrading both the technical infrastructure and the data standards to support increased efficiency in data delivery as well as usability of the PDS. Efforts are underway to interface with missions as early as possible and to streamline the preparation and delivery of data to the PDS. Likewise, the PDS is working to define and plan for data services that will help researchers to perform analysis in cost-constrained environments. This presentation will cover the PDS 2010 project including the goals, data standards and technical implementation plans that are underway within the Planetary Data System. It will discuss the plans for moving from the current system, version PDS 3, to version PDS 4

    Interaction of eddies and mean zonal flow on Jupiter as inferred from Voyager 1 and 2 images

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    Voyager 1 and 2 narrow-angle frames were used to obtain displacements of features at resolutions of 130 km over time intervals of 1 Jovian rotation. The zonal velocity ū was constant to 1.5% during the 4 months between the Voyager 1 and 2 encounters. The latitudes of the zonal jet maxima (extrema of ū) are the same as inferred from earth-based observations extending over the past 80 years. The curvature of the velocity profile d²ū/dy² varies with latitudinal coordinate y in the range from −3β to +2β, where β is the planetary vorticity gradient. The barotropic stability criterion is violated at about 10 latitudes between ±60°. The eddy momentum flux variation with latitude (u'ν')(overbar) is positively correlated with dū/dy for both Voyager 1 and 2 data. The rate of conversion {K'K(overbar)} of eddy kinetic energy into zonal mean kinetic energy is in the range 1.5–3.0 Wm^(−2), for a layer 2.5 bar deep. The time constant for resupply of zonal mean kinetic energy by eddies is in the range 2–4 months, less than the interval between Voyager encounters. The rate of energy conversion is more than 10% of the total infrared heat flux for Jupiter, in contrast with earth where it is only 0.1% of the infrared heat flux. This hundred-fold difference suggests that the thermomechanical energy cycles are very different on the two planets

    Flow fields within Jupiter's great red spot and white oval BC

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    Using sequences of Voyager 1 high-resolution images of Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) and White Oval BC we map the flow fields within the GRS and Oval BC. We compute relative vorticity within these features as a function of semi-major axis length and position angle in a coordinate system consisting of concentric ellipses of equal eccentricity. Both the velocity and the relative vorticity profiles are nearly identical for Oval BC and the outer portion of the GRS. Wind speeds of 110–120 m/s are observed near the outer edges of both features. Along their minor axes relative vorticity profiles reach a maximum of ∼6 × 10^(−5) s^(−1). This is several times greater than the ambient 1.5 × 10^(−5) s^(−1) meridional shear of zonal winds at the latitudes of the GRS and Oval BC. Maximum Rossby numbers of 0.36 are computed for flows within both the GRS and the Oval BC. Generally, the Rossby numbers within these features are much lower, indicating strongly geostrophic constraints on the flow. The difference in streamline curvature within the GRS and the Oval BC is found to compensate for the difference in planetary vorticity at the respective latitudes of the features. Motions within the central region of the GRS are much slower and more random than around the spot’s outer portion

    Uranus atmospheric dynamics and circulation

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    Uranus, with its 98° obliquity, apparently negligible internal heat source and methane-enriched, hydrogen-helium atmosphere, is a unique study in planetary meteorology. Although Voyager imaging measurements of cloud-tracked winds were disappointingly sparse, owing to the planet's low visual contrast and small number of discrete features, the available data indicate atmospheric rotation at mid latitudes nearly 200 m s^(-1) faster than that of the planetary magnetic field (presumably tied to the deep interior). Analysis of the dynamical deformation of the shape and size of isobaric surfaces measured by the Voyager radio-occultation experiment suggests a subrotating equator at comparable altitudes. Infrared temperature retrievals above the cloud deck indicate a smaller equator-to-pole contrast than expected for purely radiative-convective equilibrium, but show local variations implying a latitudinally correlated decrease with altitude in the cloud-tracked wind. While the speed of the differential motions is comparable to that on Jupiter and Saturn, the inferred shape of the zonal wind profile bears a surprising resemblance to the terrestrial circulation. If the observed flow is confined to the cloud layers, it implies an equator-to-pole temperature contrast that is not only much larger than that induced by direct solar heating but also of the opposite sign. Parametric models of the adjustment of the thermal structure by horizontal eddy fluxes successfully predict a reduced latitudinal contrast at infrared sounding levels, as compared with the radiative equilibrium value, but fail to reproduce the observed local variations in temperature and cloud-top winds. Despite the current uncertainties, the planet's unique external forcing and at least superficially simple flow structure (compared with the other Jovian planets) make the Uranian meteorology an important target for further observational and theoretical investigation

    Analysis of Jupiter's Oval BA: A Streamlined Approach

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    We present a novel method of constructing streamlines to derive wind speeds within jovian vortices and demonstrate its application to Oval BA for 2001 pre-reddened Cassini flyby data, 2007 post-reddened New Horizons flyby data, and 1998 Galileo data of precursor Oval DE. Our method, while automated, attempts to combine the advantages of both automated and manual cloud tracking methods. The southern maximum wind speed of Oval BA does not show significant changes between these data sets to within our measurement uncertainty. The northern maximum dries appear to have increased in strength during this time interval, tvhich likely correlates with the oval's return to a symmetric shape. We demonstrate how the use of closed streamlines can provide measurements of vorticity averaged over the encircled area with no a priori assumptions concerning oval shape. We find increased averaged interior vorticity between pre- and post-reddened Oval BA, with the precursor Oval DE occupying a middle value of vorticity between these two

    Historical and Contemporary Trends in the Size, Drift, and Color of Jupiter's Great Red Spot

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    Observations of Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) span more than 150 years. This allows for careful measurements of its size and drift rate. High spatial resolution spacecraft data also allow tracking of its spectral characteristics and internal dynamics and structure. The GRS continues to shrink in longitudinal length at an approximately linear rate of 0 deg .194 yr(exp 1) and in latitudinal width at 0 deg .048 yr (exp 1). Its westward drift rate (relative to System III W. longitude) has increased from approx. 0 deg .26/day in the 1980s to approx. 0 deg .36/day currently. Since 2014, the GRS's short wavelength (less than 650 nm) reflectance has continued to decrease, while it has become brighter at 890 nm, indicating a change in clouds/haze at high altitudes. In addition, its northsouth color asymmetry has decreased, and the dark core has become smaller. Internal velocities have increased on its east and west edges, and decreased on the north and south, resulting in decreased relative vorticity and circulation. The GRS's color changes from 2014 to 2017 may be explained by changes in stretching vorticity or divergence acting to balance the decrease in relative vorticity